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Giorgio Bertini

Inglaterra: castiguem os ricos, não os desempregados « Learning Political Eco... - 0 views

    Os conservadores lançaram um ataque brutal às pessoas desempregadas para desviar as críticas dos verdadeiros parasitas: os ricos. Na semana passada, o governo anunciou que os desempregados que solicitam auxílio deverão realizar trabalhos não remunerados: caso se neguem a fazê-lo, perderão o subsídio. Os chefes e a imprensa da direita estão encantados. O Daily Mail anunciou com alegria: "Em uma nova ofensiva contra os parasitas sociais, os desempregados irresponsáveis terão que participar de um programa de trabalho exigente, estilo EUA, que incluirá a obrigação de realizar trabalhos de jardinagem, limpeza de lixo e outras tarefas manuais por apenas 1 libra a hora".
Giorgio Bertini

This disastrous 'debt crisis' myth « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    The most dangerous myth, and one repeated daily in much of the major media, is that these troubles on both sides of the Atlantic are a result of a "debt crisis", and can only be resolved through fiscal tightening. The United States is not facing any public debt crisis at all, with interest payments on the debt at just 1.4% of GDP. Some eurozone countries do have a "debt crisis" - for example, Greece. But this is only because the European authorities have failed to take the necessary steps to resolve it, and have, instead, made it worse by shrinking the economy. In other words, there is no legitimate economic reason for a sovereign debt burden - even an unsustainable one - to result in years of economic stagnation and high unemployment. If the debt needs to be restructured because it is not payable, as in Greece, then that should be done as quickly as possible and with enough debt cancellation to make the resulting debt burden sustainable - as Argentina did with its successful default in 2001.
thinkahol *

Attorneys General Settlement: The Next Big Bank Bailout? | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone - 1 views

    The point of all of this is, if you add up all of the MBS-related liability out there, the banks as it stands are facing an Armageddon of claims from all sides. It can't possibly be less than a trillion dollars, and it's probably much, much more. But the Obama administration's current plan is to let them all walk after paying a few shekels apiece into a $20 billion kitty.
Giorgio Bertini

A crise na Europa e uma esquerda desorientada « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    A conversão massiva ao mercado e a globalização neoliberal, a renúncia à defesa dos pobres, do Estado de bem estar e do setor público, a nova aliança com o capital financeiro, despojaram a social-democracia europeia dos principais traços de sua identidade. A cada dia fica mais difícil para os cidadãos distinguir entre uma política de direita e outra "de esquerda", já que ambas respondem às exigências dos senhores financeiros do mundo. Por acaso, a suprema astúcia destes não consistiu em colocar a um "socialista" na direção do FMI com a missão de impor a seus amigos "socialistas" da Grécia, Portugal e Espanha os implacáveis planos de ajuste neoliberal? O artigo é de Ignacio Ramonet.
Giorgio Bertini

How the Euro Became Europe's Greatest Threat « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    The euro is becoming an ever greater threat to Europe's common future. The currency union chains together economies that are simply incompatible. Politicians approve one bailout package after the other and, in doing so, have set down a dangerous path that could burden Europeans for generations to come and set the EU back by decades.
Giorgio Bertini

It Became Necessary to Destroy the Periphery in Order to Save the Core's Bank... - 0 views

    The EU is not lending money to Ireland, Greece, and Portugal to help those nations' citizens. The EU is lending those nations money because if they don't those nations and their citizens and corporations will be unable to repay their debts to banks in the core. That will make public the fact that the core banks are actually insolvent. When the Germans and French realize that their banks are insolvent the result will be "severe banking crises and a return to recession in the core of the eurozone." The core, not simply the periphery, will be in crisis. The ECB and the EU's leadership would be happy to throw the periphery under the bus, but the EU core's largest banks are chained to the periphery by their imprudent loans.
Giorgio Bertini

As Greece Ponders Default, Lessons From Argentina « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    Despite the financing challenges, Argentina's economy has grown by more than 8 percent a year since 2003, and many industries have benefited from the devaluation. Argentina has resumed exporting cars to Brazil. Tourism has flourished from an influx of Brazilians and other foreigners. In the end, Argentina may have one more lesson to teach Greece: the danger of fatalism. "A lot of people were saying that Argentina would never recover, that the peso would never regain value, that this country was damned," said Mr. Kerner, the analyst. "And it didn't happen."
Giorgio Bertini

America's role in this Greek tragedy « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    Greece faces unacceptable conditions for a new bailout. If it defaults, the US had better be ready for the economic shock. The European authorities are playing a dangerous game of "chicken" with Greece right now. It is overdue for US members of Congress to exercise some oversight as to what our government's role is in this process, and how we might be preparing for a Greek debt default. Depending on how it happens, this default could have serious repercussions for the international financial system, the US economy and, indeed, the world economy.
Giorgio Bertini

Derivatives Cloud the Possible Fallout From a Greek Default « Learning Politi... - 0 views

    In years past, when financial crises in Argentina and Russia left those countries unable to make good on their government debts, they simply defaulted. But this time around, swaps and other sorts of contracts have become so common and so intertwined in the financial markets that there are fears among regulators and financial players about how a Greek default would play out among derivatives holders. No one seems to be sure, in large part because the world of derivatives is so murky. But the possibility that some company out there may have insured billions of dollars of European debt has added a new tension to the sovereign default debate.
Giorgio Bertini

Former IMF head admits to made many silly mistakes and errors with Argentina ... - 0 views

    Former managing director of the IMF, Michel Camdessus admitted Thursday in Buenos Aires that during his time working for the organization, they 'made many mistakes with Argentina,' particularly highlighting the 90s. With regard to the topic, the former IMF managing director estimated that "80% of the global economic growth," over the course of the next forty years, "will come from the development of emerging countries, like Argentina," also considering that during this time the dollar will cease to dominate the monetary system and global finance. Camdessus acknowledged that "current neo-liberalism is extremely short regarding institutions and regulations".
Giorgio Bertini

How Financial Oligarchy Replaces Democracy « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    European banks have hog-tied their governments, replacing Parliamentary democracy with dictatorship by the ECB, which is blocked constitutionally from creating credit for governments - until German and French banks found it in their own interest for it to do so.
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