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Julie Topping

Education Today - Using Moodle in your classroom - 0 views

  • ou can teach totally online courses or supplement face-to-face lessons in a traditional classroom setting. It is technology designed to help teachers reach across the digital divide to enhance teaching and learning in any classroom.
    • Julie Topping
      This is an apt summary of what you're capable of accomplishing with Moodle.
  • “Our students enjoy random access because they’re comfortable with hyper texting. That means they can jump from page to page and subject to subject quickly and easily.  Our students use parallel processing. Meaning that they mentally process and do many things at once and they’re able to make learning connections between those things.”
    • Julie Topping
      The author lists several reasons that teachers should consider using Moodle to benefit their students in school. Our students nowadays use technology both in and out of school, so if they have access to the "classroom" in the virtual world, their learning will extend out of the actual classroom.
    Moodle is a course or learning management system that is being utilised by many educational institutions to present information and learning experiences for students. It was created by Martin Dougiamas, a computer scientist and educator while working at a university in Perth, Australia. Moodle is open source software, meaning that it is free to use.
Julie Topping

Building Educational Web Sites with Moodle - 0 views

  • Technologies likeMoodle, an Open Source course management system ( CMS), allow even non-technical teachers to set up and maintain a Web site where students can log in, access course information, interact, share, and teach others. 
    • Julie Topping
      Moodle seems like a great resource for everyone because it can be used student to student, teacher to student, or teacher to teacher for professional development!
  • A basic Moodle Web site costs about $100 through to host, though prices are falling as these services gain popularity.
    • Julie Topping
      It's unfortunate that Moodle costs money because teachers already spend a lot of their own salaries for other resources in their classrooms. It's good news though that the price is going down since this is definitely a tool I'd consider using!
  • To try building your site from scratch: Open a Web browser. Visit . Click "Login" at the top. Enter "admin" for the username and "demo" as the password.   Click "Users," and then, "Add a new user." Fill in the form and click "Save." Add a new user who will be your first mock student. Click "Demo" on the top left-hand side of the page. From the left-hand menu, click "Courses." Add a new category, such as "sports." Click the "Add a new course" button and add a course called "soccer101." Fill in the course information, save changes, and click "continue." Add your username and admin user as "teachers." Click your course name at the top left to go to the home page for that course. Click the button at the top right that says "Turn editing on." Now add content, such as a quiz, Web page, link, forum, or chat. Click "Demo" in the top-left corner to go back to your classroom home page. Click "Users" in the left navigation pane and add a new user called "studentL". Close your browser, log in as a student, and try taking the quiz or using other content as a student.
    • Julie Topping
      Here the author explains how to set up your very own Moodle for your class, which is fantastic since creating a website as dynamic as Moodle could pose a lot of potential issues if you're not given proper guidance.
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  • Moodle has done for educational Web sites what Yahoo has done for discussion groups. But it's certainly not perfect. When 30 students use Moodle on my ISP, it can get a little slow. And, like all tools, it has a learning curve. Moodle also has competition from other products like Blackboard and WebCT, which are both common in universities. And while Moodle is a bit awkward at times, it's a very stable and productive tool for teachers. That said, I would not use it if the risk of frustration exceeded the benefit to children who really need stability.  
    • Julie Topping
      I like that the author, as an experienced Moodle-user, gives the cons to this website builder because usually people who use a certain program only praise it. Rarely do they state what is wrong with the program and what needs fixed.
    "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself," a Chinese proverb says. The same can be said about technology at schools and in the classroom. If used properly, technology merely opens the door.
Marc Hochhauser

Why Twitter Is a Teacher's Best Tool - Education - GOOD - 0 views

    • Marc Hochhauser
      It is always nice to know what is going on with education policy in the US. It can keep you within the federal guidelines set for teachers, and as we have seen, Twitter is one of the quickest ways to obtain information.
    • Marc Hochhauser
      Twitter is not just a solid resource between a teacher and his/her students, but is also valuable for teacher collaboration, as this paragraph explains. Collaboration is necessary in learning what works, what doesn't work, new things to try, and in gaining a different perspective from your own in order to keep an open mind and eliminate discrimination.
  • window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: '122966314909', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) { Mint.TT.behavior.record('facebook_like','/post/why-twitter-is-a-teacher-s-best-tool') }); FB.Event.subscribe('xfbml.render', function(response){ if (typeof onFBMLParsed == 'function') onFBMLParsed(); }); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.type = 'text/javascript'; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; e.async = true; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); // TODO use javascript helper to render this script when layout is converted $(function () { $('#search_input_405037').defval('Search good\.is'); }); GOODEducation Get GOOD Join Sign In Connect News & FeaturesInfographicsSlideshowsVideosProjectsContributorsMagazineRandom GOOD Join Sign In Connect Profile Edit Settings Signout Create a Post New Job Listing New Press Release Admin
    Teachers are increasingly bringing the real-time communication power of Twitter into the classroom to help students learn. But I've come to the conclusion that it's great for helping teachers learn as well. Twitter has simply become one of the best places for teachers to collaborate, share solutions to common classroom problems, and discuss education policy.
Marc Hochhauser

5 Ways Twitter Has Changed Education | MindShift - 0 views

    • Marc Hochhauser
      The title catches the eye. When you think of Twitter, your first thought is not that it can be used for educational purposes, but when you explore further, you realize that Twitter can be an extremely helpful tool in connecting and reaching out to your students through a different medium than they're used to.
    • Marc Hochhauser
      Twitter is an important tool for students to have because of the information that can reach them when they use it frequently. In this new technological age, it is important for students to be connected to information as quickly as possible.
    Twitter is a fantastic microblogging tool. Students can use it to share and receive information quickly and efficiently. Teachers can use it for many things as well, such as assignments, complementary information from the class, and keeping students up to date with the rest of the world.
Holly Sweeney

Google Earth for Educators: 50 Exciting Ideas for the Classroom | Associate Degree - Fa... - 0 views

  • Virtual Tours Take these awesome and awe-inspiring virtual tours with your classroom and Google Earth.
    • Holly Sweeney
      This would be a good idea to use if you have low funding and students cannot afford to go on field trips
    • Holly Sweeney
      This would be a great idea for a cross circular activity or lesson plan. You could incorporate Language Arts and geography in one unity
    Google Earth has opened up potential for students in classrooms around the globe with its bird's-eye view of the world. Whether you are a veteran teacher looking for new ways to teach old topics or you are a still an education student getting ready to make your debut in the classroom, these exciting ways to use Google Earth are sure to infuse your lessons with plenty of punch. This website gives educators of all grade levels really interesting ideas in how they can incorporate Google Earth into their curriculum.
Holly Sweeney

Teaching with Google Earth - 3 views

  • How to Teach with Google Earth - points the way to several methods to get started
  • g Familiar
  • provides information about web resources and books for learning how to use Google Earth
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Classroom Activities: Ready-to-use
  • with Google Earth -
    Created by Glenn A. Richard, Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University A Complete Guide to Using Google Earth in the Geoscience Classroom What is Google Earth? This is a really amazing website/group of articles that can be used as a complete guide to using Google Earth in the classroom. It explains what Google Earth is, how to become familiar with Google Earth, why GE is important to use in the classroom, how to teach with GE, and more.
Marc Hochhauser

Using Diigo for Collaborative Curation - 0 views

    • Marc Hochhauser
      This paragraph sums up some of the best uses for Diigo in the classroom. You can also use Diigo in the classroom by creating Groups for your students to use. This can help with group projects outside of school
  • Bookmark: When Mr. Lindsay finds a relevant resource. He clicks the Diigolet button in his browser toolbar and chooses Bookmark, tagging it with several keywords, adding a description, and sharing it with the WHS Science Group.
  • Highlight: Mr. Smashey finds an article that has some great essential questions that he wants to share with the group, so he clicks the Diigolet button in his browser toolbar and chooses the highlighter tool. After highlighting the important points, he also bookmarks the resource so as to index it and share it with the group.
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  • Sticky Note: Mr. London has found a great resource but wants to explain how he thinks it can be used. He uses the Sticky Note tool to add a floating note to a webpage, which he indexes and shares with the group.
    • Marc Hochhauser
      These 3 ways to collaborate and share information with your group explain exactly how Diigo work and what it is all about. It is interesting to note that once you do one of these three things, you don't have to go back to post anything within your Group; Diigo will automatically upload it all to your Group page
    Diigo is a great tool to use in the classroom for group collaboration. You can share articles, videos, images, documents, etc. It is very much like a Wiki, but has many other features that really set it apart. Where a Wiki is basically just a bank of information that people can post new parts on, a Diigo group has tools that automatically add content to your Group's page. You can bookmark websites, adding links to your Diigo Group, but you can also sticky note and highlight the content of these websites. What you highlight will automatically show up under the bookmarked website. This makes it an invaluable tool for group work.
Marc Hochhauser

Audacity in Post-16 Education - 0 views

    • Marc Hochhauser
      This is a great list of ideas on how to use Audacity in several subjects.
    • Marc Hochhauser
      These couple of paragraphs really explain what Podcasting is, how it is used, and how easy it is to use.
    You can use Audacity to record live audio, convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs, edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, and WAV sound files, cut, copy, splice, and mix sounds together, change the speed or pitch of a recording, and apply other effects such as noise removal and sound amplification. Audacity is an interactive tool that students can use from home or in the classroom. It is free but extremely professional, and it can be used to create Podcasts. These can be used as lectures, reviews, to give reviews, or bonus information to complement lectures.
Dane Puterbaugh

Remember Everything | Evernote Corporation - 0 views

shared by Dane Puterbaugh on 26 Oct 11 - Cached
    Save your ideas, things you like, things you hear, and things you see. Evernote works with nearly every computer, phone and mobile device out there. Search by keyword, tag or even printed and handwritten text inside images. Get Evernote Download Now It's free.
Chelsea Simmons

Articles #13: Using Video In The Classroom - Library Video Company - 1 views

  • As educators, our goal of course, is to get students energized and engaged in hands-on learning experiences, and video is clearly an instructional medium that generates excitement
  • the more engaged your students are, the more interactive your lesson is, the more your students will enjoy, learn from and retain information from your lessons.
  • Current research reveals that the most effective way to use video is as an enhancement to a lesson or unit of study. Video should be used as a facet of instruction along with any other resource material you have available to you for teaching a given topic and you should prepare for the use of a video in the classroom the very same way you would with any other teaching aid.
    • Chelsea Simmons
      I like that it mentions that videos should be used "as a facet of instruction along with any other resource material...". This is important to remember. From my personal experience, there have been many times where a teacher simply put on a video because he/she didn't feel like lecturing. I don't think this is always useful. Students lose interest and stop paying attention. Teachers should try to implement shorter video clips to switch up the lecture, rather than using long videos that are less relevant.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • classroom in which students can hear the cry of a nearly extinct species and see the colors and hear the sounds of animals that thrive only in a remote wilderness half way around the globe.
    • Chelsea Simmons
      This is interesting to think about. There was a time when students did not have access to videos like we do today. Students could not look up a video of past presidents giving a speech. We are very fortunate that we are able to have our learning enriched in such a way.
Chelsea Simmons

Use Online Video in Your Classroom | Edutopia - 1 views

  • Teachers all across the country are finding that judiciously chosen videos help students engage more deeply with the subject matter, and recall the information they've learned longer.
  • help draw them in
  • choosing clips for the classroom, keep them short. This gives you time to discuss what you've just shown and its significance to the larger lesson
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    • Chelsea Simmons
      This is really true. There are a lot of things that have stuck with me through elementary, middle and high school because of watching a video. Many students are visual learners and are able to make connections to the content material in that way. If students can rely on having a visual aid, it also makes the learning process a more enjoyable experience. It also makes teaching easier too, as videos are more relatable to students.
  • Go to teacher-specific sites. TeacherTube and WatchKnow aggregate thousands of videos from educators, YouTube, and the rest of the Web. In essence, they are clearinghouses of educational videos that cover most school subjects, categorized by subject and education level.
    • Chelsea Simmons
      I think this is good information to have. Many times it is difficult to search for educational content on youtube because it is infiltrated with a lot of inappropriate material. I like that there is a source specifically for teachers who are seeking educational videos for their students. In this way, they can weed out the garbage on the internet, save time, and find the most appropriate videos according to the age of their students and learning styles.
    This website gives advice on when to use videos in the classroom (depending on content material and the ages of the students). It also directs teachers to various sites that have content-specific videos that are appropriate for the class.
Holly Sweeney

Using Technology in the Classroom:Teacher Tube, Online Resource for Educators - 0 views

    This article discusses how TeacherTube came about and how successful it has become for both teachers and students. The article further delves into the fact that TeacherTube supplies an array of videos for teachers to use in the classroom, which ultimately hooks onto the attention of students who are already so invested in the internet and technology in general.
Julie Topping

Free Tools for Teachers: Helping You Engage Students - 1 views

shared by Julie Topping on 12 Oct 11 - No Cached
    This is a great video for our presentation!!
Clare Volz

Tools for Digital Learning - 0 views

    This article gives new digital and visual ways for teachers to teach their lessons!
Julie Topping

Voicethread 4 Education - Best Practices - 0 views

  • Ideas for how to develop lessons for VoiceThread
    • Julie Topping
      This entire page is a great resource for teachers, especially those who are first time users of Voicethread. There are several ideas broken down by content area and classroom topics. Even seasoned veterans of Voicethread can obtain new ideas from this informational page.
Clare Volz

Picasa in the Classroom - 0 views

    Picasa is one way that teachers can use visual learning tools in the classroom. This website provides ways for teachers to engage their students using Picasa.
Julie Topping

Voicethread 4 Education - home - 0 views

  • With VoiceThread, group conversations are collected and shared in one place from anywhere in the world. All with no software to install. A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too. Users can doodle while commenting, use multiple identities, and pick which comments are shown through moderation. VoiceThreads can even be embedded to show and receive comments on other websites and exported to MP3 players or DVDs to play as archival movies.
    • Julie Topping
      This paragraph gives a succint definition of what Voicethread is and what you are capable of doing with it. It also details the ways you can share your Voicethread with students or other teachers.
Julie Topping

Voicethread 4 Education - 0 views

    This Wiki details the directions for creating and sharing a Voicethread, and it also has examples and ideas for different age groups of students and different types of students, such as ESL or special needs.
Holly Sweeney

Classroom Video Production & Distribution - 0 views

    This is a great site for educators who are just deciding to use video production in the classroom. It breaks down how to develop a concept for your classroom videos and then where to go from there.
Julie Topping

How to use Jing in your classroom - SimpleK12 - 1 views

  • If you want to use Jing for video capture, you simply take your mouse, click and drag the area of the screen you want to capture and click. Then select to “Capture Video.” You can either record with narration or not – that’s up to you!
    • Julie Topping
      This site is great because it tells you HOW to use Jing which could come in handy if you're not already familiar with the program.
  • Here are some quick ideas for you: You can create training videos for quick and easy access for students, or even yourself for refreshers, etc… Have your students record themselves solving math problems and then post on your classroom blog! Have your students record their presentations Have your students record themselves researching and presenting their findings Don’t stick to the norm! Have your students get creative – create a timeline of an explorer’s life and then present it via Jing!
    • Julie Topping
      Not only does this site tell you how to utilize Jing, but it also gives you some ideas for using the program in your classroom with your students. There are many ways to use this program in the classroom, and you shouldn't limit yourself or your students to these suggestions!
    This blog describes how to use Jing.
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