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Bijayani Swain

Tips that lead you Towards Positive Parenting - 0 views

    Positive parenting is one such aspect that needs every parent's consideration and attention. Motherszone give some positive parenting techniques that will help you provide the right kind of discipline and good health for your child.
    Positive parenting is one such aspect that needs every parent's consideration and attention. Motherszone give some positive parenting techniques that will help you provide the right kind of discipline and good health for your child.
Stephen Boyle

Family's life unravels with claims dad raped daughter | Detroit Free Press | - 0 views

  • Wendrow spent 74 of his 80 days in jail in the one-man cell.
  • Thal spent five days in jail, accused of ignoring the abuse.
  • Their children -- a severely disabled teen girl and a mildly autistic boy -- were put in separate juvenile homes and kept apart from their parents for 106 days.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Sgt. Tara Kane was in charge of the investigation, as head of the Police Department's youth bureau. It was her first day in that position, and she had never handled a child sexual assault case. She didn't have any training in autism and had never heard of facilitated communication.
  • Cynthia Scarsella, an $18-per-hour teachers aide, was the girl's facilitator, the one guiding her hand. She had been assigned to the job at the beginning of the fall 2007 semester.Scarsella, who holds a high school diploma, completed one hour of facilitator training the summer before. She said in a deposition that she had "no idea" whether what the girl was typing was true and had no interest in trying to verify it. And she said she didn't know anything about autism.
    6 chapter series of articles about father accused of sexually abusing autistic daughter - method of providing allegation being proven unstable. Family torn apart placing children in foster care. Father placed in jail on wrongful charges.
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