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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Marius S

Marius S

Sudan 'gives green light' for slave trade to flourish again - Telegraph - 0 views

  • Sudanese government is allegedly encouraging slavery
  • Khartoum government has broken its promises to the West that it would address allegations of slavery
    May not be very accurate as this was published in 2001, but gives a general overview on the Sudanese government's perspectives.
Marius S

In Sudan, Ancient and Evil Slave Trade Persists | Fox News - 1 views

  • government-backed soldiers are reportedly enslaving thousands of women and children in the southern part of the country.
  • Most of the captured are brought north, where they are often raped, beaten and abused. Many are Christian and are forced to submit to Islam, the dominant religion in northern Sudan.
  • he took advantage of me
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • going rate for a human being is around $35
  • For those lucky enough to get caught in the redemption web, life is not much better. Anguer, for example, is no longer enslaved, but her future remains uncertain.
  • She has lost her immediate family, and because she now has a child out of wedlock, her chances of attracting a husband are very slim. She is one more living casualty in a slavery process many want to see become history.
    News article on the current situation of slave trade (published in 2001)
Marius S

Slave Trade Thrives in Sudan - 3 views

  • I thought it would be better to die than to remain a slave,'' Akuac says
  • the north is trying to impose Islam and the Arabic language and to monopolize Sudan's wealth.
  • fighting, famine and disease have killed an estimated 1.5 million Sudanese
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • 3 million people have fled or been forced from their homes
  • master also tried to make her a Muslim - taking her to mosque and giving her the Arabic name of Fatima
  • Akuac was sold to an Arab who made her wash clothes, haul water, gather firewood and help with cooking
  • ``Otherwise, they would have killed me. Because I was a slave, they had the right to do whatever they wanted to me,''
    This site gives a good overview and statistics about Sudanese slavery and the slavey industry.
Marius S

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | slavery - 0 views

  • Forgotten slaves South Sudanese await the return of their stolen children
    This page gives a general oversight of slavery in the modern world. - not really focused on Sudan but gives a good overview.
Marius S

Slavery in Sudan alive and well CNN - YouTube - 0 views

    • Marius S
      This video gives a insight into the way slaves are taken and mistreated.
Marius S

For Sudan Slaves, Freedom at a Cost - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

    • Marius S
      This section gives a very powerful message about the lives of slaves.
  • Bereft of his identity, family or home, he can imagine nothing of his future except that, his manhood stolen from him, he can never marry. He hangs his head in silent distress at this thought.
  • Although personal accounts of slavery in Sudan have been emerging since the mid-1990s, the large-scale returns offer a broader insight into the magnitude of the murahaleen's slavery operations.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • returnees arrive in the dusty heat, crammed atop trucks, some with terrible stories of the organized abduction, for years denied by the government
  • Sudan was notorious for slavery until it was conquered by Britain in the 19th century. But the practice was revived in the mid-1980s during the civil war when the Arab-dominated government armed militias known as murahaleen to fight the southern rebels, much as they more recently have armed militias against rebels in Darfur in the country's west.
Marius S

BBC NEWS | Africa | 'Thousands of slaves in Sudan' - 0 views

    This shows how charities are helping slaves and give a general background on how slavery happened and the origins of it.
Marius S

BBC NEWS | Africa | No return for Sudan's forgotten slaves - 0 views

  • 8,000 people are believed to be living in slavery in Sudan
  • I could not refuse because I was a slave, I had to do everything he wanted, or he could have killed me
  • having been abducted, subjected to forced labour and often beaten
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • About 3,000 were taken back home before the programme ran out of money in 2005. Donors pulled out, saying some were not genuine slaves, some had been returned against their will and had been left to fend for themselves in the desolate, under-developed south.
  • the end of the war seems to have taken the urgency out of the project
  • freedom is not necessarily easy - she now has to support the children on her own, with no assistance from donors or the government.
  • forgotten their real names and where they come from, although they can sometimes be identified by the marks cut into their faces as children - a part of Dinka traditions.
  • "I always ask God, why other children come back but not mine. What have I done to deserve this?"
    This article shows the lives of slaves after release and what they were forced to do during their time in slavery.
Marius S

Anti-Slavery - Slavery in Sudan - 0 views

  • More than 14,000 men, women and children were abducted and forced into slavery in Sudan between 1986 and 2002
  • first few hundred abductees registered by the Dinka Committee were about equal numbers of boys and girls
  • Dinka Committee estimates that around 60 per cent of those abducted were taken to west Kordofan and south Darfur by the Murahaleen (tribal militia)
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • last reported case of abduction was on 9 May 2002
  • forced into different kinds of abuse
  • sold or given to others as presents
  • having food and drink withheld.
    • Marius S
      This section gives a general insight into the history of Sudanese slavery.
    • Marius S
      This description links to the photos on the left which give readers a deeper perspective into the situation.
    This site gives a general overview of the statistics and facts of slavery in Sudan.
Marius S

Slave Trading - Sudan - YouTube - 0 views

    This video gives a overview of the lives of slaves (20 minutes long, first few minutes are just introduction)
Marius S

Sudan slave 'crucified' by master - 0 views

  • nailed to a board by his master and left for dead – the last in a series of torturous acts – a Sudanese Dinka boy escaped from his bondage and lived to tell his horrific story
  • As a 7-year-old, Joseph, then called Santino Garang, was sold to his master, Ibrahim
  • often beaten, tortured and abused
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • brutally beating
  • driving nine-inch nails through his hands, knees and feet. He then poured acid on Joseph’s legs to inflict even greater pain, and finally left him for dea
  • Christians are second-class citizens
  • Joseph survived kidnapping, the loss of his parents, ten years of enslavement, and near death by crucifixion
  • aid us in the relief of their suffering
    • Marius S
      There are some parts in the article are a bit disturbing, but gives a strong perspective on the treatment of slaves.
Marius S

BBC NEWS | In pictures: Sudan's slave voices, Escape - 2 views

    • Marius S
      This site gives many perspectives of slaves in Sudan and how they lived their daily lives in pain and mistreatment.
Marius S

'Lost Boy' Begs US to Help End Sudan Slave Trade - 0 views

  • He was a young boy when Arab raiders ransacked his village, killed the men, and bound Dang and his mother to a camel.     They were then dragged away from their home in southern Sudan to a life of slavery.
  • his years in slavery still haunt him now
  • raise awareness of Sudanese slavery among Congress and the American public, using stories like Deng's and the countless others like him
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Deng, who once was forced to cite daily Muslim prayers as a slave, now proudly identifies by his new faith.
  • he now has hope, and his goal is to be like his rescuers and set other Sudanese captives free
    • Marius S
      This part shows how the Sudanese people were treated in slavery.
    This news article highlights the perspectives of the Lost Boys living in the US and how they view their home country, Sudan.
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