Overhauling Computer Science Education - 1 views
Overhauling Computer Science Education http://thejournal.com/Articles/2011/12/05/Overhauling-Computer-Science-Education.aspx?Page=1 Students from elementary school through college are learnin...
Overhauling Computer Science Education http://thejournal.com/Articles/2011/12/05/Overhauling-Computer-Science-Education.aspx?Page=1 Students from elementary school through college are learnin...
Building Schools Out of Clicks, Not Bricks By D.D. GUTTENPLAN Published: April 22, 2012 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/23/world/europe/building-schools-out-of-clicks-not-bricks.htm...
Shodor Announces XSEDE Project BY Hillary Stoker, Staff A partnership of 17 institutions, including Shodor, has committed to developing the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (X...
Guest post: An 'Arab Spring' of free online higher education By Daniel de Vise http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/college-inc/post/guest-post-an-arab-spring-of-free-online-higher-education/201...
The Storytelling Project Model: A Theoretical Framework for Critical Examination of Racism Through the Arts http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentID=15787 by Lee Anne Bell & Rosemarie...
NGLC Pumps Funding into Ed Tech Focused on Common Core By David Nagel 06/14/11 http://thejournal.com/articles/2011/06/14/nglc-pumps-funding-into-ed-tech-focused-on-common-core.aspx The Next Gener...
Alice E. Marwick Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Research New England; Harvard University - Berkman Center for Internet & Society danah boyd Microsoft Research; New York University (NYU) - Dep...
http://thepowerofus.org/2012/01/06/digital-divide-mobile-divide-knowledge-divide-access-divide-are-we-a-nation-of-opportunity/ We Still Have a Digital Divide and it is growing!!'We Still Have a Di...
National Museum of the American Indian Hosts Inka Road Satellite Chats PR Newswire - Tue, Jul 5, 2011 tweet3 Email Print To: NATIONAL EDITORS WASHINGTON, July 5, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Th...
Broadband, Genachoswki, Rural , telco companies favored vs Cable, Bypassed by Broadband.
I see this development as good and bad. Firstly, what will CS replace in current curricula? You cannot add something without giving up something else. That said, CS has the benefit of teaching e...
Teach for America: Liberal mission helps conservative agenda http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/teach-for-america-liberal-mission-helps-conservative-agenda/2011/12/25/gIQApoVZHP...
MIT linguist reveals how modern English resembles Old Japanese, and other surprising convergences between far-flung tongues. Peter Dizikes, MIT News Office February 22, 2012 Shigeru Miyagawa, ...
TeraGrid '11: Extreme Digital Discovery https://www.teragrid.org/web/tg11/home July 18-21, 2011 Marriott Downtown Hotel Salt Lake City, Utah The TeraGrid 2011 conference will showcase the ...