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Jim Shimabukuro

Arirang | Korea for the World, The World for Korea - - 0 views

    Updated : May 31, 2011 Tablet PCs Change Korea's Educational Environment Tablet PCs are taking the world's IT market by storm. Korea is no exception to the trend, with tablet PC users roaming its streets everywhere. Now, tablet PCs are transforming not just the way we live but also the way we learn. We're now at an elementary school in Incheon, where students are taking lessons at a whole new level. On their desks are tablet PCs and electronic pens instead of the usual paper and pencils. This is a classroom of the digital age. This school is currently conducting digital textbook lessons for 4th and 5th graders. [Interview : Han Gyeong-su, Vice Principal Incheon Samsan Elementary School] "The digital textbook is a technology combining reference books, exercise books and other resources into one device. It could totally change our educational paradigm." These lessons are conducted using digital textbooks, which are tablet PCs with a touch screen and keyboard.
Bonnie Sutton


what you're sayingTHE LIBRARY: FREE, DIGITALLY HIP & COOL Ed Weiner A recent opinion piece called into question the Free Library's place in our digital world. A quick stop on - ou...

E books free philadelphia digital library cool

started by Bonnie Sutton on 17 May 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Is Teach for America Working? - 0 views

Debate discussion pro and con

started by Bonnie Sutton on 02 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Stop Cyberbullying Webinar - 0 views

Government Webinar on Stopping Cyberbullying

started by Bonnie Sutton on 13 Aug 12 no follow-up yet
Vanessa Vaile

Dracula, Chapter 10 - 0 views

    • Vanessa Vaile
      confinement theme ~ includes knowledge as well as bodies, women, infection
  • "The good husbandman tell you so then because he knows, but not till then
  • When I described Lucy's symptoms, the same as before, but infinitely more marked, he looked very grave, but said nothing.
  • ...40 more annotations...
  • spiritual pathology,
  • She was ghastly, chalkily pale.
  • Her breathing was painful to see or hear.
  • I would give the last drop of blood in my body for her."
  • She wants blood, and blood she must have or die
  • transfusion of blood, to transfer from full veins of one to the empty veins
  • of blood so pure
  • the narrow black velvet band which she seems always to wear round her throat, buckled with an old diamond buckle
  • deep hiss of indrawn breath
  • What do you make of that mark on her throat?"
  • There was no sign of disease, but the edges were white and worn looking, as if by some trituration. It at once occurred to me that that this wound, or whatever it was, might be the means of that manifest loss of blood.
  • The opiate worked itself off towards dusk, and she waked naturally.
  • looked at me gratefully whenever I caught her eye
  • You do not want to sleep?"
  • "Afraid to go to sleep! Why so? It is the boon we all crave for."
  • "Ah, not if you were like me, if sleep was to you a presage of horror!"
  • All this weakness comes to me in sleep,
  • "But, my dear girl, you may sleep tonight. I am here watching you, and I can promise that nothing will happen." "Ah, I can trust you!" she said.
  • All night long I watched by her. She never stirred, but slept on and on in a deep, tranquil, life-giving, health-giving sleep.
  • It was dark when I was able to inquire about my zoophagous patient.
  • I lay on the sofa, and forgot all about everything.
  • Somehow Arthur feels very, very close to me.
  • DR. SEWARD'S DIARY 10 September.--I was conscious of the Professor's hand on my head, and started awake all in a second. That is one of the things that we learn in an asylum, at any rate.
  • There on the bed, seemingly in a swoon, lay poor Lucy, more horribly white and wan-looking than ever.
  • the faint seemed to merge subtly into the narcotic sleep.
  • how Lucy had made such a retrograde movement, and how she could have been drained of so much blood with no sign any where to show for it
  • "Now you go home, and eat much and drink enough. Make yourself strong. I stay here tonight, and I shall sit up with little miss myself.
  • In the hall two of the maids came to me, and asked if they or either of them might not sit up with Miss Lucy.
  • For over and over again have I seen similar instances of woman's kindness.
  • waiting for sleep. It is coming.
  • 11 September.--This afternoon I went over to Hillingham. Found Van Helsing in excellent spirits, and Lucy much better.
  • "No trifling with me! I never jest! There is grim purpose in what I do, and I warn you that you do not thwart me.
  • No telling to others that make so inquisitive questions.
    • Vanessa Vaile
      more confinement of information ~ characters are also always saying don't tell, don't say anything about. etc.   Also the effect of Victorian reticence it to sequester knowledge and information
  • you always have a reason for what you do, but this certainly puzzles me. It is well we have no sceptic here, or he would say that you were working some spell to keep out an evil spirit."
  • we left the house in my fly,
    • Vanessa Vaile
      another means of transportation
  • Tonight I can sleep in peace, and sleep I want,
  • remembering my own confidence two nights before and with the baneful result, felt awe and vague terror
  • weakness that made me hesitate to tell it to my friend
Vanessa Vaile

Dracula - 0 views

    • Vanessa Vaile
      Premonitions/ foreboding, sleeping and waking. Compare to Jonathon's journal at the castle. Also where this fits in with timetable. Hyperlinking cross-references would be handy here.
  • The clock was striking one
  • There was a bright full moon, with heavy black, driving clouds, which threw the whole scene into a fleeting diorama of light and shade as they sailed across.
  • ...65 more annotations...
  • ruins of the abbey coming into view, and as the edge of a narrow band of light as sharp as a sword-cut moved along, the church and churchyard became gradually visible.
  • it seemed to me as though something dark stood behind the seat where the white figure shone, and bent over it.
  • flew down the steep steps to the pier and along by the fish-market to the bridge, which was the only way to reach the East Cliff. The town seemed as dead, for not a soul did I see.
  • I could see a white face and red, gleaming eyes.
  • I ran on to the entrance of the churchyard. As I entered, the church was between me and the seat, and for a minute or so I lost sight of her. When I came in view again the cloud had passed
  • she was still asleep
  • she was breathing, not softly as usual with her, but in long, heavy gasps, as though striving to get her lungs full at every breath
  • she put her hand to her throat again and moaned
  • Fortune favoured us, and we got home without meeting a soul
  • she rose without a word, with the obedience of a child
  • Lucy is sleeping soundly. The reflex of the dawn is high and far over the sea…
  • she looks better this morning than she has done for weeks
  • two little red points like pin-pricks, and on the band of her nightdress was a drop of blood.
  • Fortunately it cannot leave a scar, as it is so tiny
    • Vanessa Vaile
      reference to scar
  • twice during the night I was wakened by Lucy trying to get out
  • to bed with the key on my wrist as before
  • brilliant moonlight, and the soft effect of the light over the sea and sky, merged together in one great silent mystery
  • flitted a great bat, coming and going in great whirling circles
  • suddenly Lucy murmured as if to herself… "His red eyes again! They are just the same."
  • She appeared to be looking over at our own seat, whereon was a dark figure seated alone
  • The red sunlight was shining on the windows of St. Mary's Church behind our seat, and as the sun dipped there was just sufficient change in the refraction and reflection to make it appear as if the light moved
    • Vanessa Vaile
      COLORS: black, red, white, grey. Despite being in the country, few (if any?) references to green or blue (skies)
  • she is fretting about something. I wish I could find out what it is.
  • Lucy was languid and tired, and slept on after we had been called
  • She confided to me that she has got her death warrant.
  • her heart is weakening
  • 17 August.--No diary for two whole days. I have not had the heart to write. Some sort of shadowy pall seems to be coming over our happiness. No news from Jonathan, and Lucy seems to be growing weaker,
  • I trust her feeling ill may not be from that unlucky prick of the safety-pin.
  • the tiny wounds seem not to have healed. They are still open, and, if anything, larger than before, and the edges of them are faintly white.
  • LETTER, SAMUEL F. BILLINGTON & SON, SOLICITORS WHITBY, TO MESSRS. CARTER, PATERSON & CO., LONDON. 17 August "Dear Sirs,--Herewith please receive invoice of goods sent by Great Northern Railway. Same are to be delivered at Carfax, near Purfleet, immediately on receipt at goods station King's Cross. The house is at present empty, but enclosed please find keys, all of which are labelled.
  • boxes, fifty in number, which form the consignment, in the partially ruined building forming part of the house and marked 'A'
  • The goods leave by the train at 9:30 tonight, and will be due at King's Cross at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.
  • Lucy is ever so much better. Last night she slept well all night, and did not disturb me once.
  • "I didn't quite dream, but it all seemed to be real. I only wanted to be here in this spot. I don't know why, for I was afraid of something, I don't know what.
  • I heard a lot of dogs howling
  • I went up the steps
  • It seemed a little uncanny to me
  • My soul seemed to go out from my body and float about the air. I seem to remember that once the West Lighthouse was right under me, and then there was a sort of agonizing feeling, as if I were in an earthquake, and I came back
  • At last, news of Jonathan. The dear fellow has been ill,
  • 19 August.--Joy
  • I am to leave in the morning and go over to Jonathan, and to help to nurse him if necessary, and to bring him home.
  • My journey is all mapped out, and my luggage ready
  • "I write by desire of Mr. Jonathan Harker, who is himself not strong enough to write, though progressing well,
  • He wishes me to say that he has not sufficient money with him, and that he would like to pay for his staying here, so that others who need shall not be wanting for help.
  • He has told me all about you, and that you are shortly to be his wife. All blessings to you both! He has had some fearful shock
  • his ravings have been dreadful, of wolves and poison and blood, of ghosts and demons,
  • we knew nothing of his friends, and there was nothing on him, nothing that anyone could understand. He came in the train from Klausenburg, and the guard was told by the station master there that he rushed into the station shouting for a ticket for home. Seeing from his violent demeanour that he was English, they gave him a ticket for the furthest station on the way thither that the train reached.
  • 19 August.--Strange and sudden change in Renfield last night.
  • You don't count now. The master is at hand.
  • it is some sudden form of religious mania which has seized him
  • It looks like religious mania
  • the God created from human vanity sees no difference between an eagle and a sparrow.
  • For half an hour or more Renfield kept getting excited in greater and greater degree. I did not pretend to be watching him, but I kept strict observation all the same.
  • "The Bride maidens rejoice the eyes that wait the coming of the bride. But when the bride draweth nigh, then the maidens shine not to the eyes that are filled."
  • If I don't sleep at once, chloral, the modern Morpheus! I must be careful not to let it grow into a habit.
  • had lain tossing about, and had heard the clock strike only twice, when the night watchman came to me, sent up from the ward, to say that Renfield had escaped.
  • The attendant told me the patient had gone to the left, and had taken a straight line, so I ran as quickly as I could. As I got through the belt of trees I saw a white figure scale the high wall
  • He was talking, apparently to some one
  • Chasing an errant swarm of bees is nothing to following a naked lunatic
  • I heard him say… "I am here to do your bidding, Master. I am your slave, and you will reward me, for I shall be faithful. I have worshipped you long and afar off. Now that you are near, I await your commands
  • His cries are at times awful, but the silences that follow are more deadly still,
  • "I shall be patient, Master. It is coming, coming, coming!"
Vanessa Vaile

Dracula - 0 views

    • Vanessa Vaile
      the churches and church yards frequently mentioned are also sanctuaries
  • Jonathan Harker's Journal (Kept in shorthand)
  • He is a funny old man. He must be awfully old, for his face is gnarled and twisted like the bark of a tree.
  • ...43 more annotations...
  • I thought he would be a good person to learn interesting things from, so I asked him if he would mind telling me something about the whale fishing in the old days.
  • when the clock struck six
  • -I came up here an hour ago with Lucy, and we had a most interesting talk with my old friend and the two others who always come and join him. He is evidently the Sir Oracle of them
  • Lucy was looking sweetly pretty in her white lawn frock. She has got a beautiful colour since she has been here.
  • I got him on the subject of the legends, and he went off at once into a sort of sermon.
  • bans an' wafts an' boh-ghosts an' bar-guests an' bogles an' all anent
  • Surely these tombstones are not all wrong?"
  • 'Here lies the body' or 'Sacred to the memory' wrote on all of them, an' yet in nigh half of them there bean't no bodies at all,
  • Do ye think that all these men will have to make a rush to Whitby when the trumpet sounds?
    • Vanessa Vaile
      Whitby as a place of bones
  • she told me all over again about Arthur and their coming marriage. That made me just a little heart-sick, for I haven't heard from Jonathan for a whole month.
  • The same day. I came up here alone, for I am very sad. There was no letter for me. I hope there cannot be anything the matter with Jonathan. The clock has just struck nine.
  • I wonder where Jonathan is and if he is thinking of me! I wish he were here.
  • The case of Renfield grows more interesting the more I get to understand the man. He has certain qualities very largely developed, selfishness, secrecy, and purpose.
  • Just now his hobby is catching flies
  • He has turned his mind now to spiders
  • he argued quietly that it was very good and very wholesome, that it was life, strong life, and gave life to him.
  • he keeps a little notebook in which he is always jotting down something
  • He has managed to get a sparrow, and has already partially tamed it. His means of taming is simple, for already the spiders have diminished
  • We are progressing. My friend has now a whole colony of sparrows
  • I could see a warning of danger in it, for there was a sudden fierce, sidelong look which meant killing.
  • took away his pocketbook to look at it. The thought that has been buzzing about my brain lately is complete, and the theory proved.
  • I shall have to invent a new classification for him
  • zoophagous (life-eating) maniac
  • If I could have as strong a cause as my poor mad friend there, a good, unselfish cause to make me work,
  • yesterday dear Mr. Hawkins, who is always so kind, sent me a letter from him
  • only a line dated from Castle Dracula, and says that he is just starting for home. That is not like Jonathan. I do not understand it, and it makes me uneasy.
  • has lately taken to her old habit of walking in her sleep
  • Mr. Holmwood, he is the Hon. Arthur Holmwood, only son of Lord Godalming, is coming up here very shortly
  • 27 July.--No news from Jonathan. I am getting quite uneasy about him
  • 6 August.--Another three days, and no news.
  • Lucy is more excitable than ever, but is otherwise well. Last night was very threatening, and the fishermen say that we are in for a storm. I must try to watch it and learn the weather signs.
  • I have been quite touched by the change in the poor old man. When he sat down beside me, he said in a very gentle way, "I want to say something to you, miss."
  • Here comes old Mr. Swales
  • I didn't mean them, and I want ye to remember that when I'm gone
  • My time must be nigh at hand now,
  • He stopped to talk with me, as he always does, but all the time kept looking at a strange ship.
  • "I can't make her out," he said. "She's a Russian, by the look of her. But she's knocking about in the queerest way.
  • She is steered mighty strangely
  • "There's something in that wind and in the hoast beyont that sounds, and looks, and tastes, and smells like death. It's in the air. I feel it comin'.
  • he got up, shook hands with me, and blessed me, and said goodbye
Bonnie Sutton

Carrots , Sticks and the Bully Pulpit - 0 views

The US Dept of Education just uploaded a video called "Carrots, Sticks, and the Bully Pulpit - a discussion at the U.S. Department of Education" . Description: "A special conversation about a new ...

US DEPT of Education video youtube carrots sticks and the bully pulpit

started by Bonnie Sutton on 03 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

McGraw Hill to Award $25,000 to Innovative STEM Educators - 0 views

McGraw-Hill Education just launched the STEM Innovative Educator Awards to recognize and reward teachers who are finding innovative ways to reach today's students. The awards, known as the STEMIEs,...

STEMIES Innovative education awards STEM contest

started by Bonnie Sutton on 29 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Will the FCC stay committed to rural America? - 0 views

    Will the FCC stay committed to rural America? The Hill Op-Ed By Former Senator Byron Dorgan Almost every month, a new telecommunications innovation is launched that has a profound impact on our lives. Lately we've seen the impact of these telecommunication changes in ways we never could have imagined. In past months we've witnessed the Egyptian government being toppled by citizens using their cell phones to organize mass rallies and send videos of shocking violence against the demonstrators around the world. And in just recent days we learned it was through sophisticated tracking of a cell phone that led our soldiers to Osama bin Laden's doorstep in Pakistan. In both cases, a broadband wireline network infrastructure transported these important communications and changed history.
Bonnie Sutton

NGLC Pumps Funding into Ed Tech Focused on Common Core - 0 views

NGLC Pumps Funding into Ed Tech Focused on Common Core By David Nagel 06/14/11 The Next Gener...

Common Core David Nagel Next Generation Learning Challenges Proof of Concept

started by Bonnie Sutton on 15 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Students Use Virtual Tools to Collaborate Across the Globe on Real World Environmental ... - 0 views

With the help of the Field Museum, students in Chicago and Fiji work together to dive on coral reefs, examine living species, and learn about biodiversity and conservation. http://spotlight.macfoun...

Civic Engagement Games Digital Media and Learning Competition Museums Social

started by Bonnie Sutton on 15 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Einstein Fellowship Program Overview - 0 views

Einstein Fellowship Program Overview Announcements Apply to 2012-2013 Einstein Fellowship The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program provides a unique professional development o...

Einstein program overview participatory agencies

started by Bonnie Sutton on 30 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

National Cyber Security Alliance Announces New Agreement with the U.S. Department of Ed... - 0 views

National Cyber Security Alliance Announces New Agreement with the U.S. Department of Education, NIST and National Cybersecurity Education Council to Promote Formal Cyber Security Education Programs...

Stay Safe on Line . the cybersecurity

started by Bonnie Sutton on 28 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Ten Elements of High Quality Digital Learning - 0 views You can download the report at the above URL.

digital learning ten elements of high quality

started by Bonnie Sutton on 28 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Global Salinity - 0 views

Check out this awesome image of global salinity from the new Aquarius satellite

global salinity NASA Images

started by Bonnie Sutton on 20 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
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