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Home/ ENGL 303: Multimedia Writing/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ashley Graff

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ashley Graff

Ashley Graff

diigo - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 29 Oct 09 - Cached
Ashley Graff

SSRN-Social Networks that Matter: Twitter Under the Microscope by Bernardo Huberman, D... - 0 views

    This is an article I got off of Google Scholar. This article explains a study that was conducted that examined Social-Networking sites and the use of friends. Social-networking sites are designed to help us keep in contact and interact with people we know. However, this study reveals how the more "friends" one has, the less they interact with them. This article looks at just how many people we do use social-networking sites to acutally interact with on a daily basis. Twitter is used in this study to examine how many "followers" people have but how many of them are thier actual friends. This will be a useful site for my project because it examines who uses Twitter and why.
Ashley Graff

Twitter Search - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 06 Oct 09 - Cached
    This site is set up exactly like, but instead of searching the entire web it only searches Twitter messages. The purpose of this site (if there is one) is to type in whatever word or phrase you want and it will search through thousands of Twitter messages and bring up the ones where your words appear in. For example if I type the word "school" into the Twitter Search, it will bring back anyone's status that currently has the word school in it. This site also represents multimedia authorship because it taking people's tweets and allowing others to read them freely without knowing whose status it is. I never asked for anyone to search a word and to use my tweet just because it comes up on this search engine. I would like read about the terms of use in the Twitter website and if it does state that your tweets are open to anyone, because I think it is truly crazy how there are websites designed to spy and allow others to read what you are typing.
Ashley Graff

Twitter Spy - The Twitter Public Timeline in Real Time - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 24 Sep 09 - Cached
    Twitter SPY displays the Twitter public timeline in a fancy and addictive way!
Ashley Graff

How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live - TIME - 0 views

    Once just a fad, Twitter is developing into a powerful form of communication. What its growth says about us - and the future of American innovation
Ashley Graff

Blame Drew's Cancer - Blow off Steam on Twitter... for Charity! - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 10 Sep 09 - Cached
    Tweet with the hashtag #BlameDrewsCancer and Blame Drew's Cancer for anything and everything you want. $1 goes to charity for every person who participates.
Ashley Graff

Examples of Twitter messages from Iowa surgery | Latest National Headlines | Star-Telegram - 0 views

    In another bookmark I posted an article about Iowa being one of the first hospitals to use Twitter in the operating room. The patient underwent a hysterectomy and the surgeon sent over 300 tweets to the patients' family members about the process of the surgery. Here are some of the actual tweets that were sent...
Ashley Graff

Twitter Opens a Door to Iowa Operating Room - ABC News - 0 views

    I first read this story in the DA and it was very intriguing. A hospital in Iowa has allowed surgeons to start "tweeting" the process of their surgery to the patient's family members. It is an easy and efficient way to follow a patient's progress as they go under the knife. The patient's family in this article tracked the developments from a laptop computer in the hospital's waiting room. One of the daughter-in-laws even kept tabs from work. The surgeon sent more than 300 tweets over more than three hours from a computer outside the operating room. Over 700 people followed them, some even asking questions. This is a great way to get glimpse into an actual operating room. Iowa has not been the first hospital to use Twitter, others include Children's Medical Center in Dallas, which tweeted in May when a father donated a kidney to his son, and Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, where officials have tweeted about several surgeries since January. My question is, is could I use the "tweets" this surgeon is sending and write my own article about the operation? Are the surgeons' tweets copyrighted?
Ashley Graff

Home - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 15 Sep 09 - Cached
    This is a website that Sandy introduced to me. Basically this man named Dene Grigar, created a 24 experimental project where he asked people to send him "tweets" to create one large collaborative story. With their permission, he was allowed to copy and paste specific "tweets" and arrange them into a novel on his "Project Blog". Over 85 stories were submitted by over 25 participants from five countries. This website and this project is the perfect example of collaborative art using multimedia.
Ashley Graff

Matt Stewart: Why I'm Releasing My Novel on Twitter - 0 views

    This website is just an example of a writer who is currently releasing his novel on Twitter, by way of tweeting 140 characters at a time. He compares releasing his novel on Twitter as the equivalent to watching a short clip of a movie, before deciding to buy the entire thing. He feels by releasing 140 characters at a time, it will grab people's attention. This website demonstrates how not only is, Matt Stewart, releasing his novel via Twitter, but how other authors are deciding to do the same thing. Is releasing a novel via Twitter going to be the same as releasing the actual publish book in the bookstores? Does Stewart, along with the various other authors have rights to each of their "tweets"? How easy would it be to steal Stewart's novel, by simply copying and pasting all of his tweets into one large document. Is it novel protected from someone else stealing his ideas?
Ashley Graff

Interview With Doyce Testerman - Twitter As A New Medium In Authorship, Pt. 3 | - 0 views

    A survey of Twitter projects related to authorship, books and publishing.
Ashley Graff

You Wrote My Twitter Book, Now Promote It! - Twitterwit - Gawker - 0 views

    This website is basically just an article describing how an editor named Nick Douglas compiled together a book called, "Twitter Wit". This book is a collection of Twitters who tweeted him their wittiest "tweet". The wittiest tweets will be seen in this book. This article gives a small description about the book while also explaining how the contributors were given no royalties for having their "tweets" published, just given a free copy of the book. This brings up the question of, who does then get credit? Will editor Douglas and HarperCollins receive a profit off others "tweets", while the actual contributors receive nothing?
Ashley Graff

Virtual Worlds, Avatars, free 3D chat, online meetings - Second Life Official Site - 0 views

    This s a site that reminds me of the Sims, but has gone above and beyond what the Sims can do. Second Life is a 3D virtual world where users can socialize, customize an avatar, and connect with and meet other people. You create a person and then join this online community where you can meet other people in this "second life world" at the same time.
Ashley Graff

tweeternet - What is Twitter? - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 07 Sep 09 - Cached
    Thi basically describes why people use Twitter and what it can do for you. This will help me with my research project.
Ashley Graff

Twitter - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 07 Sep 09 - Cached
    The Twitter website
Ashley Graff

WVUToday | Home | West Virginia University - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 03 Sep 09 - Cached
    I saw an article in the DA about West Virginia University's News and Information Services, WVU Today launching a new website. They said they did this to keep up with the changing culture. The website is based around multimedia and social media, letting people interact with the story. The story talked about the new iWVU application available for iPhones, and a WVU mobile site for other smart phones. The website WVU Today allows users to share news stories in a variety of ways under the "share this". There is a media center section with a story archive, video archive, podcasts, and more.
Ashley Graff

West Virginia University on Twitter | Home | West Virginia University - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 03 Sep 09 - Cached
    Twitter has become one of the next biggest things to hit the multimedia world. It's a free social-networking site where people read and send messages, much like sending out a mass text message. People can access Twitter via the website or on their phones. This is a site that features all of WVU's Twitters that people can "follow". Examples include WVUNewsFeed, WVU SportsBuzz, Coach Bill Stewart, and so on.
Ashley Graff

Quick Tour - 0 views

shared by Ashley Graff on 03 Sep 09 - Cached
    LiveJournal is a website that allows people to write and share their thoughts and feelings. People who use this site are able to share their writings to others or set the privacy settings so only they can see what they wrote. This site allows people to insert photos and videos into their journal too.
Ashley Graff

JSTOR: Teaching Sociology, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Apr., 1999), pp. 92-109 - 0 views

    This article studied how students, professors, and graduate instructors feel about using multimedia in large lecture halls. Over half of the students reported that multimedia in the classroom stimulated their interest in the subject. This article explains how more and more technology/multimedia is being used to teach students.
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