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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Cindy Huang


How Secure Is the Passcode on My Phone? - 0 views

    Recently, there have been a lot of passcode exploits, especially on the iPhone and Samsun Galaxy. On the iPhone, it can allow the attacker to access their way into the Phone app, letting them place calls, see/edit contacts, and access photos via the "assign new picture" option. On the Samsung Galaxy, the attacker can flash whatever was open before the phone was locked for a second. This is enough time to launch an app, which can be repeatedly downloaded and completely unlock your phone. The article suggests the user of the phone should download the Apple's Find my iPhone app or Prey, which can track the location of your smartphone if it is ever lost or stolen. This, they say is the best protection for your personal information stored on your phone. These passcode exploits can let one worry and doubt how much protection the lock screen actually provides. The truth is they are no more secure than any other password or PIN, which means they can eventually be cracked. However, it is still suggested to always lock your screen, just in case it is robbed by someone who does not know anything about getting around locked screens. Many companies are aware of the issues and is releasing new techniques, like the iOS 6.1.3. Hopefully, with time, these password problems will not be an issue anymore.

What Is Bitcoin and What Can I Do With It? - 0 views

    Bitcoin is a digital currency that can be used to pay for a variety of goods and services online. It works like paper money, as in it can make purchases online, but it is primarily used in data form so you can trade it between peer and peer online. It is accessed by an online service that is gained through mining. The mining process includes running software performances and in return you are awarded a small portion of Bitcoin. You can also purchase Bitcoins using a wallet software. It requires a bit of disk space though. This new form of currency can be the change in the electronic economics. It is different from the other forms of online payment options that we are used to, like debit or credit cards. It is easier to obtain such currency, and it does not cost actual money. However, it is accepted only at limited service or goods websites. Also, a wallet software account is required in many cases. In addition, it may not be convenient or the best choice for all the consumers. This currency has a specific focus on who it is designed to target.

Report: Apple Is Being a Massive Cheapskate with Its Music Streaming Service - 0 views

    It is well-known that Apple has access to almost any music that one can think of. However, according to the New York Post, Apple is low-balling record labels for the rights to use their music in a new music streaming service. The company is only offering labels 6 cents per 100 listens, where as Pandora offers 12 cents per 100 and traditional radio pays 22 cents per 100. One can say that Apple is trying to enter this business, but not willing to go through all the trouble and complications that other music streaming services has to go through. I personally do not think this is right because record labels go through a lot of work just to try to get a little profit from the music industry. With Apple offering such a low price to use their music, it is not fair to those who work hard for a result.

The World's Smallest Arm Chip Is Going To Be Inside You - 0 views

    This article is about Freescale launching the world's smallest arm chip. It is made of silicon and is only 2 x 2 x 0.5mm. It can hold 48 HMz ARMM Cortex-M0+ processor, 32KB flash memory, and 4KB of RAM. This, however, is not designed to run desktop software, but is instead intended to be used for products that can be swallowed. I think this is an improvement on "Portable Computing", as this technology can be used in the medical field. This also follows the trend of minimization, as we can now see the potential and advantages of having smaller chips, for example, inserting them into pills that can be swallowed. Freescale is pricing this product at 75 cents apiece, if purchased in 100 000 unit loads. However, I am certain that the cost will go up dramatically if launched successfully, causing the a shift in the electronic market and economy.

Splitsecnd dials 911 when your car crashes (video) - 0 views

    The article is about a device that can get your vehicle to be connected to OnStar. This feature can be targeted to almost anyone who can drive because it is very beneficial to the owners. This device can automatically dial 911 and send emergency services your location if you are ever in an accident. This can also be used if there is a medical emergency, which I think is great for seniors or anyone with medical issues that drive. By having this in your car, it can make driving safer and makes you feel less worried. This device has already saved many lives and I think it is a great invention that can positively change our lives regarding the way we drive. This technology can lead to other inventions that can help save lives. The downside, however, is that there is a $15 monthly fee that comes with purchasing the product.

Google will reportedly open its own retail stores starting this year | The Verge - 0 views

    With Google's new product, "Google Glass", the company must come up with a new way to promote the product to its customers. Since the device will be costly, most likely to be around $1500, the company has decided to expand into retail stores which will be open all around the world. This can make it easier for consumers to test out products before buying it, and Google is also promoting and expanding its market in this way. The launch of Google retails stores can create competition for other companies, like Apple or Microsoft, and is a risk to invest in such a large project. Google, however, think this idea makes sense if the company wants to expand its business, and they believe it will satisfy its customers. I think these stores can create easier access to electronic information and products, which can benefit the company's profits, and with the rapid expanding of new technology, Google stores can use this factor to benefit and change the way people buy products from the company.

Facebook Inc (FB) Will Soon Be Tracking Your Location - 0 views

    According to the article, Facebook is presenting an app that can track the location of its users. This new feature can introduce ads around the area of the user, which can be very convenient. This can then increase businesses revenues around the world. On the user's side of the story, this deals with the their personal information, which he or she may not intentionally want to share. Facebook, however, may have found a loophole in their data-user policy, which already indicates their permission to access your location. This can lead one to doubt the safety of the internet and how companies can find ways around the law to increase their income.

Ecommerce Sales Topped $1 Trillion Worldwide in 2012 - 0 views

    this is my first bookmark
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