In a nutshell, gamification techniques strive to leverage people's natural desires, ranging from competition to achievement to self-expression to closure. It's an industry poised to hit $5.5 billion within the next five years ( M2 Research).
Thursday, 09 January 2014 20:47 If your learners aren't performing as well on their post-training evaluations as you'd hoped, you may want to try an e-Learning development technique to help them remember - content chunking. Maybe you've never heard this term, or you've heard it mentioned and wondered exactly how it works, where it came from and how to apply it to your e-Learning development.
Key Takeaways A university-wide survey on students' mobile learning practices showed that ownership of mobile devices is high among students and that tablets are the most popular devices for academic purposes. The survey also found that mobile learning typically occurs outside the classroom, with only limited guidance from instructors.