2012 Cancer Statistics to Fuel the Cancer Scam - 0 views
according to researchers in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. The bad news: some cancer rates are on the rise
Gary Patton on 09 Jan 12Like they have been since before the war on cancer started.
lifestyle is a risk factor.
Do they really think? Duh! What a silly statement since this has been a proven, researched fact known for over 50 years. And it's been know all the while that Canadians & Americans have donated billions of dollars. They've done so in response to the Cancer Industry's constant pleading for more money to give to the Drug Industry so it can search for a silver bullet that will never be found because there's no pill that can cure North America's unwise lifestyle choices. So the "promised cure" always seems to be "just over the horizon"! And for how long now have they been telling us that as we foolishly give Big Pharma comanies our hard earned money?
The information presented in “Cancer Statistics, 2012” offers hope