Playing 'Pokémon' with 35,000 people is frustratingly fun | The Verge - 0 views
Winnie Huang on 17 Feb 14This article is about a channel on a game streaming site that allows users to 'join in'. The channel's creator, Polygon, has formulated a way in translating chat comments into control inputs. Over the past few days this Pokemon game has received over 35 000 players typing in commands all at the same time, causing lag and a lack of cooperation. However, despite the slow progress in leading the hero around the playing field, players are still determined to defeat the game's eight gym leaders. What is really amazing about this is that Pokemon even after all this time is very popular and people are still finding different ways to program and play this game. It also shows that you don't have to create a new advanced system or another pacemaker to be successful in computers.
Mr. Fabroa on 18 Feb 14I'm not entirely clear what the connection is to careers in computing. Please clarify