Alcatel OneTouch Idol X makes a solid debut in Canada - 1 views
Robert Augustynowicz on 17 Feb 14An android smartphone called the Alcatel One Touch Idol X has been released in Canada on February 11th. It has average specs compared to the Galaxy S4 and iPhone 5s while costing a lot less. Without a contract the Idol costs 250 dollars while with a Bell 2 year plan it has a price tag of 0 dollars. The operating system of the Idol X is a modified version of jellybean 4.2.2 giving the phone noticeable difference but still keeping the android feel. Also the Alcatel smartphone has a beautiful design. It looks a cross between an iPhone and the Samsung galaxy S4. Finally, on paper this phone is near perfect but the next couple months will put it to the test in real life situations.
Mr. Fabroa on 18 Feb 14thoughts/opinions?