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Claudia Black Young Adult Center

Claudia Black Center Introduces T.O.V.A to Screen for ADHD - 0 views

The Claudia Black Young Adult Center has incorporated the Test of Variables of Attention (T.O.V.A.) to its assessment protocol. This initiative brings an objective functional measure to inform its ...

failed past addiction treatment drug drug-addiction-treatment

started by Claudia Black Young Adult Center on 26 Sep 15 no follow-up yet

COPD: Stages, Causes, Symptoms And Treatment - Health Blog - 0 views

    COPD consists of multiple lung infections and is considered incurable by most physicians. Can timely diagnosis, on the bright side, slow down its progress?
    COPD consists of multiple lung infections and is considered incurable by most physicians. Can timely diagnosis, on the bright side, slow down its progress?
Claudia Black Young Adult Center

Emotional Trauma |Addiction |Failed Past Addiction Treatments | Private Drug Treatment - 0 views

    Claudia Black Young Adult Center provides an intensive, experientially based 45-day treatment program for young adults who are struggling with unresolved emotional trauma, addiction, have a dual diagnosis or who have failed past addiction treatments and private drug treatment.

Schizophrenia: What are the Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis - 0 views

    Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that affects the patient deteriorating their abilities in various psychological aspects, such as thought, perception, emotions or will.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD,causes,symptoms,treatment - 0 views

    COPD, according to 2015 data from the World Health Organization (WHO), is the fourth leading cause of death in the world. In US, more than 16 million people have been diagnosed with COPD, although more than half are not diagnosed. That is why it is said to be a very frequent disease, but unknown. In this article, we explain the causes of COPD, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Types Causes And Symptoms Of Brain Tumor | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Brain Tumor risks including surgery facts, as well as diagnosis also types either the primary tumor or secondary tumor. Treatments like MRI CT scan helping you to decide better for your health.

Anorexia Nervosa: Types, Symptoms And Causes | Health Blog - 0 views

    There are some symptoms & causes of anorexia. Are you facing weight stress? In fact, you're underweight If you have been suffering from an eating disorder
    There are some symptoms & causes of anorexia. Are you facing weight stress? In fact, you're underweight If you have been suffering from an eating disorder

Tuberculosis Symptoms And Cure | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Tuberculosis or simply TB is a spreadable disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This organism has a hard, waxy cell wall that makes it highly resistant to unfavorable environments and drugs. It evades the mucus lining of the windpipe and enters the lungs.
    The goal of treating Tuberculosis is to protect the patient from possible disability and death. Another objective is to reduce the spread of Tuberculosis infection to others. TB may be a stubborn infection but with the right measures at the right time, it can be cured.
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