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Claude Almansi

Browsing habits of screen reader users- Standards Schmandards - 0 views

    Peter Krantz - January 10th, 2005 "A while ago I read the article "Observing Users Who Listen to Web Sites". In that article the authors report that visually impaired users scan web pages with their ears instead of reading them top to bottom. This may not come as a surprise to you if you read Jakob Nielsen's "How Users Read on the Web" back in 1997. Recently I have had the opportunity to study a number of screen reader users and my observations are similar. (...) So, here are some suggestions you can use to improve the browsing experience for visually impaired users: Use headings god dammit!"
Bonnie Sutton

SC11 June Newsletter - 1 views Follow SC11: SC11 will feature the latest scientific and technical innovations from around the world. Bringing together scientists, engineers, researchers, educa...

SC11 Tutorials Broader engagement student volunteers education HOC Paralle computing communities

started by Bonnie Sutton on 22 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

America's Next Educational Crisis - 1 views

America's Next Educational Crisis Posted: 07/ 1/11 11:51 AM ET High-quality teachers are critical to acc...

162 Keys to School Success Franklin Schargel Teacher training education career

started by Bonnie Sutton on 02 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

What's Behind the Culture of Academic Dishonesty - 2 views

October 11, 2011 | 1:09 PM | By Audrey Watters FILED UNDER: Culture, cheating, Khan Academy B. Gilliard ...

cheating Khan academy scandals validity of standardized testing

started by Bonnie Sutton on 13 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Welcoming Mobile: More Districts Are Rewriting Acceptable Use Policies - 1 views

Hotmail Active View Innovation in ISD 199 ( at the Site_ Play video Inver Grove Heights Community Schools has been nationally recognized for the innovative use of technology in the classroom thro...

CoSn Mobile Learning Internet access technology

started by Bonnie Sutton on 07 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Ravitch: What Scrooge might think of modern school reform - 4 views

Ravitch: What Scrooge might think of modern school reform By Valerie Strauss This was written by education historian Diane Ravitch for her Bridging Differences blog, which she co-authors with Debor...

Diane Ravitch Scrooge education and poverty school reform

started by Bonnie Sutton on 15 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Hawaii teachers reject contract in 'blow' to Race to the Top - 2 views

By Valerie Strauss Public school teachers in Hawa...

race to the top performance based evaluation DOE

started by Bonnie Sutton on 21 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Former D.C. schools chief busy lobbying, helping politicians - 1 views

Former D.C. schools chief busy lobbying, helping politicians By Greg Toppo, USA TODAY Updated 5d 10h ago

Michelle Rhee lobbyist Republican strategist destructive education reform Washington Testing Irregularrities

started by Bonnie Sutton on 04 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

12 Education Tech Trends to Watch in 2012 - 2 views

12 Education Tech Trends to Watch in 2012 FILED UNDER: Culture, Learning Methods, Tech Tools Looking ahead a...

Education Tech Trends educational ideas for the future

started by Bonnie Sutton on 05 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Most Texas Students Found not Ready for College - 3 views standards in math and verbal skills on ACT, SAT and TAKS scores in 2010.

college texas students ability preparation inequity

started by Bonnie Sutton on 05 Aug 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

American Kids Should be Building Rockets and Robots, Not taking standardized tests - 1 views

american kids robots rocket robotics standardized tests.

started by Bonnie Sutton on 19 Jun 12 no follow-up yet
Claude Almansi

As regulations loom, a call for cooperation between states | Higher Ed | - 0 views

    "May 25th, 2011 As online education rules loom, a call for cooperation between states Web-based colleges will more easily comply with state rules if leaders seek 'uniformity,' online education experts say as-online-education-rules-loom-a-call-for-cooperation-between-states By Dennis Carter, Assistant Editor Members of an influential online-learning task force said states should create uniform standards for online colleges and universities, making it easier for institutions to comply with a federal rule that will prove costly and confusing to web-based schools."
Bonnie Sutton

Shared Tools for Teachers - 4 views

_As part of the Top 100 Tools activity that I run, I analysed the way people are using their online social networks, and it so much more than just for having fun with friends, people are using them...

common standards

Claude Almansi

Unleashing the Potential of Educational Technology - White House - PDF - 0 views

    Executive Office of the President Council of Economic Advisers Unleashing the Potential of Educational Technology September 16, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Educational technology holds the promise of substantially improving outcomes for K-12 students, but there are significant challenges in bringing new educational technology products for this population to market. It is difficult for producers of these technologies to demonstrate the effectiveness of their products to potential buyers and market fragmentation creates barriers to entry by all but the largest suppliers. The spread of broadband Internet and Common Core State Standards have improved the landscape for educational technologies, but these factors alone are likely insufficient for a "game changing" advance. Working together, stakeholders can form a plan of action to provide local school systems with easy access to good information about the effectiveness of various educational technology products and give prospective developers of these products access to customers on a scale sufficient to make it worthwhile for them to enter the market. The payoff - in the form of more effective and more widely utilized educational technologies, leading to better outcomes for students - could be enormous.
Claude Almansi

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Strengthening the American Education System (transcript) | The White House - 0 views

    "The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release September 24, 2011 WEEKLY ADDRESS: Strengthening the American Education System WASHINGTON-In this week's address, President Obama told the American people that it is time to raise the standards of our education system so that every classroom is a place of high expectations and high performance. On Friday, the President announced that states will have greater flexibility to find innovative ways of improving the quality of learning and teaching, so that we can strengthen performance in our classrooms and ensure that teachers are helping students learn rather than teaching to the test. By modernizing our schools and improving the education system, the United States can continue building an economy that lasts into the future and prepare the next generation to succeed in the global economy."
Claude Almansi

Weekly Address: Strengthening the American Education System - YouTube - 0 views

    "Published on Sep 24, 2011 by whitehouse President Obama explains that states will have greater flexibility to find innovative ways of improving the education system, so that we can raise standards in our classrooms and prepare the next generation to succeed in the global economy." With captions and interactive transcript
    Captions and transcript can be downloaded from
Claude Almansi

Best content in educators | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

    "Educators sharing bookmarks and best practice. We have a set of standard tags to help us share things that you may use in addition to your tags. (You may subscribe to these tags via RSS feed by subject area, which makes it very useful.) Group Info Members: 1989 Items: 9602 Visits: 22590 Owner: Vicki Davis Group type: Public, apply to join Group category: Schools & Education"
    Educators and ETCJ groups are closely related.
Bonnie Sutton

Why We're Building a Civic Commons - And How You Can Be Part of It - 1 views

ttp:// Why We're Building a Civic Commons - And How You Can Be Part of It | By Andrew McLaughlin Walk down any major street in any ci...

started by Bonnie Sutton on 09 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Just Schools: Pursuing Equality in Societies of Difference - 1 views Just Schools: Pursuing Equality in Societies of Difference reviewed by Sherick Hughes - October 14, 2011 Title: Just Schools: Pursuing Equality...

pursuing equality societies of difference critical race theory CRT ethnicity

started by Bonnie Sutton on 18 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Keeping Special Ed in Proportion - 1 views

Keeping Special Ed in Proportion Experts say improvements in school instructional cultures can keep some struggling minority kids out of special education.

school instructional culturesVictims of remediation special ed in proportion racial achievement gaps African-American and Hispanic students education programs. educational equity disproportional statistical representation minorities

started by Bonnie Sutton on 12 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
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