A case of institutional PLE: integration of VLE and e-portfolio for students - Web Scie... - 1 views
Kristina Hoeppner on 13 Aug 11via http://twitter.com/#!/DrPlumEU/statuses/96268084347801600 "This paper presents an exploratory study of the potential for offering students elements to construct their own personal learning environments, through a combination of an e-portfolio and integrated learning platform. The intention was to integrate an institutional virtual learning environment; an e-portfolio for assembling work, where the students can include ideas and reflections and create their own work; and social networks as powerful communication tools, particularly of an informal nature. The study aims to find out whether students think that an e-portfolio can improve project assignments when used in collaborative group work; whether this independent way of learning enriches collaborative work and reciprocity among the members of each group so that a knowledge-building process is generated in the case study in question; and whether using e-portfolios contributes more effectively to the achievement of the course's proposed learning outcomes."
jeanetteswain on 21 Sep 11I'd Love to read it BUT twitter is blocked at my education institution!