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25 (Free) 3D Modeling Applications You Should Not Miss - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 16 Mar 12 no follow-up yet

A test for politicians on education (with cheat sheet) - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 26 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Vanessa Vaile liked it

Dear Michelle Rhee: About that teacher evaluation study - 2 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 22 Jan 12 no follow-up yet

Steve Jobs on Technology and School Reform - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 10 Oct 11 no follow-up yet

The Years Worst Tech Trends.. - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 01 Jan 12 no follow-up yet

Make: Online | Walled Gardens vs. Makers - 0 views

    Cory Doctorow. Make. June 2011. "Consider the iPad for a moment. It's true that Apple's iTunes Store has inspired hundreds of thousands of apps, but every one of those apps is contingent on Apple's approval. If you want to make something for the iPad, you pay $99 to join the Developer Program, make it, then send it to Apple and pray. If Apple smiles on you, you can send your hack to the world. If Apple frowns on you, you cannot. What's more, Apple uses code signing to restrict which apps can run on the iPad (and iPhone): if your app isn't blessed by Apple, iPads will refuse to run it. Not that it's technically challenging to defeat this code signing, but doing so is illegal, thanks to the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which makes it a crime to circumvent a copyright-protection technology. So the only app store - or free repository - that can legally exist for Apple's devices is the one that Apple runs for itself. Some people say the iPad is a new kind of device: an appliance instead of a computer. But because Apple chose to add a thin veneer of DRM to the iPad, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act applies here, something that's not true of any "appliance" you've ever seen. It's as if Apple built a toaster that you can only use Apple's bread in (or face a lawsuit), or a dishwasher that will only load Apple's plates. Apple fans will tell you that this doesn't matter. Hackers can simply hack their iPads or shell out $99 to get the developer license. But without a means of distributing (and receiving) hacks from all parties, we're back in the forbidden-knowledge Dark Ages - the poverty-stricken era in which a mere handful of ideas was counted as a fortune."
    We discussed this article in the forum of Someone objected that the iPad was a great tool and gave far more liberty to developers than traditional print publishers. I retorted that it was precisely because the iPad was such a great tool that its proprietariness about content for it was irritating. Then Elena Favaron made an illuminating comparison: "There are also people who make coffee machines that work only with dedicated coffee capsules, and there are folks who even buy them..."

Kohn: Why we have to save our schools - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 01 Aug 11 no follow-up yet

Dracula, Chapter 10 - 0 views

    • Vanessa Vaile
      confinement theme ~ includes knowledge as well as bodies, women, infection
  • "The good husbandman tell you so then because he knows, but not till then
  • When I described Lucy's symptoms, the same as before, but infinitely more marked, he looked very grave, but said nothing.
  • ...40 more annotations...
  • spiritual pathology,
  • She was ghastly, chalkily pale.
  • Her breathing was painful to see or hear.
  • I would give the last drop of blood in my body for her."
  • She wants blood, and blood she must have or die
  • transfusion of blood, to transfer from full veins of one to the empty veins
  • of blood so pure
  • the narrow black velvet band which she seems always to wear round her throat, buckled with an old diamond buckle
  • deep hiss of indrawn breath
  • What do you make of that mark on her throat?"
  • There was no sign of disease, but the edges were white and worn looking, as if by some trituration. It at once occurred to me that that this wound, or whatever it was, might be the means of that manifest loss of blood.
  • The opiate worked itself off towards dusk, and she waked naturally.
  • looked at me gratefully whenever I caught her eye
  • You do not want to sleep?"
  • "Afraid to go to sleep! Why so? It is the boon we all crave for."
  • "Ah, not if you were like me, if sleep was to you a presage of horror!"
  • All this weakness comes to me in sleep,
  • "But, my dear girl, you may sleep tonight. I am here watching you, and I can promise that nothing will happen." "Ah, I can trust you!" she said.
  • All night long I watched by her. She never stirred, but slept on and on in a deep, tranquil, life-giving, health-giving sleep.
  • It was dark when I was able to inquire about my zoophagous patient.
  • I lay on the sofa, and forgot all about everything.
  • Somehow Arthur feels very, very close to me.
  • DR. SEWARD'S DIARY 10 September.--I was conscious of the Professor's hand on my head, and started awake all in a second. That is one of the things that we learn in an asylum, at any rate.
  • There on the bed, seemingly in a swoon, lay poor Lucy, more horribly white and wan-looking than ever.
  • the faint seemed to merge subtly into the narcotic sleep.
  • how Lucy had made such a retrograde movement, and how she could have been drained of so much blood with no sign any where to show for it
  • "Now you go home, and eat much and drink enough. Make yourself strong. I stay here tonight, and I shall sit up with little miss myself.
  • In the hall two of the maids came to me, and asked if they or either of them might not sit up with Miss Lucy.
  • For over and over again have I seen similar instances of woman's kindness.
  • waiting for sleep. It is coming.
  • 11 September.--This afternoon I went over to Hillingham. Found Van Helsing in excellent spirits, and Lucy much better.
  • "No trifling with me! I never jest! There is grim purpose in what I do, and I warn you that you do not thwart me.
  • No telling to others that make so inquisitive questions.
    • Vanessa Vaile
      more confinement of information ~ characters are also always saying don't tell, don't say anything about. etc.   Also the effect of Victorian reticence it to sequester knowledge and information
  • you always have a reason for what you do, but this certainly puzzles me. It is well we have no sceptic here, or he would say that you were working some spell to keep out an evil spirit."
  • we left the house in my fly,
    • Vanessa Vaile
      another means of transportation
  • Tonight I can sleep in peace, and sleep I want,
  • remembering my own confidence two nights before and with the baneful result, felt awe and vague terror
  • weakness that made me hesitate to tell it to my friend

Who really benefits from putting high-tech gadgets in classrooms? - 2 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 07 Feb 12 no follow-up yet

SC11 June Newsletter - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 22 Jun 11 no follow-up yet

Student Bill of Rights - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 18 Jul 12 no follow-up yet

Content is the New Currency - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 21 Oct 11 no follow-up yet

Frankenstein, Letter1 - 1 views

    • Vanessa Vaile
      setting tone of exploration and discovery, extremes, benefiting "all mankind"  Note parallels to Victor F's purposes and experiment. Image of scientific discovery as a northern passage  Compare to history, obsessions and loss of associated with the Northwest Passage ~ for that matter, bear in mind the Columbus was search for a passage to the East. Explorations = the history of unintended consequences
  • discovering a passage near the pole to those countries
  • ascertaining the secret of the magnet,
  • ...57 more annotations...
  • This expedition has been the favourite dream of my early years.
  • a history of all the voyages made for purposes of discovery composed the whole of our good Uncle Thomas' library
  • my father's dying injunction had forbidden my uncle to allow me to embark in a seafaring life.
  • I also became a poet and for one year lived in a paradise of my own creation;
    • Vanessa Vaile
      oh Shelley, self-elected and unacknowledged legislator of the world (see Defence of Poetry)
  • my failure
  • Six years have passed since I resolved on my present undertaking. I can, even now, remember the hour from which I dedicated myself to this great enterprise.
  • Letter 2 Archangel, 28th March, 17— To Mrs. Saville, England
  • How slowly the time passes here, encompassed as I am by frost and snow
  • I have one want
  • I have no friend
  • I shall commit my thoughts to paper, it is true; but that is a poor medium for the communication of feeling. I desire the company of a man who could sympathize with me
  • it is a still greater evil to me that I am self-educated
  • My lieutenant, for instance, is a man of wonderful courage and enterprise; he is madly desirous of glory, or rather, to word my phrase more characteristically, of advancement in his profession.
  • I heard of a mariner equally noted for his kindliness of heart and the respect and obedience paid to him by his crew, I felt myself peculiarly fortunate in being able to secure his services
  • "What a noble fellow!" you will exclaim. He is so; but then he is wholly uneducated: he is as silent as a Turk, and a kind of ignorant carelessness attends him, which, while it renders his conduct the more astonishing, detracts from the interest and sympathy which otherwise he would command.
  • I cannot describe to you my sensations on the near prospect of my undertaking. It is impossible to communicate to you a conception of the trembling sensation, half pleasurable and half fearful, with which I am preparing to depart. I am going to unexplored regions
  • I shall kill no albatross; therefore do not be alarmed for my safety or if I should come back to you as worn and woeful as the "Ancient Mariner."
  • Continue for the present to write to me by every opportunity: I may receive your letters on some occasions when I need them
  • Letter 3 July 7th, 17— To Mrs. Saville, England
  • I write a few lines in haste to say that I am safe—and well advanced on my voyage. This letter will reach England by a merchantman now on its homeward voyage from Archangel
  • No incidents have hitherto befallen us that would make a figure in a letter
  • Adieu, my dear Margaret
  • Letter 4 August 5th, 17— To Mrs. Saville, England
  • So strange an accident has happened to us that I cannot forbear recording it, although it is very probable that you will see me before these papers can come into your possession.
  • we were nearly surrounded by ice, which closed in the ship on all sides
  • we beheld, stretched out in every direction, vast and irregular plains of ice, which seemed to have no end.
  • a strange sight suddenly attracted our attention and diverted our solicitude from our own situation
  • a being which had the shape of a man, but apparently of gigantic stature, sat in the sledge and guided the dogs
  • by ice, it was impossible to follow his track,
    • Vanessa Vaile
      first sighting of the creature
  • before night the ice broke and freed our ship.
  • talking to someone in the sea. It was, in fact, a sledge, like that we had seen before, which had drifted towards us in the night on a large fragment of ice. Only one dog remained alive; but there was a human being within it
    • Vanessa Vaile
      1st appearance of Victor Frankenstein, in futile pursuit of his creation / criado
  • will you have the kindness to inform me whither you are bound?"
  • His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering. I never saw a man in so wretched a condition
  • Two days passed in this manner before he was able to speak, and I often feared that his sufferings had deprived him of understanding.
  • I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness, but there are moments when, if anyone performs an act of kindness towards him or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence
  • generally melancholy and despairing, and sometimes he gnashes his teeth
    • Vanessa Vaile
      sounds more like Creature than Victor
  • "To seek one who fled from me."
  • a multitude of questions concerning the route which the demon, as he called him, had pursued
  • a new spirit of life animated the decaying frame of the stranger.
    • Vanessa Vaile
      Interesting choice of words, animated, decaying
  • He must have been a noble creature in his better days,
  • attractive and amiable
  • How can I see so noble a creature destroyed by misery without feeling the most poignant grief?
  • One man's life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought, for the dominion I should acquire and transmit over the elemental foes of our race.
    • Vanessa Vaile
      weaponization of knowledge?
  • "we are unfashioned creatures, but half made up, if one wiser, better, dearer than ourselves—such a friend ought to be—do not lend his aid to perfectionate our weak and faulty natures. I once had a friend, the most noble of human creatures, and am entitled, therefore, to judge respecting friendship.
  • You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification of Your wishes may not be a serpent to sting You, as mine has been.
  • the stranger said to me,
  • exposing yourself to the same dangers which have rendered me what I am, I imagine that you may deduce an apt moral from my tale,
    • Vanessa Vaile
      Victor prepares to tell his story a cautionary tale
  • my fate is nearly fulfilled. I wait but for one event, and then I shall repose in peace
  • he would commence his narrative the next day
  • Strange and harrowing must be his story, frightful the storm which embraced the gallant vessel on its course and wrecked it—thus!
    Letters from Walton to his sister, opening the book, frontispiece or front bookend framing the story. 

Don't Show,Don't Tell The too-smart-for-its-own-good grid - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 06 Aug 11 no follow-up yet

Don't show, don't tell? - 2 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 07 Jul 11 no follow-up yet

'Mr. President, public education in the U.S. is on the wrong track' - 1 views

started by Bonnie Sutton on 24 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
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