A book I ran across about information overload and how we can take control of the media that is overloading us and use it to our benefit (the Foreword is written by Clay Shirky).
Larry Lessig's talk at CERN on the way that copyright interacts with science publishing is a stirring call-to-arms to free up scientific discovery and inquiry.
College English teacher Andy Selsberg describes how he has been working vernacular, Internet-era composition assignments into his syllabus, assigning good tweets and YouTube comments alongside the traditional five-paragraph essay.
In Britain, a new austerity budget has threatened massive library closures across the country, with some communities in danger of ending up with no public library at all. Philip Pullman's local chief counsellor accused authors of defending libraries because they like the royalties they earn from the books libraries buy. In response, Pullman has given this stirring speech about the value of libraries to their communities and to civilization