This interactive website provides hours of mind stretching fun. The mind challenges include cryptoquote, popword, eight letters, define time, storyman, wordsearch, and codeword. Some of these challenges are perfect for spelling practice, learning new vocabulary and problem solving.
"The MIT Video website - developed and maintained by the MIT News Office - aggregates and curates video produced by the Institute's offices, laboratories, centers and administration. This includes feature and editorial videos, event recordings, academic content and more. Each day, the editorial team at MIT Video selects one or more videos to "spotlight" based on the videos' content, production value and timeliness"
Get free online courses from the world's leading universities. This collection includes over 700 free courses in the liberal arts and sciences. Download these audio & video courses straight to your computer or mp3 player. Note: you can find a new collection of certificate-bearing courses here.
They discuss slang, neologisms, etymology, new words in English, common errors in English, word formation and words in the news. The living language of English today.
If you have trouble remembering idioms in English, this website helps you associate a picture to them to aid your memory, because "a picture paints a thousand words". Some pics are a little weird, though.