When using Prezi and other Web 2.0 tools, you have the learners presenting the knowledge that they have collected thus far, in the professional development. How might this be adapted into creating UGC?
Voicethread is a great tool for introductions, allowing participants to get their feet wet with Web 2.0. Why did you choose to go with a class thread rather than having students create their own? Will there be room to respond to the other introductions on the class thread?
Providing teachers with the opportunity to explore and create learning is a key to any professional development. I look forward to exploring this unit in more detail.
Will announcements be posted to all three areas by the instructor, or will it be decided by the participants? Would iGoogle or another PLE be appropriate to collect all announcements into one area?
Google Docs is a great tool that I use constantly, but I find that it is sometimes hard to manage. What flexibility is there for students in using other tools with which they are more comfortable? For example, would students would be able to use Google sites, wikis, or Prezi
I have an exact lesson plan that does this, but using Microsoft Word for the reporting. Thanks for the idea of turning it into a Web 2.0 collaborative project!
This provides student with the online collaborative efforts that you describe on your home page. This also provides students with an ONLE, as they will be able to read, analyze, and post their opinions about each other's work. However, does it match the lesson? The lesson models categorization and then has students categorize common classroom objects, but says nothing about reptiles. THe blog asks them to talk about each reptile. What is the end result then? The classroom object categorization or the blog about reptiles?
small group students will research a specific reptile and create a webquest for
others to learn about it. Throughout this unit students will be collaboratiing
utilizing various web 2.0 tools
Sarah's unit details collaborative efforts from the beginning. The unit's direction is clear as it provides students with modeling, practice, and assessment.
Students will explore and tag research articles on Delicious for development of
I love the idea of using "peertrainer" for discussion and support. Is there room in your design for social tagging or bookmarking? This would allow students with an opportunity to share sites that they have found to be helpful.
From who's viewpoint will you direct the argument of slavery: The negative views of the slaves themselves or the positive outcomes for the slave owners? Will students present both viewpoints or choose a side?
create a personal profile choosing from a list of fictional characters
I love the idea of a character profile, using Google sites. Is there room for gathering and collecting the character information via online technologies, or will this be done with pencil and paper?
Where will the information for the mythologies be found: Through individual/group generated research, instructor-learner discussion, or via a previously determined text?
For some reason, it wouldn't let me highlight any of your content, but it would let me highlight your name. Under UGC, how will the student created content be used by the other students, or is it more of a participatory web strategy?