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angelica laurencon - 0 views

    While the focus of today's Facebook announcements was the new Timeline profile, the Read, Watch, Listen media sharing apps have generated a lot of interest too. These so-called "social apps" haven't been widely launched yet, but you can get a sense of what they will do by adding a couple of brand new newspaper social apps to your Facebook profile: The Guardian's app and one from Washington Post.
angelica laurencon

Business 2.0: Geschäftsmodelle für satte Märkte - 0 views

    Was ist nun das Erfolgsmodell, nach welchem der Pionier der deutschen Entrepreneurship-Bewegung ein Unternehmen nach dem anderen - oft studentische Gründungen - auf die Spur setzt? Konzeptkreative Gründungen Faltin führt sieben Techniken für das Entrepreneurial Design auf: Potenzial in Vorhandenem entdecken Funktion statt Konvention Vorhandenes neu kombinieren mehr als nur eine Funktion erfüllen Probleme als Chance verstehen Arbeit in Spaß und Unterhaltung verwandeln Visionen Wirklichkeit werden lassen „Funktion statt Konvention" heißt am Beispiel der Teekampagne, dass der Verkauf von Tee im Kilo funktionieren kann, wenn grundlegende Dinge wie dessen Haltbarkeit geklärt sind und das Produkt weitestgehend reduziert ist - in diesem Fall auf eine einzige, nämlich die beste Sorte. Große Mengen einer Sorte bedeuten niedrige Kosten für Transport, Verpackung und Lager; der Verzicht auf eigene Geschäfte senkt die Ausgaben noch weiter. All das ermöglicht einen attraktiven Verkaufspreis und ungeahnte Margen für den Teehändler. Wichtig zu wissen: Wer mit Konventionen bricht, muss mit Angriffen rechnen.
angelica laurencon

Eight Companies With the Potential to Disrupt the Media - 0 views

    Socialize was proclaimed the winner by the crowd, which voted on special iPod Touches that were handed out to the audience and returned to tabulate the final results. Socialize provides websites with a software developer kit (SDK) intended to "quantify the interest graph." Of the eight companies that took the stage, Socialize was the company with the clearest technological vision and most potential to be integrated on a large scale within media apps. CEO Daniel R. Odio described it as "unleashing the community that is hiding in your app."
angelica laurencon

Some disruptive Ideas about new models for capitalisme - 0 views

    Capitalism has to face the challenges of a fast changing social environment. Resources are fragilized by mismanagement, people communicate and transact in new transaction communities. Short term profit thinking has to be replaced by a interactive benefit ideal.
angelica laurencon

Online-Plattformen: Business 2.0 - 0 views

    Online-Plattformen sind die Allzweckanwender im Business 2.0: Die IKT ermöglichen ständig neue Apps und Updates, die plattformübergreifende Social Media Synergie macht aus der Masse einen Mehrwertfaktor. 7 spannende Modelle werden hier vorgestellt, nicht alle sind Gelddruckmaschinen, aber einige davon so Millionen schwer - aufgrund der Masse und deren Daten.
angelica laurencon

Digitale Kommunikation (Teil 4): Marketingstrategien « centrestage - 0 views

    Die Push-Kommunikation: Vom Unternehmen zum Kunden Der Kommunikationskanal vom Unternehmen zum Kunden im Pushverfahren wird sich nicht mehr halten können. Die Effektivität von E-Mailings oder Newslettern hat in der Vergangenheit stark abgenommen. Kunden und Nutzer entscheiden selbst, von wem sie mit Informationen beliefert werden möchten. Pull-Kommunikation: Vom Kunden zum Unternehmen Der Kommunikationskanal vom Kunden zum Unternehmen im Pullverfahren wird sich zunehmend etablieren. Kunden holen selbstbewusst und zielsicher die Informationen ein, die sie für ihre Entscheidungen benötigen.
angelica laurencon

Small Business get access to OSS and Social Media Know How for smarter work - 0 views

    What is affiliate marketing? Basically it's selling a lot of different company's products .Its a way to begin making money that is inexpensive, and easy to get started. I want to point out that there are free and paid ways to advertise your products. One of the paid ways is "pay per click". I would highly recommend that you stay away from this because if you are unfamiliar with it, you can loose more than you make. You must also remember that affiliate marketing takes work. It's not a push the button, and the money flows, but it's very rewarding.
angelica laurencon

Social CRM _New rules of relationship with your customers - 0 views

    NTIC are facilitating daily business,but OSS, M2M are destroying the human touch, authenticity and real personal contact. Social CRM are reducing the distance between those who provide the service and the product and those who pay and use them every day.
angelica laurencon

KUMA - Kundenmanagement_CRM 2.0_interactivity, Social Media - 0 views

    CRM in Business 2.0 is a paradigm shift. The client is no longer just the target, but participates in his individual manner at a collective work. Services, brands, products are no longer kept in the hands of the product development and QM. CRM with Social Media Monitoring enables the Small Businesses to discuss, connect and act in daily business.
angelica laurencon

Free_ The future of a Radical_Price - 0 views

    In his revolutionary best seller, The Long Tail, Chris Anderson demonstrated how the online marketplace creates niche markets, allowing products and consumers to connect in a way that has never been possible before. Now, in Free, he makes the compelling case that, in many instances, businesses can profit more from giving things away than they can by charging for them.
angelica laurencon

Entrepreneurial-finance - 0 views

    Business 2.0 - how to preview financing of start-ups is one side of the problem start-ups have to fce, the other one is the optimizing of Web 2.0 aggregators and the rules of business expanding so near,so far.
angelica laurencon

Wissenswert - Web 2.0 Interactivity - 0 views

    ein Schweizer Universitätsprofessoren-Blog, innovativ, professsionell und sehr informativ und zwar genau auf den neuen Feldern: elearning, Wissenstransfer und kollaboratives Prozessmanagement
angelica laurencon

Creating A Successful Web 2.0 Business - 0 views

    Web 2.0 started as a revolution that uses the web to link people together. Web 2.0 means communicating, sharing, discussing and trading online in very useful ways never possible before. Web 2.0 simplifies collaboration and information exchange. We get used to Web 2.0 services as a part of our daily lives and these services are being more popular day by day. Web 2.0 makes headlines, but how is it possible to make money by starting a Web 2.0 business? We are sure that there are very successful Web 2.0 companies. Google makes money based on "free" search, Facebook and other social networks grow so quickly and their content is created by their users.
angelica laurencon

Business 2.0 How to earn money with Web 2.0 and NTIC - 0 views

    One the best of the YouTube tutorials about Business 2.0 opprtunities. US - Small business creators have very innovative ideas far beyond our European messy temptations to step into the 21st business revolution
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