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Shawn Greenwood

Engaging Students in Learning History - 3 views

    In this article John Fielding, discusses how many of Canadian students learn history - through memorization and lecture - and how instead we need to engage students in history lessons through role play, field trips and storytelling. For many it is easy to identify how history should NOT be taught, but to make history memorable we need to make it come alive for the students. John also offers a list of strategies in teaching history which are not valuable, strategies which may be successful, and finally interesting and imaginative learning strategies, all with reasons why they are, or are not, effective.
    John Fielding a retired history professor from Queens University wrote this short article to encourage History teachers to be passionate and creative in their teaching. Teachers need to get students involved in History and show them how it is relevant today. According to Professor Fielding "the most important element for a strategy to be effective is, however, that it must activate the historical imagination of the student." So as teachers we need to find ways to start their imagination and let them enjoy the past without always having to write a two page essay. Fielding suggest that teachers allow students to be creative allowing them to use historical fiction to demonstrate their understanding of the people and their times. Teachers should incorporate drama, role playing and storytelling help develop a historical imagination of the student. When you can capture the imagination of the student you can then develop a passion in the student for the things of the past.
Erica Fleming-Gillespie

Critical Thinking in the Social Studies. ERIC Digest No. 30 - 2 views

    This article describes the importance of integrating critical thinking into core curriculum subjects like social studies in order to improve student ability to transfer critical thinking skills into other areas of their lives. It describes the need to explicitly teach critical thinking skills and strategies to students by asking "challenging questions and require(ing) students to give evidence or reasons for their conclusions and opinions".
Scott King

Curriculum in the Age of Globalization - 2 views

    Found this journal article written primarily for education professionals, in which the author explores B.C and Canada's social studies curriculum in the age of globalization. In her belief the "absent curricula" is failing to create students who are well informed global citizens. The paper explores the reasons why are curricula is failing and provides suggestions as to how to address them. In addition the article does a great job of comparing our Canadian social studies curriculum to the U.S and U.K curriculum. The article goes on state that In "order to develop a better understanding of our world today, as well as foster critical thinking, students should be introduced to the histories of many nations, both past and present." In addition the paper emphasis the importance of authentic assessment, rather than testing of rote learning. The author also suggests that teachers should mark social study students based on more globalized themed projects and assignments rather than multiple choice, fact-based tests.
Stacey Manzerolle

CLASSROOM TIPS;Teach Your Students How To Write A Research Report - 2 views

    This article describes how to interest students in research writing and reporting as well as the steps to get them planning and working to a cohesive conclusion. Although not limited to history or geography, this article is from the Canadian Social Studies Journal and offers good information for Social Studies or any curriculum subject. I particularly found the last portion interesting - 17 ways to present research. Currently in our PDS our students are looking at determining their learning styles - auditory, visual or kinesthetic - and by offering multiple ways for students to present their assignment we are offering a form of differentiated learning.
Tanya Traverso

The emergence of a new high school textbook: An initiative to make learning more access... - 2 views

    A new textbook produced by Nelson Education and Martin Aboriginal Educational Initiative has emerged within high-school entrepreneurship classes. Based on the Ontario Senior Business Studies Curriculum, Tara Perkins discusses in the Globe and Mail the emergence of this new workbook specifically intended for aboriginal students. The images of aboriginals on the cover stress the importance to native students that business is a subject applicable to them. This initiative highlights the beginning of a new era in education as business courses for indigenous people written by indigenous people lay the foundation for a greater involvement within the business/administrative sector. According to Statistics Canada, in 2008-2009, the average employment rate fell faster for off-reserve Aboriginal people than for non-Aboriginal people. Additionally, the gap between these two groups significantly widened as employment rates increased from 3.5% to 4.8%. These statistics highlight the importance of how practical skills need to be easily accessible to native communities in order to provide them with equal opportunity to financially succeed within Canadian economy. In correlation to the ideas of equality within education, D'ary Levesque also discusses in the Globe and Mail, the importance of aboriginal education and its potential impact on the country's economy. Although Aboriginal Canadians are one of the youngest and fastest growing populations, lower educational trends continue to preside. Levesque expands on this idea based on reports from the Ottawa-based Centre for the Study of Living Standards which estimates more than $170 billion could be added to the economy by 2026 if natives achieved the same education levels as other Canadians. Ultimately, Levesque examines the importance of corporations to lend a supporting role alongside the Federal government to assist First Nation communities in advancing their education. Refer to:

Social Studies In Action: Dealing with Controversial Issues - 1 views

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on view this video. The video demonstrates different activities and ways on how to deal with controversial issues within social studies, such as stereotypes or racism due to past and present events.
Stacey Manzerolle

Visualizing How a Population Grows to 7 Billion - 1 views

    Here are a couple engaging videos that clearly illustrate how reaching the 7 billionth person on the earth will have an impact on our students. Also showing who the typical earthling looks, and lives. A great video for grade 8 geography...

Making Geography Fun - 1 views

    Students are falling behind in Geography as the focus has been put on math and language in schools. However, it is very important for our youth to learn about the global economy and the many different cultures and relationships around the world. This particular article discusses statistics from the US, but the same generalizations can be made for Canada and its school focus.
Tanya Traverso

Complexities Surrounding the War of 1812 - 1 views

    Marking the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, this account displays the struggles that pitted Canadian, Indian, and British forces against American expansion. Although Americans had fought against the British, Canadian colonists, and native nations, for two and a half years, in the United States and Britain very little about the war lives on today. However, this event was a war worth remembering for Canadians as it gave colonies a sense of identity and paved the route to Confederation. Therefore, studying history reveals the active role of individuals and groups in shaping our cultures and nations, illuminating ideals and disagreements between powerful continents. Although the war was largely a U.S. failure, some benefits did arise after this event. It convinced the Americans that they needed a full professional army to build up their strength and power. They also gained a sense of unity, complete with a new national symbol of "Uncle Sam." In addition, Laura Second, a name most familiar in candy stores but in actuality was the Canadian who walked a far stretch to bare news of the impending American attack. Therefore, the film displays how many glories had come out of this war that has been imprinted in our culture and history. Seemingly, for some, it is interesting to examine how failures became quickly forgotten and truths about what actually occurred are ignored. When studying history it is important to be cognisant of these complexities in order to gain greater perspective when dissecting world events. Please see: article entitled, "The War of 1812" by Kenneth Kidd on the Saturday October 8, 2011 issue.
Tanya Traverso

Largest Recorded Arctic Ozone Hole Sparks Fears of Worse to Come... - 1 views

    On October 2, 2011, journalist Tim Alamenciak posted an intriguing article to readers of the Toronto Star regarding the environmental changes occurring within our world. This article is tremendously intriguing as it increases individual's awareness on the detrimental and harmful effects happening to our environment. According to a study published in the Nature, in the beginning of the year, the loss of the ozone over the Arctic has reached unprecedented levels never seen before in the northern hemisphere. Three researchers from Environmental Canada and one from University of Toronto commented on this occurrence by stating an unusually long period of low temperatures and powerful wind patterns played a tremendous factor in damaging the ozone layer. Ultimately, persistent cold weather created the perfect conditions to destroy ozone levels. Sitting fifteen to thirty-five kilometres above the Earth's surface, the Stratospheric ozone layer acts like a giant shield that blocks harmful ultraviolent rays that cause skin cancer to humans as well as damages all plant and animal life. Therefore, when the ozone layer gradually begins to deplete, this will have a devastating effect on our world. Man-made chemicals known as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are gases used in the manufacturing of aerosols and refrigerators. Scientists have regarded these chemicals as key identifiers for destroying the ozone in the stratosphere. Individuals must become more cognisant of how these harmful chemicals negatively impact our world. By fostering responsibility, community service, and nurturing at a young age, children can apply these values and employ them for future action.

But Social Studies is Boring - 1 views

    This website is a great research tool with different ways to teach social studies using differentiated instruction. The website provides different general ideas and ideas that will help spark an interest in the students. FYI on the left side there is a toolbar, it provides different activities and knowledge regarding social studies once you select a specific grade.
Lidia Kyprianou

Why Teaching History is Important - 1 views

    When President Bush enacted the, "No Child Left Behind Act", he created a large hindrance of learning for the subject area of history and other humanities. This act primarily focusses on the subject areas of math and literacy. With the recent election of President Obama, similar patterns have continued to exist concerning the area of history. President Obama's policy concerning education focusses on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Author, Chelsea Gibson, states, despite the continued emphasis of math and literacy and the support these subjects receive from the government, history and social studies will always teach our children important life lessons. This in turn will create responsible and informed critical leaners. Gibson states 4 reasons as to why the application of history in schools creates critical and informed lifelong learners: 1. History teaches analytical skills. History requires students to make connections and allows them to ask question. Gibson states, critical thinking is the foundation for history therefore, making critical learning an essential learning tool. 2. History is also integrated into other curriculum areas such as the Arts, psychology, philosophy, and modern languages. 3. History teaches and improves writing skills. 4. Finally, history makes students more aware of their heritage.
Scott King

Canadian historians mod Civilization III to teach Canadian history - 1 views

    This article is great for computer-savvy teachers or historians who are interested incorporating computer gaming into their history lessons. Bitcasters, Telefilm Canada and Canada's National History Society have joined together to make an application which can be added to the Civilization III which uses Canadian history as a bases for the gaming environment. This is a unique way to make history lessons more interesting especially for those gamers in your class. The only difficulty I see with using this in the classroom is how to incorporate it to the curriculum and limited class time allotted for history. To help keep the game tied to the curriculum, HistoriCanada includes historical references such as the Canadian Encyclopedia, which are integrated directly into the game. An added bonus for teachers is that the game allows teachers to track progress on the game's web site, which will also provide further background information on the actual course of Canadian history.
Stacey Manzerolle

Teaching about local government and community: classroom tips - 1 views

    This journal article provides several examples of creative activities to engage students in learning about their community and government. Although this can be viewed as a rather dry topic, utilizing the ideas given in the article new TECs can pique the interests of students and give them a sense of belonging to the community in which they live.
Scott King

The Quality Paradigm Shift in Education - 1 views

    Hi again, found this short exert from Teaching and Testing to Continuous Learning and Improvement by John Jay Bonstingl which looks at the quality paradigm shift in education. The book was originally intended for teachers and curriculum development committees but offers useful information for anyone in the education community. The main body of the article is broken into two main parts. In the first part of the article the author compares the old paradigm of teaching and testing to the new paradigm of continuous learning and improvement and in the second part the author shows a comparison of these two techniques when applied to social studies. This could be useful as a point of reference when developing lesson plans which are intended to engage and stimulate students.
Scott King

What Constructivist Theory and Brain Research May Offer Social Studies - 1 views

    Interesting journal article which sources recent research in brain research and research on constructivist theory to argue that the reflective inquiry tradition of social studies which has been shown to be a powerful model for developing a citizenship centered education, has been for the most part been unfulfilled in many social studies curriculum documents and classrooms. The article is important for any educational minister or teachers who are involved in developing curriculum for social studies. Article also gives some background and reasoning for ensuring that the students play an active role in conducting in class investigation well the teacher's acts as facilitators (Accountable Talk).
Stacey Manzerolle

Classroom Tips: Linking Geography, History and Current Events - 1 views

    In this journal article, Carol Arnold, a junior high school teacher shares her insights on an inquiry project she requires of her students. They investigate current natural disasters and related issues such as global warming and link them to the causal relationship between humans and their environment. This effectively allows the students to answer the questions of 'why study history' or 'why study geography' through their own research project.
Tanya Traverso

Student Reflection on Remembrance Day - 1 views

    The Montreal Gazette Newspaper published an article on November 11, entitled, "The Need for Remembrance Day Endures." This article recognizes the importance of veterans and their memories they bring from experiencing historical events in history. Ultimately, individuals who fought in World War I, World War 2, and the Korean War, lay the foundation of Remembrance Day ceremonies across the country. The fascinating stories of veterans' lives serve as the purest form of experience as it provides invaluable insight to historical events. While there is an array of documentation of veterans' experiences, it is more meaningful and engaging to have them orally share their stores. Although many will no longer be able to share their experiences with us, it becomes essential for parents and educators to continue honouring the individuals who sacrificed their lives for our country. A poppy can serve as a simple testament of respect as well as the desire for peace. As we continue to fight the war on terrorism, the desire for power and resources raise the possibilities for greater global violence and turmoil. By paying tribute to our war veterans, it becomes essential to teach students the importance of reflection by promoting peace and community within the classroom environment.
Stacey Manzerolle

We Interrupt This Moment; Educating and the Teaching of History - 1 views

    In this article Jennifer Tupper argues for a new approach to teaching history; a rediscovery or re(hi)storation which not only examines the male dominated view of history, but also the influences others to critically approach historical documentation for bias and partiality. I found her text formatting and insertion of italicized documentation to be particularly relevant and persuasive. It demonstrated how we as History teachers can allow spaces for 'breaking news' that might otherwise be overlooked, so that we are not perpetuating this narrow perspective.

Why Should I be Interested in Geography? - 0 views

    Geography Today is about a better Tomorrow!
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