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Lego robot crushes Rubik's Cube world record with superhuman speed | The Verge - 1 views

    In England, Two computer engineers were able to make a rubiks cube solving machine, out of legos. The machine does not just simply solve the rubiks cube, it is also able to solve it in under 3.253 seconds, making it the faster robot ever to solve a rubiks cube. The amazing thing is, is that this machine was built on these engineers free time. I believe what these two english engineers did was simply amazing. If someone has the free time to make a machine like this, these two powerful minds have the capability to make robots that could solve equations that are difficult, or things that make our every day life easier. Lego is truly a toy not just for kids, the motors and actuators are used from multiple Lego Windstorm sets and is being controlled by a Samsung galaxy s4 with a custom app.
anthony garisto

3D printed speakers give you a custom light show to go with your tunes (video) - 0 views

    Evan Atherton created a pair of speakers that provide a customized light show for the music that is being played out of them. The interesting part about these speakers is that they were made using a 3-D printer. He created each individual cube with a hard plastic and a flexible rubber. He also added an addressable RGB LED strip that is operated by a microcontroller from the company Lumigeek. The speakers will not be for sale since it costs around $2000 and over 60 hours to make. 
william dietrich

tiny camra - 0 views

    Lytro came out with a new camera which is 4.4 inches long and 8 oz in length, it has a touch screen, and 8x zoom. there is only 2 buttons on it, shutter and power. it also comes with 8 and 16GB, so it can hold a LOT of pictures. To me, I really don't care for this camera, yea its convenient,, but I don't like to take pictures of everything i see, plus, it's also $400, which is unbelievable. This may appear to be an awesome gadget to some, but to me , it's just not worth it, it's also a cube like kaleidoscope type thing, it's just plain strange.
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