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Scifri Videos: Lighting Up Leaves - 4 views

    Use this when teaching about the transportation systems of a plant. Shows how some leaves have a circular transportation system that can overcome damage, while others have a linear transportation system. (Don't need audio for kids.)

Science Misconceptions - 7 views

    list of common misconceptions in earth, life, and physical science topics

Misconceptions About Science - 6 views

  • Science is an exciting and dynamic process for discovering how the world works and building that knowledge into powerful and coherent frameworks.
  • the Scientific Method represents how scientists usually write up the results of their studies (and how a few investigations are actually done), but it is a grossly oversimplified representation of how scientists generally build knowledge. The process of science is exciting, complex, and unpredictable.
  • In fact, many scientists recognize that creative thinking is one of the most important skills they have — whether that creativity is used to come up with an alternative hypothesis, to devise a new way of testing an idea, or to look at old data in a new light.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • What's important about scientific reasoning is not what all the different modes of reasoning are called, but the fact that the process relies on careful, logical consideration of how evidence supports or does not support an idea, of how different scientific ideas are related to one another, and of what sorts of things we can expect to observe if a particular idea is true.
  • In fact, there are many ways to test almost any scientific idea; experimentation is only one approach.
  • the rigor of a scientific study has much more to do with the investigator's approach than with the discipline.
  • A 2005 survey of scientists at top research universities found that more than 48% had a religious affiliation and that more than 75% believed that religions convey important truths.
  • While it's true that all scientific ideas are subject to change if warranted by the evidence, many scientific ideas (e.g., evolutionary theory, foundational ideas in chemistry) are supported by many lines of evidence, are extremely reliable, and are unlikely to change.
  • Hypotheses are explanations that are limited in scope, applying to fairly narrow range of phenomena. The term law is sometimes used to refer to an idea about how observable phenomena are related — but the term is also used in other ways within science. Theories are deep explanations that apply to a broad range of phenomena and that may integrate many hypotheses and laws.
  • Because science deals only with natural phenomena and explanations, it cannot support or contradict the existence of supernatural entities — like God.
  • at the cutting edge of scientific research — areas of knowledge that are difficult to represent in introductory textbooks — scientific ideas may change rapidly as scientists test out many different possible explanations trying to figure out which are the most accurate.
  • Scientific research also involves creative problem-solving, communicating with others, logical reasoning, and many other skills that might or might not be a part of every science class. Second, science encompasses a remarkably broad set of activities.
    misconceptions about the scientific process and more
    Review these common misconceptions about science, then use the grade level link in the right sidebar to find out how to address them.

ISTE | NETS for Students 2007 - 2 views

  • create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
    • Noelle Kreider
      create an inspiration web as a demonstration of their understanding
    • Don New
      This is good in many subject areas
  • interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
  • communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
    • Vicki DeHaven
      This can also be used for Listening/Speaking skills standards.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making   Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students:   a. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation. b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions. d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
    • Janece Boyd
      In my classroom this would look like a very busy cooperative grouping of student learners working towards a predetermined learning goal and outcome.
  • b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
    • Solomon Barber
      powerpoint presentations
    • Joni Wright
      This is a great idea. Thanks
  • troubleshoot systems and applications.
    • Vicki DeHaven
      This is a good way for your "techie" students to assist with other students.
  • 6. Technology Operations and Concepts   Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students:   a. understand and use technology systems. b. select and use applications effectively and productively. c. troubleshoot systems and applications. d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
    • Janece Boyd
      In my classroom a lesson to incorporate this within a standard using technology would be the use of Inspiration in Language Arts. I would use this for Cause and Effect with Life Science and Salmon Summer from our Anthology series. Students will work on causes and effects of the fishing system used by Alex and his father in Salmon Summer to see the overall environment of the ecosystem that they are working in.
  • locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
    • Don New
  • contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
    • Joni Wright
      Zip lock chemistry share results of group on echalk w/other groups in class.
      Stds. will create a web on Kidspiration, in partner pairs, to show content knowledge of a topic within a discipline.
  • understand and use technology systems.
    • Cuong Thai
      Not only the students need to understand and use technology systems, but the teachers do too.
    • Lura Paxton
      If I can do this anyone can!
    national technology standards for students

K12HSN Calaxy - 1 views

    Verizon Thinkfinity is the Verizon Foundation's free, comprehensive Web site containing more than 55,000 educational resources, including standards-based, grade-specific, K-12 lesson plans, student interactive tools and reference materials. This website ties to the California Standards grades K-12.

Using the Internet In Your Classroom (Including Research Grid and Citation Tools) - 5 views

    research grid, citation machine, and much more! To find the research grid, go to the section titled "Structuring the Use of the Internet."

Science Notebooks - 5 views

    provides a large collection of sample notebook pages, lessons for introducing notebooking, and more

Discussion: Selecting Resources - 4 views

started by Noelle Kreider on 27 Feb 10 no follow-up yet

Science Online: Plant Cells - 4 views

    video about the structure of plant cells

Earth viewer from space - 0 views

    This site shows the Earth from space. It shows the rotation of the Earth. You can see where it is night, and how it is moving throughout the day when you update.

The Research Process Presentation - 4 views

    Provides overview of the research process in a prezi presentation

Science Netlinks: Resource - 3 views

    The ABC's of composting!

Minipond Ecosystem Kit, Living - Protozoa Kits - Protists - Living Organisms - Carolina... - 3 views

    This kit is a great resource lab to demonstrate decomposers in a pond.

California Forest Foundation - Teaching Materials - 2 views

    order posters and the "Guide to California's Wildlife" for teaching about wildfires in our forests

Explanation of the Research Grid: A Notetaking Strategy - 2 views

    my pencasting explaining how to use the research process and research grid

Pete's Power Point Station - A Collection of FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format fo... - 2 views

shared by tiya cannon on 05 Jun 10 - Cached
    Over 1600 powerpoints for all subjects

Industrial Minerals,Commercial Minerals,Types of Minerals,Industrial Mineral Suppliers - 2 views

    This is a great resource for 4th grade rocks and minerals!

Bloom's Taxonomy Poster for Elementary Teachers - 2 views

    poster of a butterfly with levels of Bloom's Taxonomy on a colorful wing

Teachers' Domain: Documenting Glacial Change - 2 views

    compare pictures of the same location over 60-100 years to see glaciers receding and the effects they have on the land

Operation Physics: Children's science misconceptions - 2 views

    list of common misconceptions from the American Institute of Physics
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