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The Impostor Phenomenon in New Nurse Practitioner Graduates - 10 views

    Discusses challenges faced by new NP grads as they transition from student to NP.
    This article describes feeling like a fraud once in a new role as an advanced practice nurse. It also speaks to how this is a normal feeling and suggests different ways to cope with these feelings to make the transition easier.

Exploring the Factors that Influence Nurse Practitioner Role Transition - 0 views

    This article looked at the factors that affect the role transition from student to NP. It found a positive relationship when the individual received formal orientation. The study found no difference in those who had prior RN experience and those who did not.

Exploring the transition from student to practitioner in diagnostic radiography - 0 views

This article presents some information that may be helpful when transitioning into a new role as a new graduate.

Transition New grad NP Role Transition

started by tmauldin13 on 29 Oct 17 no follow-up yet

Smoothing your transition from RN to NP - 0 views

    This is just a quick PDF about a new grad NP's transition as a healthcare provider in family medicine. She gives some tips and advice for those who will be going through a similar transition.
    I enjoyed this concise description and advice column by a fellow NP who gives an honest account of her struggles and ways to support yourself in the transition from NP student to practicing NP.

The Journal for Nurse Practitioners - 0 views

    This article offers information on transitioning from student to Provider
Jade McBroom

Transitioning to New Midwife - 0 views

This article is a qualitative study on new midwives operating in a still contested environment. Fenwick, J., Hammond, A., Raymond, J., Smith, R., Gray,...

APRN midwife new transition student-midwife

started by Jade McBroom on 01 Nov 17 no follow-up yet

Telehealth and eHealth in nurse practitioner training: current perspectives - 0 views

    This systematic literature search article is in two parts: deinition and application of telehealth for APRNs and describes an approach for telehealth training for APRNs. APRNs can utilize telehealth technologies to improve patient access to care with cost-saving measures, collaborate with other disciplines, and remote patient monitoring. Students need to become competent and skilled with the evolving technologies and regulations to improve patient outcomes with limited resources to healthcare.

A Qualitative Study of Role Transition from RN to APN - 1 views

    Spoelstra, S. L., & Robbins, L. B. (2010). A qualitative study of role transition from RN to APN. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 7(1).

Bridging the Gap Between Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Education and Practice: The Need... - 0 views

    This article recognizes the need for specialized training of new grad NPs as they transition from their role of student to practitioner.

Mentorship: A New Strategy to Invest in the Capital of Novice Nurse Practitioners - 3 views

    Hello Everyone, Module 3 instruction asked us to explore articles about our transition from student to APRN. As we discussed in class and from guest panel, I realized that mentorship is really important. While I was looking through emory DiscoverE about mentorship, I came across this article that highlights how important it is to clarify the term "mentorship" when I am talking to my potential employer because it can mean different for the employer. The article really highlights how important it is to find a set definition for the term "mentorship". If the link does not work, I have the article downloaded, but I cannot seem to attach it here.
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