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1.5 Methods and Strategies - 0 views

    This site is supplemental to section 1.5 Methods and Strategies of chapter 8 (A Framework for Web-Based Learning by Badrul Khan) of the book entitled Web-Based Training.

eLearning zwischen Exploration und Nürnberger Trichter (slideshare) - 0 views

    Claudia Bremer studiumdigitale - Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Big Dog, Little Dog: ADDIE is the Scavenger of Instructional Design, Not the Bitch Godd... - 0 views

    3. Marzano's New Taxonomy In The Need for a Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy, Marzano describes six levels: Level 6: Self-system Level 5: Metacognitive System Level 4: Knowledge Utilization (Cognitive System) Level 3: Analysis (Cognitive System) Level 2: Comprehension (Cognitive System) Level 1: Retrieval (Cognitive System) It is made up of three systems and the Knowledge Domain. The three systems are the Self-System, the Metacognitive System, and the Cognitive System. When faced with the option of starting a new task, the Self-System decides whether to continue the current behavior or engage in the new activity; the Metacognitive System sets goals and keeps track of how well they are being achieved; the Cognitive System processes all the necessary information, and the Knowledge Domain provides the content (see What are your replacements for Bloom's Taxonomy?

Ulf Klein: Szenische Moderation - 0 views

    Ulf Klein: Coaching & Supervision · Training · Organisationsberatung Ulf Klein Szenische Moderation 1. Grundlagen 2 1.1. Gruppe als Soziales System 2 1.2. Standardmodell der Gruppendynamik 3 1.3. Granita-Effekt 4 2. Soziometrie: Methoden der Szenischen Moderation 6 2.7. 2.1. Feedback-Kreis 6 2.2. Feedback-Karussell 7 2.3. Skalenarbeit: Rangreihenbildung 8 2.4. Skalenarbeit: Spektrogramme9 2.5. Dreieck der Gegensätze 11 2.6. Begriffs-Landschaft 12 Zeitlinie [Strasse der Erinnerung] 12 3. Arbeit in der Gruppe: 13 3.1. Interaktionsspiele 13
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