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Hans De Keulenaer

Trees Are Not The Answer To Climate Change : Environmental Graffiti - 0 views

    What was once seen as the solution to all our CO2 problems, the ability of trees to soak up anthropogenic carbon dioxide, trees has itself been hindered by global warming.
Sergio Ferreira

Electric Eel Used To Power Christmas Tree : MetaEfficient - 0 views

  • Each time the electric eel at the Aqua Toto Gifu aquarium touches a copper wire in its tank, it sends power that lights up globes decking a Christmas tree.
Hans De Keulenaer

The first rule of carbon offsets: No trees - 0 views

  • But does planting trees reduce global warming? Not in most places on the earth. The Carnegie Institution's Ken Caldeira summarized the result of a major 2005 study (PDF) this way: "To plant forests to mitigate climate change outside of the tropics is a waste of time."
Hans De Keulenaer

HUMACON » A Way to Harvest Electricity from Trees - 0 views

  • An engineering company claimed it could produce electricity simply by wiring a nail in the tree’s trunk to a metal rod in the ground.
Infogreen Global

The World's Smallest Battery - 1 views

    The tiny battery created by Huang and co-workers consists of a single tin oxide nanowire anode 100 nanometers in diameter and 10 micrometers long, a bulk lithium cobalt oxide cathode three millimeters long, and an ionic liquid electrolyte. The device offers the ability to directly observe change in atomic structure during charging and discharging of the individual "trees."
Colin Bennett

New ag-tech innovations show promise | Cleantech Group - 0 views

    Researchers working with sensors for trees and grape vineyards reveal promise for improving efficiency and reducing resource costs in agriculture.
Hans De Keulenaer

Cooking Without Electricity - Bitten - Dining & Wine - New York Times Blog - 0 views

  • But the kitchen held my fascination. Without electricity, everything is fresh. The chef, Lenin, (by report, Lenin and Stalin are common names in Ecuador) 23 years old, has a kitchen garden with lettuces, pineapple, tree tomatoes, sweet potatoes, naranjillos (they resemble tomatillas, but within their ‘paper’ is a round morsel of sweetness), pumpkin squash, scallions, limes, peppers, oregano, curly parsley, coffee . . .
Sergio Ferreira

Norway to become Carbon neutral by 2030 - 0 views

  • As the world's fifth-largest exporter of oil and Western Europe's biggest exporter of natural gas, Norway has found itself under increasing pressure to improve its environment profile. The new plan includes offsetting Norwegian emissions by stopping deforestation in developing countries and planting trees. On the domestic front, money is to be earmarked for investment in renewable energy and new taxes on fuel introduced as part of a 'carrot and stick' strategy promoting more environmentally friendly behaviour and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • become a leader in the global technology race in the new experimental and costly technology known as carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Hans De Keulenaer

The Future of Free Energy | Solar Islands Will Bring Electricity From the Desert & Sea - 0 views

  • CSEM, the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, has signed a contract with the government of the Emirate of Ras Al-Khaimah (RAK) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), to develop a prototype of a “Solar Island”. The aim of the project is to validate a concept for the large-scale transformation of solar energy into hydrogen and electricity at very low cost. It is funded by 5 mio US$ by the Gouvernment of Ras al Khaimah. The plan is to build large “Solar Islands” floating in the sea. These giant floating islands will be fitted with solar panels which will convert solar energy into electricity and/or hydrogen. A prototype of such a solar island, equipped with thermal solar panels, is to be built and tested in the desert of the United Arab Emirates.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Green Buildings In Madrid - 0 views

    Herzog and de Meuron have been very busy lately designing some amazing new buildings in Europe, like their Project Triangle in Paris. Their newest design for the Spanish banking group BBVA will be built on the outskirts of Madrid as early as 2013. The verdant green headquarters will feature luscious gardens and will create it's own microclimate by using natural ventilation, evapotranspiration, and the shade of the gardens and buildings to create a cool artificial oasis on a desert-like site. The project is meant to function as a small city, encouraging people to walk and meet within the outdoor spaces. The project is essentially a linear series of 3-story buildings seperated by alleyways and irrigated gardens. The smaller buildings are designed to give employees access to natural light and the outdoors, while the tower rises as a skyward-tilted circle, giving BBVA a presence in the Madrid skyline. The courtyard located around the tower is planted with shady trees and features a large basin of water that serves as a resevoir and humidifies the air.
Colin Bennett

EcoGeek - Technology for the Environment - 0 views

    seems like just yesterday I was talking about smart grid stuff. There's more news: Tendril Networks, a smart grid start-up, has announced all the goods on its networked in-home energy display, called Tendril Residential Energy Ecosystem (TREE).
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