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Teodora Georgiana

Beautiful lace detailing around the collar and pale blush rose bouquet - 0 views

    Beautiful lace detailing around the collar and pale blush rose bouquet
Teodora Georgiana

Pale perfection - 0 views

    Pale perfection
Rangrage in


    Hand-painted by Rang Rage artists, the stunning key holder is a perfect piece of art and utility. The key rings will keep the keys secured while painting beautifies the room. The beauty found in this world pales and fades away before the beauty of Krishna's perfect form, and this painting is the best example of that. Welcome this key holder of Lord Krishna in your house to remind you the beauty that lies within and the not in this world. Product Highlights
richards ben

Guide for man ties Fashion - 0 views

    As every person have outfits according to the seasons like winter outfits, summer collection and clothes for spring season, they must also consider this important fact at the time of tie selection. If you want to purchase a tie for summers then go for linen and cotton fabric. For a winter, wool, velvet and knitted fabric will be perfect choice. In terms of color selection, go for pale and pastel hues for the summer and richer jewel hues for the winter/autumn.
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