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Gary Patton

What Neuroscience Tells Us about Spritual Disciplines | Christianity Today - 0 views

  • Neuroscience sheds light on how fasting and other spiritual disciplines work by training our subconscious mental processes.
  • our conscious self is far less in control over who you are and what you do than you realize.  "We are not the ones driving the boat of our behavior," says neuroscientist David Eagleman.
  • Jesus expected that dietary restriction would be a part of our spiritual practice. "When you fast," he said, not if.
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  • Don't fast for a cause, but to shape your soul.
  • by making the Lenten discipline of fasting about a cause, we are caving in to our cultural distaste for self-denial.
  • But more importantly, spiritual disciplines shape us in deep ways. Because our brains—at the very least—mediate, process, and experience our spiritual lives, the disciplines can train us to become more attuned to God himself.
  • when our blood sugar runs low, chemical signals from the blood stream reach the brain, which sends out signals to eat.
  • The subconscious brain is at work, guiding our actions and our behavior
    This author explains the light that neuroscience sheds on how fasting and other spiritual disciplines work by training our subconscious mental processes.
Katherine Lash

SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats opens new Retreat Center - 0 views

    SpiritQuest has opened a "New Retreat Center" in Sedona, AZ! Our Retreat Center is equipped with all the tools in our session rooms to enhance your personal and spiritual healing and growth. We are the ONLY Personal and Group Retreat Center in Sedona, AZ. As you enter our Center you will be welcomed with a beautiful reception, seating, visiting and meditation area. Enjoy the tranquil sound of water and the serene smell of essential oils while your session is being prepared. Our new sessions rooms in the retreat center include a Zen Room where you will feel the amazing vibrational energy with an array of Himalayan salt lamps to help bring emotional balance. See more on our website
Gary Patton

Gary's Spiritual Gift Mission - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Philippians 1:9-11
  • your love may abound still more and more in (B)real knowledge and all discernment
  • approve the things that are excellent
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  • be sincere and blameless
  • filled with the (E)fruit of righteousness
  • to the glory and praise of God
    Teaching is a "Spiritual Gift" of Gary F. Patton according to Brother's and Sisters who know him well. Gary's spirit resonates with this discernment. The positive and regular Feedback Gary receives from his co-learners seems to confirm it as well. Philippians 1:9-11, especially the highlighted portions below, prayerfully guide Gary's Ministry in whatever learning environment he serves within the Body of Christ or otherwise. 2012-02-17
Gary Patton

10 Ways to Beat Sugar - 0 views

  • sugar slips into your diet unnoticed more than any other fat-building substance.
    • Gary Patton
      For example, some sodas (Canada pop) contain up to 22 teaspoonsful of sugar. And so-called "diet" drinks contain dangerous aspertame or similar substances which are proven to cause neurological problems. gfp
  • spiritual aspects of yoga
  • the mind, body, and
    • Gary Patton
      It's the spiritual dimensions of yoga that are dangerous. The exercise is simply a packaging for a demoniacal, eastern religion, according to the Bible.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 10 Ways to Beat Sugar
    • Gary Patton
      Control this killer in what you ingest and you'll be well on your way to better health and wellness plus protect yourself from insulin resistence. gfp (2012-04-28)
Gary Patton

How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body - - 0 views

    The physical dangers of yoga. In addition, there are the spiritual dangers. gfp (2012-01-09)
Gary Patton

Anger Management | Ten Essentials to Consider - 1 views

  • Anger is healthy
  • It’s what we do with our anger that makes all the difference to the maintenance of our own health
  • Anger arousal symptoms
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  • warning to keep our mouth shut and think
  • soul solitude time will allow us to trace and track the origins of the triggers so we can understand them
    • Gary Patton
      My problem with Rhoberta's psychology when she points to "understanding" the roots of anger/rage as a route to healing is that it cannot produce freedom from your bondage. (I know this because I knew the emotional and spiritual roots of my rage for the full 25 years that I struggled with my it and that understanding didn't help me one bit. Only knowing "truth" can set you free. Understanding our past pain's roots doesn't produce truth or "freedom" from the pain. Only the truth that Jesus talks about at can do that. gfp
  • trouble in relationships
  • We have to learn to manage incoming anger, too.
  • one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves
  • you may not have any boundaries
  • Anger is healthy. It is natural. It is a gift of perception, experience and biology
    Anger is one of the most powerful emotions and the most challenging one to manage for most people. Some of us can't "manage" it all. At best, some of us can ONLY moderate our reaction to our amygdala's response to our perception of a violation of our so-called rights. That's why Essential #1 is so crucial. (I know because I fought a losing battle with anger/rage for over 25 years until recently when I re-discovered a truth that I had forgotten as a Jesus Follower. Yeh! We're NOT perfect ...just saved as someone said.) You may enjoy my Tweet for 2011-08-27 apropos Essential #1: "A relationship can only thrive when at least one party knows when to back off!" ~ gfp '42™ gfp
    Essential #1 in this article is so crucial. (I know because I fought a losing battle with anger/rage for over 25 years until recently. I have now re-discovered a truth that I had forgotten as a Jesus Follower. Yeh! We're NOT perfect ...just saved as someone said.) gfp
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