As games, particularly virtual worlds, become increasingly popular and as they begin to
approximate large scale social systems in size and nature, they have also become spaces
where play and learning have merged in fundamental ways. More important is the idea that
the kind of learning that happens in the spaces of these massively multiplayer online games
is fundamentally different than what we have come to consider as standard pedagogical
practice. The distinction the authors make is that traditional paradigms of instruction have
addressed learning as "learning about," while these new forms of learning deal with knowledge through the dynamic of "learning to be." It is the authors' contention that the experiences offered within virtual worlds provide a fundamentally different way of thinking about
University of Melbourne primary education expert Jan Deans said schools were drawn to learning through play as a reaction to a crowded curriculum and the focus on national testing (NAPLAN).
I have witnessed a direct influence if national testing on our school curriculum. The constant pressure to lift results in the areas of maths and literacy is forcing some schools to create streamed maths groups. We have set up streamed maths groups in grades 2 - 6 and literacy groups from 3-6. The philosophy behind this is to target the specific needs of each group rather than trusting the teacher to create an effective differentiated learning environment. The direct impact of such a set up is that the timetable becomes even more rigid. Students on the margins of learning levels miss out on the positive learning experiences of their peers. The nature of the Maths and literacy "hour" means that its very difficult to develop long term, deep and ongoing learning situations for students.
four to eleven periods each week taking classes in art, music, cooking, carpentry, metalwork, and textiles. These classes provide natural venues for learning math and science, nurture critical cooperative skills, and implicitly cultivate respect for people who make their living working with their hands.
This is a great article outlining the success of the Finnish education system. They don't standardise test, they don't track or target teach, they have smaller class sizes, train, educate and pay their teachers better. Dah!! That's why they top the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results. What's happening in Australia???