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Keenan Falls

Video Resume Tips - 0 views

    Video Resume This article lays down some important information about being successful when producing a video resume. Some the tips include the elements of the resume itself, where to upload the video, how to promote your resume video, and the do's and don'ts of a video resume.
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    Video Resumes: This article explains the benefits of video resumes and provides tips on the creation and promotion of video resumes.
    A video resume is a short video created by a candidate for employment that describes the individual's skills and qualifications and is typically used to supplement a traditional resume.
    "A video resume is a short video created by a candidate for employment that describes the individual's skills and qualifications and is typically used to supplement a traditional resume."
    The how to and a few tips for video resume
Janae Cherry

Video Resumes - Pros and Cons | - 0 views

    Pros and cons of video resumes
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