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 Tuberc - 0 views

  Tuberculous bacilli  was discovered  more than a 100 Years ago, however, it still remains a major health problem. Presently about 33 % of the world population is suffering from t...

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started by lifelinelab on 04 Dec 18 no follow-up yet
Gary Patton

Work/Life Balance Is A Myth | Fast Company - 0 views

  • Work/Life Balance Is A Myth
  • When I ask busy executives to describe a satisfying life, they often envision a scenario in which they work hard but dictate their own assignments.
  • What they really need is control. But, frequently, what they think they want is balance-
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • That myth compels many of us to view an ideal life as a set of perfectly level scales.
  • In reality, that perfect balance almost never occurs, except for those rare, fleeting moments when the trays pass each other on the way up or down--and we’re too frazzled to appreciate that brief moment of self-actualization anyway.
  • There’s always a lot of chatter in the media about the latest trends in work-life balance.
  • I’ve noticed a couple trends of my own
  • when it comes to work-life balance, we often adopt a victim mind-set.
  • Second, we want to believe there’s a quick fix that we’re somehow overlooking
  • Doing what that guy in the photo was doing is impossible for more than a few minutes at a time.
  • don’t say if no if you don’t have any leverage
  • In practice, however, what I’ve seen is that people often invest that free time in doing more work.
  • Their identity is rooted in work, and that’s where they want to be. Outside of work, in the complex dance of family and community responsibilities, they lose their autonomy. Their professional expertise doesn’t mean much.
  • We need better ways to manage work-life boundaries, understanding that we are subject to phases, often dictated by events out of our control, in which our work lives and personal lives ebb and flow in their demands.
  • Shore up the home front
  • f you feel overworked to the point that you complain about it constantly
  • Quit complaining
  • Say “no” strategically
  • Take control instead
    • Gary Patton
    Here's how you can defeat the myth of work-life balance!

Health and wellness: Less time spent in watching Tv leads to better school results - 0 views

    Less time spent in watching Tv leads to better school results
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