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Home/ ENGL 101 012/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by emilyelizabeth94

Contents contributed and discussions participated by emilyelizabeth94


Martin Amis's "The Zone of Interest" - 24 views

  • The Zone is a place to which Jewish “evacuee
    • emilyelizabeth94
      I like how the author explains what The Zone is for readers who are unfamiliar with it.
  • With virtually every page of the novel reporting some horror, including the awful stench of death en masse,
    • emilyelizabeth94
      The author describes the book as having a lot of imagery and descriptive wording to emphasize what it was like.
  •  ” Amis joins in a general bewilderment among historians about “understanding” Hitler: “We know a great deal about the how—about how he did what he did; but we seem to know almost nothing about the why.”
    • emilyelizabeth94
      I really enjoyed the quote because I can relate to it.  Growing up my history teachers always told us about Hitler and the Holocaust, but we never discussed WHY Hitler did it.

'The Giving Tree': Tender Story of Unconditional Love or Disturbing Tale of Selfishness... - 4 views

  • prey to Godwin’s Law — that as an online discussion grows, so does the likelihood that someone or something will be compared to a Nazi.
    • emilyelizabeth94
      I'm not quite sure why the man said "the Nazis would have loved this book."  This confuses me.
  • The boy uses the tree as a plaything, lives off her like a parasite, and then, when she’s a shell of her former self and no longer serves any real purpose, he sits on her — which makes her happy? (“That book is the epitome of male privilege,” a friend groused.)
    • emilyelizabeth94
      I know and fully understand the author has a right to an opinion, but a CHILD will not examine the book in this matter.  A child wouldn't see a book from this point of view because he/she doesn't have that mentality yet.
  • It’s possible Silverstein was attempting to be subversive, and in that sense, this little Rorschach test of children’s literature seems to have succeeded
    • emilyelizabeth94
      The author is looking at all aspects of Silverstein's book and trying to figure out the purpose for the book.

W.E.B. DuBois Critiques Booker T. Washington - 47 views

  • His programme of industrial education, conciliation of the South, and submission and silence as to civil and political rights, was not wholly original; the Free Negroes from 1830 up to wartime had striven to build industrial schools, and t
    • emilyelizabeth94
      Booker T. Washington was trying to start an education system and build schools
  • indissolubly
    • emilyelizabeth94
      When I came across this word, it confused me.  I will have to look up the definition in order to understand the sentence.
  • So Mr. Washington’s cult has gained unquestioning followers, his work has wonderfully prospered, his friends are legion, and his enemies are confounded. To-day he stands as the one recognized spokesman of his ten million
    • emilyelizabeth94
      Question: Why is the author giving Washington so much credit and complimenting him?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • demagogues
    • emilyelizabeth94
      Had to look up this word- According to "A person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people."
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