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Appendicitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | Health Blog - 0 views

    What Is Appendicitis? How to diagnose Appendicitis? Where is Appendix pain located In this article, we hope you can find all of your answers related to Appendicitis. We covered everything about Appendicitis. We discussed types, causes, symptoms, tests, and treatment of Appendicitis.
    Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, which is a small tube of intestinal tissue that projects from the large intestine. While the appendix does not seem to have a particular function, one theory suggests that it acts as a storehouse of good bacteria and boosts immunity after diarrheal illness. However, some experts believe the appendix is just a purposeless remnant from our evolutionary past. One thing we're sure of is that we can live without it, without any apparent consequences.

Risk Factors For Alzheimer's | Health Blog - 0 views

    Alzheimer's is a mental illness that mostly affects the elderly. It is characterized by dementia, cognitive impairment, and mood swings. The patient gradually fades into a state of perpetual darkness and lack of self-awareness. Here are some steps we can take to reduce our own risk.
    Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent Alzheimer's before it comes knocking at your doorstep. Extensive research is taking place even as you read this. Everyone hopes to put together the answer before it becomes a global issue. Here are a few risk factors that you can and can't avoid:
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