From the River to the Sea Chesapeake Bay to the Ocean - 1 views
From the River to the Sea- and Ocean Literacy By bonniebraceysutton The Chesapeake Bay Today, the Chesapeake yields more fish and shellfish than any other estuary in the countr...
From the River to the Sea- and Ocean Literacy By bonniebraceysutton The Chesapeake Bay Today, the Chesapeake yields more fish and shellfish than any other estuary in the countr...
La difference' is stark in EU, U.S. privacy laws EU citizens well protected against corporate intrusion, but red tape is thick
Kid-Tech News for Parents> You could call Internet users "citizen lobbyists." This week, in a post-Arab Spring sign of how participatory media - and its p... Social media is transforming the world! This is especially true in the Middle East where platf...
Submitted: June 9, 2011 - 3:29pm Originally published: June 9, 2011 Last updated: June 9, 2011 - 3:35pm Source: Federal Communications Commission Author: press release Location: Federal Communicati...
A state that just says 'no' to charters, other reforms By Valerie Strauss This was written by Melissa Westbrook, a public education activist and co-writer of the Seattle Schools Community Forum...
Best part of 'schools-threaten-national-security' report: The dissents By Valerie Strauss Best part of 'schools-threaten-national-security' report The most interesting part of the new Condoleezza...
I see this development as good and bad. Firstly, what will CS replace in current curricula? You cannot add something without giving up something else. That said, CS has the benefit of teaching e...
Teach for America: Liberal mission helps conservative agenda We Still Have a Digital Divide and it is growing!!'We Still Have a Di...
I agree ~ and the lessons and sharp reminders in the article are not just for K-12
ttp:// Why We're Building a Civic Commons - And How You Can Be Part of It | By Andrew McLaughlin Walk down any major street in any ci...
Connect To Compete Overview Washington, DC - Last week, Chairman Genachowski unveiled his pr...
National Cyber Security Alliance Announces New Agreement with the U.S. Department of Education, NIST and National Cybersecurity Education Council to Promote Formal Cyber Security Education Programs... USA - The Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission spoke on the benefits which broadband can bring to ru...
Making Progress: Rethinking State and School District Policies Concerning Mobile Technologies and Social Media pdf BACKGROUND It is...
THIS IS ON FACEBOOK.. for the download. Facebook for School Counselors by Facebook in Education on Monday, April 16, 2012 at 9:01am · Today, iKeepSafe and the American School Counselor Associatio...
Digital differences When t...
Education and the income gap: Darling-Hammond By Valerie Strau...