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Too Many Secrets: Too Many Secrets: Dan Hawrylyshyn e-Portfolio - 1 views

    My ePortfolio web research argument WP3. 
Billy Gerchick

Inserting custom gadgets in Google Sites. - grinsted - 0 views

  • Here's how you go about inserting it in Google Sites: Click [Insert] Select [More...] Click [add by url] Copy and paste the url to   Note, there has been some bugs in Google-Sites which means that preferences of the gadget is forgotten. One trick to overcome those problems is to insert the gadget in an igoogle page, set up all the settings, and then inspect the source/dom to find the relevant iframe link. This link can then be copied and put in place of the Google-Sites generated iframe link (by entering the html mode of the Google-Sites editor).
    Perhaps too complicated, but this is a detailed guide for gadgets.
Robert Harrison

Football is corrupting America's universities: it needs to go - Forbes - 0 views

  • Last week, U. Maryland (where I was a professor until this past summer) announced it was eliminating 8 varsity sports teams to make up for the fact that football was losing too much money.
  • Here’s what they are cutting: men’s cross-country, indoor track, outdoor track, men’s swimming and diving, men’s tennis, women’s acrobatics and tumbling, women’s swimming and diving, and women’s water polo.
    This proves my point that football is more important than other sports by eliminating 8 varsity sports because it had a bad season. The president of U. Maryland Wallace Loh was the one to send this information of to the students, teachers and faculty.
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