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Bonnie Sutton

Overhauling Computer Science Education - 1 views

Overhauling Computer Science Education Students from elementary school through college are learnin...

problem solving computational thinking and abstract reasoning computer science education

started by Bonnie Sutton on 22 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Building Schools Out of Clicks, Not Bricks - 2 views

Building Schools Out of Clicks, Not Bricks By D.D. GUTTENPLAN Published: April 22, 2012

schools Bricks not clicks open educational resources Free Public access

started by Bonnie Sutton on 26 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

XSEDE Project - 1 views

Shodor Announces XSEDE Project BY Hillary Stoker, Staff A partnership of 17 institutions, including Shodor, has committed to developing the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (X...

XSEDE National Center for Supercomputing Applications scott Lathrop shodor UNC

started by Bonnie Sutton on 12 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Guest post: An 'Arab Spring' of free online higher education By Daniel de Vise - 2 views

Guest post: An 'Arab Spring' of free online higher education By Daniel de Vise

Free Higher Education online college courses Udacity Startup

started by Bonnie Sutton on 03 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

The Storytelling Project Model: A Theoretical Framework for Critical Examination of Rac... - 2 views

The Storytelling Project Model: A Theoretical Framework for Critical Examination of Racism Through the Arts by Lee Anne Bell & Rosemarie...

Story telling project model race and racism multiracial community comfort zone color blindness

started by Bonnie Sutton on 08 Jun 12 no follow-up yet
Claude Almansi

Plan Would Force U. of Wisconsin to Return $39-Million in U.S. Broadband Grants - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "June 8, 2011, 7:01 pm By Marc Parry A budget approved by a legislative committee last week would force the University of Wisconsin to return $39-million in federal grants awarded to expand high-speed Internet access across the state, state education officials said. The plan would also require all University of Wisconsin institutions to withdraw from WiscNet, a nonprofit network cooperative that services the public universities, most of the technical and private colleges in Wisconsin, about 75 percent of the state's elementary and high schools, and 95 percent of its public libraries, according to David F. Giroux, a spokesman for the university system. (...) Another provision in the plan would bar any University of Wisconsin campus from participating in advanced networks connecting research institutions worldwide, according to Mr. Evers's memo. For example, the Madison campus would have to withdraw from Internet2, a high-speed networking consortium, said Mr. Giroux."
    That's what Lessig had in mind when he said: "Think about the question of broadband policy. (…) The US has been a dismal failure in this respect. As we watch the US going from number 1 in broadband penetration, now to, depending on the scale, number 18, 19, or 28. And that change is because of policies that effectively block competition for broadband providers. Their answer, these broadband providers brought to our government, and got our government to impose actually benefited them and destroyed the incentives for them to compete in a way that would drive broadband penetration. (…)" From Lessig's Keynote Address at g8 7:48 - 8:42 -
Bonnie Sutton

NGLC Pumps Funding into Ed Tech Focused on Common Core - 0 views

NGLC Pumps Funding into Ed Tech Focused on Common Core By David Nagel 06/14/11 The Next Gener...

Common Core David Nagel Next Generation Learning Challenges Proof of Concept

started by Bonnie Sutton on 15 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

The Drama! Teen Conflict, Gossip, and Bullying in Networked Publics - 1 views

Alice E. Marwick Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Research New England; Harvard University - Berkman Center for Internet & Society danah boyd Microsoft Research; New York University (NYU) - Dep...

dana boyd Teen conflict gossip bullying fosi microsoft alice Marwick

started by Bonnie Sutton on 14 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Digital Divide, Mobile Divide, Knoeledge Divide, Access Divide, are we a nation of oppo... - 1 views We Still Have a Digital Divide and it is growing!!'We Still Have a Di...

digital divide access knowledge vint cerf Bob Kahn nation of opportunity

started by Bonnie Sutton on 06 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Claude Almansi

Yale U. Complains That Chinese University Press Plagiarized Free Course Materials - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "June 7, 2011, 5:55 pm By Jeff Young A university press in China appears to be selling transcripts of Yale University's free online courses in a new volume, sparking complaints from Yale officials. Under the terms of the course giveaway, called Open Yale Courses, others cannot profit from the material. (...) An official from Shaanxi Normal University told Global Times that it secured permission from the author but not from Yale, and added that it is now investigating the matter."
    Interesting case: Open Yale Courses are under a license.
Claude Almansi

Retreat of Reno's Commnand - C. Szwedzicki: The North American Indian Works - 1 views

    "Collection: C. Szwedzicki: The North American Indian Works Work Record ID: 219 Reproduction Record ID: 219 Work Class: depictions Work Type: print Title: Retreat of Reno's Commnand Title Type: constructed title Title: Sioux Indian painting Title Type: collective title Measurements: 11.40 x 19.05 in (28.96 x 48.39 cm) on sheet 15.30 x 19.50 in (38.86 x 49.53 cm) Measurement Type: dimensions Material: paper (fiber product) Material Type: support Inscription: Image Top Center: Custer Battle Field / June 25 and 26 1876 / Crazy Horse Inscription: Above Image Right: 8 [Plate Number] Creator: Bad Heart Bull, Amos, 1869-1913 Creator Dates: 1869-1913 Creator Nationality: Oglala Lakota Creator Name Variant: Bad Heart Buffalo (Tatanka Cante Sice) Creator Type: personal name Creator Role: painter Date: 1938 Location: Little Bighorn Battlefield (Mont.) Repository: Archives and Rare Books Library, University Libraries, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio Repository Type: current repository ID Number: 8 ID Number Type: plate number ID Number: ARB RB Oversize E98.A7 S568 1938 Vol. 2 ID Number Type: call number Style Period: Plains Indian Style Period: Indian art--North America Culture: Native American Culture: Oglala Lakota Subject: Belts (Clothing) Subject: Breechcloths Subject: Face painting Subject: Feathers Subject: Fringe Subject: Leggings Subject: Moccasins Subject: Beadwork Subject: Body painting Subject: Shirts, Men's Subject: Breastplates Subject: Hair pipes Subject: Bridles Subject: Horseback riding Subject: Horses Subject: Chokers Subject: Arrows Subject: Metalwork Subject: Picture-writing Subject: Saddle blankets Subject: Indian warfare Subject: Rifles Subject: Military uniforms Subject: Sabers Subject: Bow lances Subject: Crazy Horse (Tashunca-Uitco), ca. 1842-1877 Subject: Fixed-stone-head clubs Subject: Hats Subject: Saddles Subject: Saddlebags Subject: War shirts Subject: Reno, Marcus A. (Marcus Albert), 1835-1889 Subject: Indians of North America--Wars Subj
Bonnie Sutton

National Museum of the American Indian Hosts Inka Road Satellite Chats - 1 views

National Museum of the American Indian Hosts Inka Road Satellite Chats PR Newswire - Tue, Jul 5, 2011 tweet3 Email Print To: NATIONAL EDITORS WASHINGTON, July 5, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Th...

Royal Road Inka University of colorado at Boulder Universidad de Piura in Peru the Nacional Cordoba Argentina Catolica Chile Tecnica Particular Loja Ecuado

started by Bonnie Sutton on 07 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Broadband USRegulator Unveils plan for Universal Broadband - 1 views

Broadband, Genachoswki, Rural , telco companies favored vs Cable, Bypassed by Broadband.

Harry Keller

CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards - 3 views

I see this development as good and bad. Firstly, what will CS replace in current curricula? You cannot add something without giving up something else. That said, CS has the benefit of teaching e...

computer science technologies standards digitally well educated teachers

Bonnie Sutton

Teach for America: Liberal mission helps conservative agenda - 1 views

Teach for America: Liberal mission helps conservative agenda

Teach for America Liberal mission Education reform Andrew Hartman unionized teachers DC Schools wendy Kopp Michelle Rhee

started by Bonnie Sutton on 27 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Unique languages, universal patterns - 1 views

MIT linguist reveals how modern English resembles Old Japanese, and other surprising convergences between far-flung tongues. Peter Dizikes, MIT News Office February 22, 2012 Shigeru Miyagawa, ...

mechanism human expression Language universailsm

started by Bonnie Sutton on 23 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Vanessa Vaile liked it
Claude Almansi

Wisconsin Lawmakers Grant Reprieve to University Broadband Efforts - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    June 17, 2011, 5:11 pm By Marc Parry "Colleges and libraries have been up in arms all week over a proposed budget that would have forced the University of Wisconsin to return $39-million in broadband grants and withdraw from a nonprofit high-speed networking cooperative. Well, state lawmakers have changed course-for now, anyway."
Claude Almansi

College-Made Device Helps Visually Impaired Students See and Take Notes - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "August 1, 2011, 5:51 pm By Rachel Wiseman College students with very poor vision have had to struggle to see a blackboard and take notes-basic tasks that can hold some back. Now a team of four students from Arizona State University has designed a system, called Note-Taker, that couples a tablet PC and a video camera, and could be a major advance over the small eyeglass-mounted telescopes that many students have had to rely on. It recently won second place in Microsoft's Imagine Cup technology competition. (...) The result was Note-Taker, which connects a tablet PC (a laptop with a screen you can write on) to a high-resolution video camera. Screen commands get the camera to pan and zoom. The video footage, along with audio, can be played in real time on the tablet and are also saved for later reference. Alongside the video is a space for typed or handwritten notes, which students can jot down using a stylus. That should be helpful in math and science courses, says Mr. Hayden, where students need to copy down graphs, charts, and symbols not readily available on a keyboard. (...) But no tool can replace institutional support, says Chris S. Danielsen, director of public relations for the [NFB]. "The university is always going to have to make sure that whatever technology it uses is accessible to blind and low-vision students," he says. (Arizona State U. has gotten in hot water in the past in just this area.) (...) This entry was posted in Gadgets."
    In "(Arizona State U. has gotten in hot water in the past in just this area.)" the words "in the past" are linked to , about a Spanish work book inaccessible to blind students, with a reference to the lawsuit against Arizona State U over the adoption of the Kindle. So classifying this post in "Gadgets" is particularly paradoxical: in fact one reason why Arizona State U. was sued over the adoption of the Kindle was that Amazon presented its text-to-speech as a gadget.
Bonnie Sutton

Teragrid '11: Extreme Digital Discovery - 2 views

TeraGrid '11: Extreme Digital Discovery July 18-21, 2011 Marriott Downtown Hotel Salt Lake City, Utah The TeraGrid 2011 conference will showcase the ...

Teragrid GIG University of Chicago Open Science Discovery visualization and modeling scientific databases preparing the next generation experts

started by Bonnie Sutton on 23 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
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