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thinkahol *

Report: Military coup possible in Greece - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review - 0 views

    The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency warned in a report that the tough austerity measures and the dire situation could escalate and even lead to a military coup, according to a report by Germany's popular daily Bild.
Giorgio Bertini

How the Euro Became Europe's Greatest Threat « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    The euro is becoming an ever greater threat to Europe's common future. The currency union chains together economies that are simply incompatible. Politicians approve one bailout package after the other and, in doing so, have set down a dangerous path that could burden Europeans for generations to come and set the EU back by decades.
Giorgio Bertini

Whatever happened to stability analysis? « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    Maintaining ignorance about the limitations of stability theory comes in handy when perpetuating the mythology of market theory. As Mundell once remarked, stability analysis is the most successful failure of general economic theory. It is also the best example of how an academic community pushes the most serious problems of mainstream theory under the rug and gets away with it. Students should learn to look under the rug. The ability to improve our understanding of economic processes depends on efforts to uncover the failures of mainstream theoretical constructs.
thinkahol *

YouTube - The Truth About the Economy - 0 views

    Robert Reich connects the dots on the economy, in less than 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Who knew he could draw!?!
thinkahol *

Republican Budget Extremist and Cruel - 0 views

    Sen. Sanders calls out GOP and Dems on corporate tax rates, breaks for wealthiest.
thinkahol *

Rule by Rentiers - - 0 views

    What lies behind this trans-Atlantic policy paralysis? I'm increasingly convinced that it's a response to interest-group pressure. Consciously or not, policy makers are catering almost exclusively to the interests of rentiers - those who derive lots of income from assets, who lent large sums of money in the past, often unwisely, but are now being protected from loss at everyone else's expense.
thinkahol *

A Road Map to Economic Armageddon - Book Review - Truthdig - 0 views

    By John B. Taylor This review is from a syndication service of The Washington Post. In "Reckless Endangerment," Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner argue that cozy connections between government and the financial industry were the primary cause of the financial crisis. While many economists-including this reviewer-have argued that government actions caused the crisis, Morgenson and Rosner use their investigative skills to dig down and explain why those actions were taken. The book focuses on two government agencies, Fannie Mae and the Federal Reserve. The mutual support system is better explained and documented in the case of Fannie, the government-sponsored enterprise that supported the home mortgage market by buying mortgages and packaging them into marketable securities, which it then guaranteed and sold to investors.
thinkahol *

Is This the Way the World Ends? | Truthout - 0 views

    The world is not, however, out of the woods if you read Peter Nolan's superb book, "Crossroads: The End of Wild Capitalism and the Future of Humanity." Nolan's thesis is that unrestrained capitalism, its extremes and its contradictions, have put China, the United States and the world of Islam on a collision course that gives the world "the choice of no choice." Either these three models of culture and capitalism will find constructive engagement, or the world as we know it is in extreme peril - either from economic instability and social reaction, military conflict, or environmental destruction, or all of the above.
thinkahol *

RSA - 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism - 0 views

    Development economics expert Ha-Joon Chang visits the RSA to dispel the myths and prejudices that have come to dominate our understanding of how the world works.
thinkahol *

Ongoing Crisis and Liberal Blindness | Truthout - 0 views

    The double dip of this crisis is upon us. The latest data agree: the housing market has been in full double-dip mode for five months as home prices keep declining. The foreclosure disaster keeps increasing the combination of homeless families and empty homes. Think capitalist efficiency. Unemployment rose back above 9 % again. The average length of unemployment is now 39.7 weeks, the longest since these records began in 1948. Investments by businesses are decelerating and governments keep dropping workers. 
thinkahol *

The Mistake of 2010 - - 0 views

    Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published a blog post about the "mistake of 1937," the premature fiscal and monetary pullback that aborted an ongoing economic recovery and prolonged the Great Depression. As Gauti Eggertsson, the post's author (with whom I have done research) points out, economic conditions today - with output growing, some prices rising, but unemployment still very high - bear a strong resemblance to those in 1936-37. So are modern policy makers going to make the same mistake?
Giorgio Bertini

A Country Without Libraries « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    All across the United States, large and small cities are closing public libraries or curtailing their hours of operations. Detroit, I read a few days ago, may close all of its branches and Denver half of its own: decisions that will undoubtedly put hundreds of its employees out of work. When you count the families all over this country who don't have computers or can't afford Internet connections and rely on the ones in libraries to look for jobs, the consequences will be even more dire. People everywhere are unhappy about these closings, and so are mayors making the hard decisions. But with roads and streets left in disrepair, teachers, policemen and firemen being laid off, and politicians in both parties pledging never to raise taxes, no matter what happens to our quality of life, the outlook is bleak. "The greatest nation on earth," as we still call ourselves, no longer has the political will to arrest its visible and precipitous decline and save the institutions on which the workings of our democracy depend.
    This is a new blog.
thinkahol *

Worst ever carbon emissions leave climate on the brink | Environment | The Guardian - 0 views

    Greenhouse gas emissions increased by a record amount last year, to the highest carbon output in history, putting hopes of holding global warming to safe levels all but out of reach, according to unpublished estimates from the International Energy Agency.
thinkahol *

Startling revelations from a Swiss banking insider | - 0 views

    (interview with a Swiss banker  done in Mosсow 30.05.2011)  Q: Can you tell us something about your involvement in the Swiss banking business?A: I have worked for Swiss banks for many years. I was designated as one of the top directors of one of the biggest Swiss banks. During my work I was involved in the payment, in the direct payment in cash to a person who killed the president of a foreign country. I was in the meeting where it was decided to give this cash money to the killer. This gave me dramatic headaches and troubled my conscience. It was not the only case that was really bad but it was the worst. It was a payment instruction on order of a foreign secret service written by hand giving the order to pay a certain amount to a person who killed the top leader of a foreign country. And it was not the only case. We received several such hand written letters coming from foreign secret services giving the order to payout cash from secret accounts to fund revolutions or for the killing of people. I can confirm what John Perkins has written in his book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man". There really exists just a system and Swiss banks are involved in such cases.
thinkahol *

The Haves and Have Nots of the Stock Market - Seeking Alpha - 0 views

    Since 91% of stocks are owned by the Plutocracy, the much-ballyhooed rise in the stock market as proof the recession is over is perception management/ propaganda.
thinkahol *

Protesters take to the streets of 100+ European cities | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR - 0 views

    An online call for a European Revolution was heeded en masse today as over 100 cities throughout the continent witnessed tens (if not hundreds) of thousands 'indignants' mobilizing to demand real democracy now.
Giorgio Bertini

A crise na Europa e uma esquerda desorientada « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    A conversão massiva ao mercado e a globalização neoliberal, a renúncia à defesa dos pobres, do Estado de bem estar e do setor público, a nova aliança com o capital financeiro, despojaram a social-democracia europeia dos principais traços de sua identidade. A cada dia fica mais difícil para os cidadãos distinguir entre uma política de direita e outra "de esquerda", já que ambas respondem às exigências dos senhores financeiros do mundo. Por acaso, a suprema astúcia destes não consistiu em colocar a um "socialista" na direção do FMI com a missão de impor a seus amigos "socialistas" da Grécia, Portugal e Espanha os implacáveis planos de ajuste neoliberal? O artigo é de Ignacio Ramonet.
thinkahol *

PM Press - And They Call This a Recovery? - 0 views

    The strut of confidence is gone and the jitters are back. A flurry of dreadful statistics at the end of April made sure of that.
thinkahol *

America's Middle Class Crisis: The Sobering Facts - Yahoo! Finance - 0 views

    Here are just some of the sobering facts:-- There are 8.5 million people receiving unemployment insurance and over 40 million receiving food stamps.-- At the current pace of job creation, the economy won't return to full employment until 2018.-- Middle-income jobs are disappearing from the economy. The share of middle-income jobs in the United States has fallen from 52% in 1980 to 42% in 2010.-- Middle-income jobs have been replaced by low-income jobs, which now make up 41% of total employment.-- 17 million Americans with college degrees are doing jobs that require less than the skill levels associated with a bachelor's degree.-- Over the past year, nominal wages grew only 1.7% while all consumer prices, including food and energy, increased by 2.7%.-- Wages and salaries have fallen from 60% of personal income in 1980 to 51% in 2010. Government transfers have risen from 11.7% of personal income in 1980 to 18.4% in 2010, a post-war high.The bottom line is simple says Schwenninger: The middle class is shrinking, which threatens the social composition and stability of the world's biggest economy. "I worry that we're becoming a barbell society - a lot of money wealth and power at the top, increasing hollowness at the center, which I think provides the stability and the heart and soul of the society... and then too many people in fear of falling down."
Giorgio Bertini

The Egyptian Uprising Is a Direct Response to Ruthless Global Capitalism - 0 views

    Economic decline at the hands of 'hot' money has driven Egyptians' discontent.
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