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Contents contributed and discussions participated by katrina dykun


Google Services Interrupted in China [UPDATED] - 0 views

    This article is about internet users in China that are having trouble and difficulties using Google last Friday. Most of them tried to use Google Search and Gmail, but got declined from using them. However, they switched to alternative services, such as Hotmail and Yahoo.  This whole problem about the connection were affecting a week-long meeting of the Chinese Communist Party. China has been known to block internet access for its citizens during politically sensitive times. One example was the protests at Tiananmen Square.

Bullied Teen Amanda Todd Uploads Chilling Video Before Being Found Dead - 0 views

    15 year old Amanda Todd was found dead in her home on October 2012. This event was due to cyber, physical, and verbal bullying. He committed suicide in her house. She had no one to support her in this process. She tried forgetting so she decided to move to different schools. The people in her school followed her and made things worse. She was alone. Imagine how she felt. Bullying is horrible and it should stop today. But, no one is making a change and stopping these people. In this video, Amanda Todd stated "I didn't press any charges, i just wanted to move on". In my opinion, she should of told her parents or the police that she was being bullied because this would made a huge difference. She wouldn't be depressed for her whole entire life. This girl is my age, and if I was being bullied.. I would of told at least a teacher or my parents. Bullying is bad, and it should stop.

Our iPhones Are Depleting the Earth's Resources [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

    This article is based on recycling of the iPhone 5. Apple sold over 5 million iPhone 5's the first week it was introduced. Most of these buyers weren't first time owners. They were buyers of an iPhone 3, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, or an iPhone 4S. Some customers did successfully recycle them, but most iPhone's aren't efficiently thrown out. These resources are collected from our earth. Knowing that many iPhone's have been sold in the past years, there are many resources used from our earth that are getting wasted and overused. If there are going to be many more iPhone's invented, then this will be a problem to our environment and its going to affect our ways of living. In conclusion, if the iPhone if successful and continues to invent more, then we will be living in a different environment which will not be good.

Apple EarPods Teardown Reveals Durable Design - 0 views

    This article is about the comparison of the old apple earphones and the new EarPods. Apple claims that the new EarPods sound as powerful as the expensive earphones invented in the world (example: Beats by Drake.. if that's what they're called). These new EarPods are as powerful as a expensive pair of earphone, but cost only 29$ and if you purchase any apple device (iPhone, iPod touch, etc.) these earbuds are free.  I have watched the video below, and some people say they can't tell a difference from the old earphone, while other people say it's a big difference. I have never used the EarPods before, but in my opinion I do think it would make a difference because technology is improving and becoming more successful. One little piece of technology can make a big difference in the world. Also, the customers have commented that these EarPods are more comfortable to fit into your ears. These EarPods are not a great device to repair. However, they are a low price so once your EarPods break, you could buy a new pair.
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