This video is a really great snapshot of just how important social media is becoming in the market place and how brands and businesses are starting to embrace it for real commercial gains.
"No less than a decade ago, the majority of mainstream music was funneled through a handful of media conglomerates. But now more individuals are listening to more music from a greater variety of sources than at any time in history." Greg Kot
Nov 14, Medicine & Health/Psychology & Psychiatry Experts have questioned whether Internet addiction constitutes a psychological disorder and an Arlington, Va., group may add it to its diagnostic manual. Members of the American Psychiatric Association have said the organization may include Internet addiction in its next guidebook, while experts debate whether the issue constitutes a psychological problem, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
This study used an experiment embedded within a Web-based survey to examine the influence of contextual (i.e., face-to-face vs. online chat room discussion) and social-psychological factors on individuals' willingness to express opinions. In this experiment, respondents were asked whether they would be willing to express an opinion if they were placed in a face-to-face discussion group in one condition and in an online chat room discussion group in the other condition.
"I need to get off Facebook and write my paper": Plenty of students have seen those statuses posted by friends on Facebook when they were supposed to be studying. Some students even posted that particular status themselves. Facebook has become the biggest distraction for students when trying to get homework done.
In a sweeping victory for free speech rights in cyberspace, the Supreme Court struck down the Communications Decency Act in Reno v. ACLU in June 1997. The Court granted the highest level of First Amendment protection to the Internet, and cyber-activists are still dancing in the streets.
As more communication up and down the line at work is done electronically, face-to-face discussion can easily fall by the wayside. While the speed and volume of communication increases with e-mail, voicemail and instant messaging, some of the dialogue and personal touch can start to disappear.
Facebook is developing features that will make the sharing of users' favorite music, television shows and other media as much a part of its site as playing games or posting vacation photos.
This article talks about social media communication effecting the way relationships are made and continued.
Kujath, Carlyne L. "Facebook and MySpace: Complement or Substitute for Face-to-Face Interaction?." CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 14.1/2 (2011): 75-78. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 19 Sept. 2011