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ezine point

Ways to Control and Manage Enterprise Cloud Services - 0 views

    Gain Usage Insight: Many cloud services are well-designed, secure, enterprise-friendly and relatively risk free. However, improper use of even a sanctioned and well-managed cloud service may generate unacceptable and unforeseen risks.
ezine point

Cloud Services Best Practices: Identify all cloud services in use & evaluate risk - 0 views

    Flying blind is never a good idea, so before you begin taking steps to reduce risk, you need to understand what risk you are currently exposed to.
ezine point

Best Ways for Securing Your Data in Cloud - 0 views

    Developing and adhering to stringent hiring policies is important in order to ensure a longer life and sustainability. Finding candidates for any job profile is not an easy task.
ezine point

Benefits of VoIP for Hospitality Industry! - 0 views

    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is becoming increasingly popular as an industry standard for business telecommunication.
ezine point

IT Opportunities Surrounding Shadow IT - 0 views

    The magnitude of Shadow IT is significant and growing. Gartner has predicted that a full 35% of IT spending will take place outside of IT by 2015 - just 18 months away. By the end of the decade, that figure will hit 90%.
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