Step-By-Step Install Guide Mahara ePortfolio and Integration with Moodle LMS - 5 views
Kristina Hoeppner on 26 Apr 11"Hands-On Labs Session In this Hands-on manual, you will learn to setup your own Mahara ePortfolio server and integrate it with Moodle LMS. We assume that you know how to install and configure Linux CentOS-5 server, and also how to install and configure Moodle LMS on Linux. In this lab session, you learn how to install and configure Mahara on Linux CentOS-5. Next, I will show how to integrate it with Moodle LMS using SSO via XMLRPC authentication scheme. The entire hands-on lab was done using VMware; however, you can also use any other virtual machines like MS VirtualPC, Linux Xen, Citrix XenServer, or VirtualBox from Oracle."