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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Nikita Varabei


Wii U Review: The Future Is in Good Hands - 0 views

    Today The Wii U came out, and even before that there are already positive posts about it. This Article talks about the Wii U's features, compares it to other consoles, and talks about Nintendo's future. The Wii U seems to have made quite an entrance, with many positive replies and it has been sold out everywhere in my area. Its main Qualities is amazing Multiplayer, as it has been designed to have fun with friends and family. Its new controller is also very interesting, as it has a built in touch screen. This is a big improvement as it allows for more control and eliminates screen picking as you can hide what you are doing and only see it on your controller. It also has completely free online interaction which puts it a step above the Xbox. As for its Hardware, it's processing is about 3 times as good as the Xbox' or PS3's and it also has a much improved graphics card. It also has its traditional motion sensor and controller, allowing for fun sword fighting and other motion controlled games. Overall, I recommend the Wii U for everyone, as it gives a lot of fun to yourself, and all your family/friends. It as an amazing console And will bring a lot o fun to your life.

Which smartphone system is right for you? - - 0 views

    All of us either own a phone or want one, but which one is the right pick for you? Well your in luck because this article talks just about that. It compares the three operating systems that are making it big right now: Android, IOS, and Windows. In this comparison There are many discussions but in the end it comes down to a few points. First off all, there is the android. This system is making a huge impression even though the others have been around for longer. Overall this seems to be a phone who know more about technology and are really into customizing, and controlling their phone. Then there's is the iphone. This phone is popular with a large quantity of people and is famous for its app store. This phone is for those that want a simple phone that is used often for entertainment. Last but not least there is the Windows phone. Windows has been a computing big-shot for a long time and is growing even bigger with its new Windows 8 platform. Whats neat is that both the PC and the smartphone from windows will be running the same OS, which will really make things easier for those interested in connecting the 2 and etc. This phone is for those who are using windows and want their systems to connect, and for those who want a simple interface or those who often use Microsoft Office. In the end, all these systems are amazing and it's really up to your personal needs and preferences.

How to Fix Windows 8's Biggest Annoyances (and Make It More Like Windows 7) - 0 views

    The new OS; Windows 8, is bringing on a lot of excitement, but many people are not too happy with the changes made, myself included. Many people miss the desktop screen, and dislike the new start screen. Others don't like the tiled look and are more used to that of windows 7. There are many other problems and this article describes how to fix all of them. First of all, There is the desktop screen problem. Many of us used to place all our most used programs on our desktop screen so that when you log on, you will have quick access to all you needs, but now all of that is gone and replaced by the start screen. Fortunately, you can bring them back with Start8 (which is easier to use but costs $5) or Classic Shell (which is harder to use but is more customizable and is free). The cool thing about Classic Shell is that it can fix many other things, such as turning your windows explorer from a ribon-ified mess into a usable file browser. you can also fix this problem with Xplorer2. Another problem is that you cant view your videos without buying an attachment to windows media player, but you can fix this with free programs such as VLC There are many other peeves i n widnows 8 that this article helps solve. In conclusion, I feel that knowing that these problems can be fixed will lean alot more people towards windows 8

Internet providers to begin warning customers who pirate content - - 0 views

    Many of use know about pirating, and some even do it. So far we thought that it was an easy way to get things with little ways of getting caught; this however is going to change. A knew security system is in development and bound to be out within the next 2 months that will catch those who pirate, and if numerous warnings are ignored; they will be prosecuted. This program watches popular sites such as bittorent and tracks the ip address of those who download illegal content. Then it sends warnings and if those are ignored, you will be tracked and investigated. Overall I believe this software will help stop pirating, but it will be met with huge opposition because most people wont be willing to give up their access to free movies, music, software, etc. Also this raises a privacy issue, but as this security system only tracks your IP, its not much of a problem compared to other tracking systems out there. To conclude, I believe the future of this system is filled with huge debates and maybe even battles.

Are Your Future Passwords Hidden In the Jiggling of Your Eyeballs? - 0 views

    This article describes how scientists are working to create new top off the line security. As we've seen in many sci-fi movies ; there is such a thing as eye scanners. they have existed for sometime now, but they have been primitive and worked just by using the iris of your eye. This could be faked easily by someone just taking a picture of your eye and simply holding it to the screen. This new technology however is a lot more sophisticated. It uses your eyes "fixations" and "saccades" to determine if it is really you. Fixations is how your eye behaves when it is still and saccades is how your eye behaves when it is moving from point to point. This new technology is a breakthrough in security, as it is virtually impossible to fake. no more stolen passwords, or hacked systems. Now unless its really you, the system wont let the person in. THis is extremely important as it prevents theft, hacking, and many other problems. To conclude, this technology is extremely important to our security and will greatly contribute to our future

Cancer Cells Executed By Magnet - Science News - 0 views

    For many years scientists have been banging their heads on the wall that is Cancer. No cure seems to be found that is perfect, but they keep striving on. In this article Scientists are starting to develop a new approach. Scientists have developed a technology that allows them to manipulate nano-particles and are using them to fight cancer. These particles are ejected into the cells along with protein and then travel into their system. They then latch on to three separate "nodes" and attach them together. This in fact is the cells death switch causing it to self district Furthermore, this has proven successful in destroying many cells, but there are still problems. First of all, there is so far no way of controlling which cells are targeted, so this is not very safe for you, and some cancer cells are making attempts to resist this. To conclude, I believe that this is an ingenious piece of technology and with some further development we may see a cure for cancer.

Australians Surge in Quest to Build Quantum Computer - - 0 views

    This article talks about a new development in computing technology. So far we have relied on the basic computer who's most basic functions are base on binary logic in the in state of "on" and "off". This new development is referred to as "quantum computing". In quantum computing instead of using "on" and "off" states ; qubits are used. Qubits are a form of matter/energy which is part of quantum physics. The trick here is that qubits can represent multiple states at once and therefore far less of them are needed, and many new types of problems can be solved. There is a drawback however, and it is that qubits can only stay in their form for a set period of time, and they must also be at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius or lower. Overall quantum computing is a great idea as it allows for things such as modeling atoms, and seeing how they will react. It will be a huge breakthrough in science, and will allow the modeling and creation of new atoms, chemical reactions, and even living beings, but it is not something you will be using day to day, such as your computer. To conclude, I think that this is an amazing development but i believe that it is more science centered rather than day-to-day life.

funny IOS mapping..... - 7 views

shared by Nikita Varabei on 26 Sep 12 - No Cached
Mr. Fabroa liked it
    We were just talking about this in class today and It was the first thing that I saw on the internet XD

11-year-old wins $20,000 at AT&T hackathon for creating app that discourages texting wh... - 1 views

    This post is about an app created by eleven year old Victoria Walker and David Grau that helps prevent texting while driving. With it people can form "packs" and will be able to prevent their friends form texting while driving. This is done through setting off a loud baring noise that dosn't stop until the offender stops texting. I believe that this is an amazing app as it will help prevent accidents. Also it makes people more interactive and aware of the dangers of texting and driving. This app will cause more interaction because it doesn't make preventing texting while driving a chore, instead it makes it fun. Furthermore i find it amazing that this app was created by eleven year olds. This really goes to show that you can do anything, and you don't have to wait until you get older. It shows that opportunity awaits everywhere. In conclusion I would like to say that those kids are brilliant and they've created an amazing app.
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