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Home/ ENGL 101 003/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by delicia18

Contents contributed and discussions participated by delicia18


Martin Amis's "The Zone of Interest" - 12 views

    • delicia18
      Women being abused because of a mans sexual attraction
    • delicia18
      After being in that camp it took away all peace. The events were to overwhelming to write about.

'The Giving Tree': Tender Story of Unconditional Love or Disturbing Tale of Selfishness... - 6 views

    • delicia18
      She was saying that you have to set limits on what you allow others do to you. If you allow people to take advantage of you they will and it will leave you hurt in many ways.
    • delicia18
      This book symbolizes the mans power over women to some people. The tree is basically helpless and anything can be done to it without reacting.
    • delicia18
      The recap is biased. You can tell who ever wrote this did not enjoy the book and found it weird.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • delicia18
      People were disgusted with this book. The reviews would make you not want to read it.

W.E.B. DuBois Critiques Booker T. Washington - 16 views

shared by delicia18 on 29 Sep 14 - Cached
    • delicia18
      Washington believed that everyone had to work together in order to create a change.
  • fascinating study of human life.It startled the nation to hear a Negro advocating such a programme after many decades of bitter complaint; it startled and won the
    • delicia18
      He started off with so little and worked hard to become a black man who would reach both his kind and whites with his gentle words of compromise.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • delicia18
      These are the 3 things blacks were fighting for. Washington took the peaceful route making the whites feel like they could be comfortable with giving us these powers.
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