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Ride Harry

How easy is borrowing loan 1500 - 0 views

    You might be going from a financial crunch. You may have to pay your house rentals or electricity bills as you are struck financially due to a delayed pay or arrears. You need not get upset. There is a way out to free you from this hassle. There are lenders who help you with their financial assistance. You can apply for 1500 loans to bridge the financial gap. Borrowing is easy now: Gone are the much complicated processing of banking and the present era enables your bank very easily and comfortably. There are bankers offering short term loans for the benefit of people who face mid-month monetary problems the maximum amount of these short term loans usually is $1500. The repayment tenure is 2 to 4 weeks' time. If you have a problem in repaying within the stipulated period, you can request the lenders for an extension. They will be thankful to assist you. The simple process of applying: There is no need for you to go around meeting the bankers personally. You can just fill in an application form, giving the essential information about you. The bankers do not trouble you with your previous credit history nor do they ask you to pledge any collateral. Hence you can feel free to apply for 1500 loans for your immediate requirement. Once you receive the loan amount you are free to spend according to your own accord. The lenders never have any say about it. So in every way it is an easy deal for you. Log on to lender's websites to complete the process: You can log onto websites to collect the necessary details about different bankers offering loan services. Choose the most comfortable one and apply immediately. You can apply any time or day as the lenders are available online all the time. Web sites come to your assistance regarding your financial management by giving you information on various lending agents.
Ride Harry

Get a loan of $ 1500 to pay your rent and other bills - 0 views

    If you have just moved house then there are a lot of expenses that you are incurring right now. If you need a loan of about $ 1500 to take care of the important bills and rent, is it possible without stress? With traditional loans that would not be possible as there will be a list of formalities to go through and carry out. If you have neither the patience nor the time for it, then apply for loans 1500 online, with lenders or banks. You can borrow the loan for a short amount of time as decided by the lender and then repay when you have money from your paycheck. These loans will not come with the requirement for you to pledge some of your assets or valuables. Since the amount is fairly small, there is no need to place collateral like house papers or jewelry with them. In case you are suffering from any credit related issues like arrears, foreclosures, bankruptcy etc., you may be rejected by traditional lenders. But lenders offering loans 1500 will not turn you down. In fact you will be given a loan without the lender bothering to look into your credit profile. These loans are approved without the lender wanting to know as to how or where you intend to use it. Also there will be no set of instructions as to what you can or cannot do from the lenders end. So you can pay your rent, repaint the house, think about bills to be paid etc., without a worry. These $ 1500 loans are going to be approved without even of the simplest forms of documentation being involved. The details that you furnish at the time of application do not have to be supported by fax copies of your important documents. What this does reduces the processing time and allows the lender to sanction a transfer within 24 hours of receiving the request.
thinkahol *

The Importance of the 1970s « The Baseline Scenario - 0 views

  • One of the singular victories of the rich has been convincing the rest of us that their disproportionate success has been due to abstract economic forces beyond anyone’s control (technology, globalization, etc.), not old-fashioned power politics. Hopefully the financial crisis and the recession that has ended only on paper (if that) will provide the opportunity to teach people that there is no such thing as abstract economic forces; instead, there are different groups using the political system to fight for larger shares of society’s wealth. And one group has been winning for over thirty years.
    One of the singular victories of the rich has been convincing the rest of us that their disproportionate success has been due to abstract economic forces beyond anyone's control (technology, globalization, etc.), not old-fashioned power politics. Hopefully the financial crisis and the recession that has ended only on paper (if that) will provide the opportunity to teach people that there is no such thing as abstract economic forces; instead, there are different groups using the political system to fight for larger shares of society's wealth. And one group has been winning for over thirty years.
thinkahol *

Things That Make Me Angry | Thinkahol's Blog - 0 views

    Wall Street Isn't Winning - It's Cheating The two-tiered justice system: an illustration 9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon  The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality The Quiet Coup "the finance industry has effectively captured our government" What OWS is about + data behind the movement Data privacy is now extinct in the U.S. "The problem that confronts us is that every living system in the biosphere is in decline and the rate of decline is accelerating. There isn't one peer-reviewed scientific article that's been published in the last 20 years that contradicts that statement. Living systems are coral reefs. They're our climatic stability, forest cover, the oceans themselves, aquifers, water, the conditions of the soil, biodiversity. They go on and on as they get more specific. But the fact is, there isn't one living system that is stable or is improving. And those living systems provide the basis for all life." The 1% are the very best destroyers of wealth the world has ever seen The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery? How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich: The inside story of how the Republicans abandoned the poor and the middle class to pursue their relentless agenda of tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent
Giorgio Bertini

OTC Derivatives: Failed Banks or Failed Nations? - 0 views

    Trading derivatives on regulated exchanges would be a major step forward, but it may no longer be enough. Economic bubbles are not recognized by those inside of them, the Congress of the united States being no exception. The $604.6 trillion derivatives bubble, which is equal to more than ten times world GDP, is a global issue. If existing OTC derivatives remain in place and there are no restrictions on what banks can trade derivatives, there is no actual or immediate reduction of systemic risk. Thus, the risks that led to the financial crisis in 2008 are likely to remain present in the global financial system for years to come. In fact, many banks have more CDS risk now than in 2008. Passing a bank-approved version of the financial reform bill, while it may be portrayed as a political victory or serve to calm financial markets temporarily, is unlikely to prevent another global financial crisis.
Giorgio Bertini

Riots in England: Britain's Society Broken by Greed « Learning Change - 0 views

    The blazing infernos which took hold in the UK's biggest cities have shocked British society. It wasn't a desire to protest that drove the brutal looters onto the streets, but pure consumer greed. Bankers, politicians and media moguls have made this greed socially acceptable. Education grants for children from low-income families - abolished. Also abolished in many areas were youth centers and help centers for the unemployed and pregnant. In the Lewisham area alone, five libraries were closed. What happens next? Where does it end? What is the limit? There is none. In the London borough of Haringey, which includes Tottenham, 75 percent of funding for youth services will be cut over the next three years. This miserable life of drugs, loitering and weapons in neighborhoods which were devastated by the policies of Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s and never fixed by Tony Blair or Gordon Brown, is the fate of those dubbed "NEETs" in the UK. It stands for "not in education, employment or training", and there are about 1.2 million people who fit the description. They rule their local areas under the law of the jungle, with a deep sense of uselessness in a world where almost every recreational activity costs money; money which they don't have.
thinkahol *

Paul Krugman's 'Twilight Zone' Economics - Truthdig - 0 views

    Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman employed a bit of imagination while discussing the need for fiscal stimulus on Fareed Zakaria's "GPS" last week, playfully suggesting that the discovery of an impending alien attack would force the American Congress to shelve debates about inflation and budget deficits and spend at a rate that would end the current recession in a year and a half. "If we discovered that, you know, space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat, and really, inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that, this slump would be over in 18 months," he mused. "And then if we discovered, 'Whoops! We made a mistake. There aren't actually any space aliens ...' " the spending would leave us better off. "There was a 'Twilight Zone' episode like this in which scientists fake an alien threat in order to achieve world peace," he added. "Well, this time, we don't need it, we need it in order to get some fiscal stimulus." -ARK
Giorgio Bertini

Derivatives Cloud the Possible Fallout From a Greek Default « Learning Politi... - 0 views

    In years past, when financial crises in Argentina and Russia left those countries unable to make good on their government debts, they simply defaulted. But this time around, swaps and other sorts of contracts have become so common and so intertwined in the financial markets that there are fears among regulators and financial players about how a Greek default would play out among derivatives holders. No one seems to be sure, in large part because the world of derivatives is so murky. But the possibility that some company out there may have insured billions of dollars of European debt has added a new tension to the sovereign default debate.
thinkahol *

Payroll Tax Holiday Could Help Create Jobs - Economic View - - 0 views

    It's important, yes, and must be addressed. But by a wide margin, it's not the nation's most pressing economic problem. That would be the widespread and persistent joblessness that has plagued the labor market since the Great Recession began in 2008. Almost 14 million people - 9.1 percent of the labor force - were officially counted as unemployed last month. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. There were almost 9 million part-time workers who wanted, but couldn't find, full-time jobs; 28 million in jobs they would have quit under normal conditions; and an additional 2.2 million who wanted work but couldn't find any and dropped out of the labor force. If the economy could generate jobs at the median wage for even half of these people, national income would grow by more than 10 times the total interest cost of the 2011 deficit (which was less than $40 billion). So anyone who says that reducing the deficit is more urgent than reducing unemployment is saying, in effect, that we should burn hundreds of billions of dollars worth of goods and services in a national bonfire. We ought to be tackling both problems at once. But in today's fractious political climate, many promising dual-purpose remedies - like infrastructure investments that would generate large and rapid returns - are called unthinkable, in the false belief that they would impoverish our grandchildren. Yet there are other ways to attack unemployment that could garner bipartisan support. Perhaps the most promising is a payroll tax holiday.
thinkahol *

Yes, There Are Ways to Reduce Unemployment and Revive the Economy | Op-Eds & Columns - 0 views

    As President Obama begins the second half of his term with a campaign for "jobs and competitiveness," we would do well to consider how he might achieve these worthy goals. It is jobs that matter most to the vast majority of Americans, and unemployment remains at 9.4 percent - about double its pre-recession level. This is a terrible punishment to inflict on millions of Americans who did nothing to deserve it. It will cause long-term and even permanent damage to many of the unemployed and their children.
thinkahol *

[1112.3095] Evidence of market manipulation in the financial crisis - 0 views

    We provide direct evidence of market manipulation at the beginning of the financial crisis in November 2007. The type of manipulation, a "bear raid," would have been prevented by a regulation that was repealed by the Securities and Exchange Commission in July 2007. The regulation, the uptick rule, was designed to prevent manipulation and promote stability and was in force from 1938 as a key part of the government response to the 1928 market crash and its aftermath. On November 1, 2007, Citigroup experienced an unusual increase in trading volume and decrease in price. Our analysis of financial industry data shows that this decline coincided with an anomalous increase in borrowed shares, the selling of which would be a large fraction of the total trading volume. The selling of borrowed shares cannot be explained by news events as there is no corresponding increase in selling by share owners. A similar number of shares were returned on a single day six days later. The magnitude and coincidence of borrowing and returning of shares is evidence of a concerted effort to drive down Citigroup's stock price and achieve a profit, i.e., a bear raid. Interpretations and analyses of financial markets should consider the possibility that the intentional actions of individual actors or coordinated groups can impact market behavior. Markets are not sufficiently transparent to reveal even major market manipulation events. Our results point to the need for regulations that prevent intentional actions that cause markets to deviate from equilibrium and contribute to crashes. Enforcement actions cannot reverse severe damage to the economic system. The current "alternative" uptick rule which is only in effect for stocks dropping by over 10% in a single day is insufficient. Prevention may be achieved through improved availability of market data and the original uptick rule or other transaction limitations.

Current events and what are the implications for CFOs & ASEAN businesses - 0 views

    While we all are facing the pinch of economic uncertainty there are some positive signs that are slowly emerging. Although in my mind, we are not out of the woods yet. In this part of the world, there have been interesting developments in India's and China's economy. On the other side of the world, it is the legal battle that SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) has been having with white collar crimes. Let me share my views as to why this is something we as CFOs should be focused on and why it might have implications on your business here.
Ride Harry

Fix up Urgent Cash Difficulties with Ease - 0 views

    Unplanned financial trouble can provide a lot of stress to people having a limited source of income. These individuals find it hard to manage their unforeseen expenses without having proper arrangement of required funds. Loans 1500 are ideal choice of financial assistance to go for that provides optimum cash in your hands to eliminate your cash crisis. Especially designed for salaried individuals these loans are simple to acquire without tiresome paperwork, hectic credit check and collateral. Maximum cash amount of $1500 is convenient to obtain in this loan offer to satisfy your financial demand come in front of you at a time of money shortage. Loan seekers are free to use this loan amount for any sort of purpose. On the other side, you have time duration of 15 days to 30 days to repay the full amount of the loan along with the rate of interest without making any delay. Pay your unpaid grocery bill, medical bill, electricity bill, car damage bill, house rent, child's school fee and other expenses with helping hand of these loans. Before the arrival of your next salary day you will be able to settle down all your outstanding expenses by availing these hassle free loans. Borrow desired sum of money without thinking about your adverse credit position and factors like arrears, CCJs, missed payments, foreclosure, defaults etc. Now, loan lenders do not check your credit profile whether good or bad and process your loan application in a speedy manner. Furthermore, after being approved your loan application in less time you will get amount deposited in your bank account. Apply for loans 1500 without making any effort to leave the comfort of your home but by just filling one online application form free of cost. There is no such requirement to fax documents to loan lenders and to personally meet them in the procedure of these loans. Loan seekers do not have to pledge their personal property loan lenders as security at the time of applying for these financ
Ride Harry

Loans 1500: Virtual Fiscal Service for Working Class - 0 views

    There are instances when funds are needed on short notice to deal with financial emergency. Waiting till next salary day will be of no use for you as pending debts cannot be settled on time. To arrange urgent finance getting a loan with time consuming procedure is not a good idea. Now, finding fast cash for short term requirements is possible with help of get payday loans online especially crafted for working class people? Rest assured to grab cash quickly once it is approved through provision of these loans.
Ride Harry

1500 Payday Loans- Take Care Of Your Unexpected Financial Issues - 0 views

    You are facing any kind of fiscal hurdles and looking for the ultimate way to obtain cash in the choice of loan. If yes, here, you can get the best offer of cash Loans up to $1000 in order to borrow. 1500 Payday Loans are short term cash help for you. These loans are help may be very useful for a person in an hour of emergency. These loans are small easy to get cash advances and it is approved without any hassle. There is no requirement of depositing any valuable asset against the loan money. Anyone can get this loan without difficulty. Apply for this loan today through online application mode and get sufficient funds without any hassle.
Owen jailani

2 Month Loans- Utilize Cash To Overcome Any Type Of Fiscal Crisis - 0 views

    The most excellent way to apply for 2 month payday loans is to go online. There are numerous online lenders obtainable and
thinkahol * / Comment / Opinion - It is folly to place all our trust in the Fed - 0 views

    I n certain circles, it has become fashionable to argue that monetary policy is a superior instrument to fiscal policy - more predictable, faster, without the adverse long-term consequences brought on by greater indebtedness. Indeed, some advocates wax so enthusiastic that they support recent drives for austerity in many European countries, arguing that if there are untoward effects they can be undone by monetary policy. Whatever the merits of this position in general, it is nonsense in current economic circumstances.
Giorgio Bertini

The train that never stops at a station - A brilliant new Chinese train innovation - ge... - 1 views

    No time is wasted. The bullet train is moving all the time. If there are 30 stations between  Beijing and  Guangzhou , just stopping and accelerating again at each station will waste both energy and time. A mere 5 min stop per station (elderly passengers cannot be hurried) will result in a  total loss of 5 min x 30 stations or 2.5 hours of train journey time!
Giorgio Bertini

Ackermann interview sparks debate on Greek rescue - 0 views

    Greece will unlikely be able to pay off its nearly 300 billion euro debt, but the rescue package will enable it to hold out for a few more years, according to Heinemann. "In the end, there will be a restructuring of Greece's debt… but in the meantime before that happens, other countries will make such progress that the danger of a meltdown will no longer exist," he told Deutsche Welle. "This means maybe in 2012 a restructuring of Greece's debt can be undertaken without shock waves being triggered."
thinkahol *

When Change Is Not Enough: The Seven Steps To Revolution | - 0 views

    "Those who make peaceful evolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."- John F. KennedyThere's one thing for sure: 2008 isn't anything like politics as usual.The corporate media (with their unerring eye for the obvious point) is fixated on the narrative that, for the first time ever, Americans will likely end this year with either a woman or a black man headed for the White House. Bloggers are telling stories from the front lines of primaries and caucuses that look like something from the early 60s - people lining up before dawn to vote in Manoa, Hawaii yesterday; a thousand black college students in Prairie View, Texas marching 10 miles to cast their early votes in the face of a county that tried to disenfranchise them. In recent months, we've also been gobstopped by the sheer passion of the insurgent campaigns of both Barack Obama and Ron Paul, both of whom brought millions of new voters into the conversation - and with them, a sharp critique of the status quo and a new energy that's agitating toward deep structural change.There's something implacable, earnest, and righteously angry in the air. And it raises all kinds of questions for burned-out Boomers and jaded Gen Xers who've been ground down to the stump by the mostly losing battles of the past 30 years. Can it be - at long last - that Americans have, simply, had enough? Are we, finally, stepping out to take back our government - and with it, control of our own future? Is this simply a shifting political season - the kind we get every 20 to 30 years - or is there something deeper going on here? Do we dare to raise our hopes that this time, we're going to finally win a few? Just how ready is this country for big, serious, forward-looking change?Recently, I came across a pocket of sociological research that suggested a tantalizing answer to these questions - and also that America may be far more ready for far more change than anyone really believes is possible at this moment. In fac
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