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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dana Bender


Addressing Common Concerns - 0 views

    The CDC addresses common misconceptions about vaccinations in an effort to encourage parents to make an informed decision to vaccinate and relieve paniced thoughts that vaccinations are unsafe. The website also answers frequently asked questions about the subject.

A Short History of Vaccine Panic - 0 views

    Amy Wallace shares a condensed, easy to read time line explaining how vaccinations became such a hot topic issue. Starting with the discovery that immunizations were exposing children to more mercury than the EPA recommends, to the link between MMR and Autism.

Vaccine Awakening - 0 views

    This blog discusses vaccine injuries and your right as a parent to keep your child from harm. Many doctors refuse to care for children who are not vaccinated which could make it difficult to receive proper medical care. Doctors and pharmacuetical companies are protected against vaccine injury lawsuits but they refuse to see the correaltion between vaccines and Autsim or other neurological injuries.

Children Who Are Not Vaccinated Never Get Autism! - 0 views

    This article provides information on a medical practice in Chicago that does not require vaccinations for the children the care for. They state that none of their patients have Autism and only one child has Asthma. They compare their patients and the children of the Amish in rural Lancaster who also have never been vaccinated. Although federal health authorities dismiss the argument that vaccines can cause Autism it is hard to overlook the fact that children who are not vaccinated do not develop Autism.

California Bill AB2109 Threatens Vaccine Freedom of Choice - 0 views

    Dr. Bob Sears writes about his thoughts on California Bill AB2109 and his fear that Dr.'s will refuse to sign the required form for thier patients vaccination exemption. He feels this way because he says some Dr.'s will force their own feelings about required vaccines on their patients or won't sign because of liability issuse. Those children who are unable to get the required signature will not be admitted to school and it will affect their education.

Should Any Vaccines Be Required For Children? - 0 views

    This is a collection of Pro/Con quotes concerning vaccinations for children. This webpage has links for each quote so that further information can be gathered. One quote stated that newborns receive antibodies from their mothers but this immunity only last a year at the longest.

Personal Freedoms Protected with CA Bill AB2109 - 0 views

    CA Bill AB2109 was working its way throught the Senate earlier this year. This bill protects parents from vaccinating their children with the stipulation that they must speak with a licensed health professional before they can get an exemption. The article points out that those who dont vaccinate are then relying on community immunity for their children to not be exposed to vaccine preventable dieseases.

Deciding Not to Vaccinate: My Personal Journey Into Freedom - 0 views

    This article is from the viewpoint of a mother who chose not to vaccinate her children. She did much research and came to the conclusion that vaccines were unneccessary to ensure the health of her children. She also touches on informing the public of state laws that protect parents from having to vaccinate.

Eroding Liberty - 0 views

    Written by the NYCLU this short article shows how the Patriot Act affects each and every U.S. citizen. This is and one by one look at each ammendment that the Patriot Act affects and in what way. A must read for those who want to be informed and educated.

Reclaiming Patriotism: A Call To Reconsider the Patriot Act - 0 views

    This lengthy report by the ACLU discusses the Patriot Act and gives evidence of government overreach. It calls American citizens to demand their constitutional rights and for congress to do their duty and make the necessary changes.

The Reformed Patriot Act - 0 views

    This article posted by the ACLU discusses provisions of the Patriot Act that were granted extensions in 2011 despite their need for reform. The provisions in question could directly affect the American public and allow government access to personal information without probable cause. These provisions have been extended till June 2015.

The USA Patriot Act: Impact on Freedoms and Civil Liberties - 0 views

    Written by a student, this essay is informative and explains the Patriot Act in laymans terms. The essay addresses the advantages of the law, how it could have been handeled better, and how it impacts the civil liberties of U.S. citizens.

Obama's DREAM Act-lite runs into more trouble - 0 views

    Written on August 18th, 2012 this article informs the public that Gov. Brewer of Arizona as well as the Gov. of Nebraska have declared that "their" states will not offer drivers licenses or any other state benefits to imigrants under President Obama's Dream Act. The article compares Gov. Brewer to George Wallace who was a supporter of segregation in the 60's.

Ten Things You Need To Know About The Dream Act - 0 views

    Senator Jeff Sessions wrote this article in opposition of the the Dream Act. He breaks down each point of the Act and insinuates that the current administration is withholding information about who the Dream Act will actullay help.

Who and Where the DREAMers Are - 0 views

    This webpage discusses the basics of the Dream Act and breaks down the statistics about the potential beneficiaries of the Dream Act. It seperates them based on the state that they live in and their country of origin.

Reclaim personal freedom in the US by ending compulsory schooling - 0 views

    This article discusses the mediocrity of public schooling and the how it stream lines the childs mind, not allowing creative thought. It compares the education of our founding fathers and their passion for learning with our modern day system which has lead to the American public being complacent about education and the state of our country.

Only Freedom of Education Can Solve America Bureaucratic Crisis of Education - 0 views

    This article gives a history lesson concerning education since our country was founded. The author stresses that the issues we face today cannot be solved by the bureaucratic education of our citizens and that we must get back the desire to learn and be educated if any change is to be made.
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