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Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep - 0 views

shared by krdaum on 28 Jan 16 - Cached
    Rollicking homework help, teacher resources, and online test prep. Homework help lovingly written by PhD students from Stanford, Harvard, Berkeley
Araceli Matos

Homework Resources - 0 views

    This site provides student with plenty of resources to find answers for their homework. It has dictionaries, translation sites, pictures, encyclopedias, geography, museums, sounds, thesaurus, math, measurments, grammar and other useful sites.
Araceli Matos

Scoot Pad - 1 views

shared by Araceli Matos on 01 Oct 12 - No Cached
    This is a free on line learning program. Students can practice math and reading. Teachers can keep track of students progress, communicate with students on the program and provide homework Parents can also monitor students progress and communicate with the teacher.
Tameika Fraser

Schoology - 0 views

    Schoology is an online learning management system. It offers many free features to teachers, such as: Personalized Homepage, Course Profiles, Calendar, Online Homework Dropboxes, Create Assignments and Events, Create Tests and Quizzes, Online Gradebook and Attendance, Track Student Usage and Course Analytics, User Connections (Professional Networks), Messaging, Customizable Notifications, Announcements, Discussions, Group Workspaces (Collaboration), and more...

Self-Selected Homework in Second Grade - 0 views


started by skaufman88 on 26 Jan 17 no follow-up yet

The Homework Zone - 0 views

    TheHomeworkZone provides teachers with a free classroom web site that can be used to post assignments, test dates, study guides, printable worksheets, events, announcements, and custom web pages to the internet.
Araceli Matos

Factmonster - 0 views

shared by Araceli Matos on 12 Nov 11 - Cached
    From Information Please, this website helps young students with research. Categories include people, science, sports, math, games and quizzes, and more.
    This is a kid friendly site. It is a multi - subject site that students can gather information or play learning games. The subjects include world news, U.S., people, sports, math and money, science and a homework helper. There was information on how to write a biography under the people subject.
Meghan Starling

Resisting Technology Is Soooo 20th Century - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 0 views

  • If you believe that technology is a distraction and not a way to enhance educational practices, you're probably not using it correctly.
  • When we were kids, did we leave school every day thinking that we had to go home and do research. Homework was something that got in the way of our play. We wanted to go outside and play games or stay inside and play video games. As we grew older we wanted to connect with our friends by playing sports or talking on the phone. Suddenly, we became adults and expect all students to want to go home and do research.
  • Our job as educators is to build a bridge between what they use it for and what we want them to use it for.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The reality is that it plays an important part in our lives and keeps us connected. We live busy lives so having multiple ways to connect with people is a strength and not a weakness. It's how we communicate that matters. Teaching students about the benefits and the pitfalls is important.
  • Being the barrier because it doesn't coincide with your views isn't helping anyone
    A great read about technology integration in the classroom and using technology in general.
Melissa Asmus

StudyZone on Yahoo! Kids - 0 views

    This section of Yahoo! Kids provides homework help, videos, resources, and a dictionary & thesaurus to help kids learn and locate information. The site is very child friendly.

Technology Integration Lesson Plan - YouTube - 0 views

shared by melsmithucf on 08 Sep 16 - No Cached
    • melsmithucf
      Technology in lesson planning - - allows students and teachers to create avatars for lessons, projects, and homework. Teachers have common core lesson plan opportunities in Math, ELA, Social Studies, and Science - Looks FUN!

Flipped Classroom - 0 views

    This is a great video on the basics of Flipped Classrooms. Assigning lecture time for homework, leaving class time for more one-on-one attention.
Tonga Ramseur

Chemistry - Periodic Table, Chemistry Projects, and Chemistry Homework Help - 0 views

    Great site for chemistry teachers, has great information for teachers in general.
Muneer Salem

Math Help ,algebra, study skills, homework help, mathpower - 0 views

    This Website helps to learn and practice basic math functions including algebra, problem resolution skills, as well as methods of teaching students who feel frustrated with math. I think that this site provides enough information to learn and develop the skills of students in mathematics. Students can learn through private lessons individual or through a collective use of videos and with a forum for discussion with the experts.
Courtney MacLaren

ClassDojo - 0 views

    Students are able to go back in and recreate their avatars (which are little monsters). You can give points for participation, teamwork, working hard, being on task, etc... and take away points for being disrespectful, not doing homework, etc. A useful tool that is both a website and an app. Currently free to use - but if you're not already signed up, they are going to start charging for it next school year (I suggest sign up!).

Cell Phones in the Classroom - 0 views

    Author:By Liz Kolb, description: This book illustrates how teachers and administrators use cell phones for classroom projects, homework assignments, and communication with parents., Category: Paperback Books, Length:

Technology Tools for Teachers - 0 views

    Take classroom discussions online, where some students might feel freer and more comfortable in some ways to ask questions and respond to each other, and where there's no bell to end the discussion period. (Blog posts can even be made into a homework assignment - as an online journal of sorts - or part of a class participation requirement.)

BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math,... - 2 views

    "'Animated Educational Video Clips"
  • ...3 more comments...
    Brynn thanks for sharing a great web site! I use this site throughout the school year with my class since it includes a variety of subjects. I have the ELL cluster for my grade level so I will definitely be using the ELL section often.
    Brain Pop is a wonderful website for all grades and ages. This website offers great games and interactive lesson activities in all content areas. Students really enjoy this website.
    Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for K-12 kids, aligned with state standards
    This is an animated site for kids. Sight contains information in all subject areas. There is a fee to use all of the site but they provide some free material as well. I like the clear explanations they have on the topics.
    An awesome website for elementary students! The videos can also be added to Nearpod lessons and viewed with headsets.
Bridget Abrams

Things to know about flipped classrooms - 0 views

    I love the idea of a flipped classroom! Preview video for homework, come to school ready to complete hands-on activities and projects.
Roxanne Goodling

100+ Google Tricks for Teachers | TeachHUB - 0 views

    It's Google's world, we're just teaching in it. Now, we can use it a little more easily. With classes, homework, and projects-not to mention your social life-time is truly at a premium for all teachers, so why not take advantage of the wide world that Google has to offer?
Tiffany Timmer

BrainPOP Jr. - K-3 Educational Movies, Quizzes, Lessons, and More! - 1 views

shared by Tiffany Timmer on 06 Sep 11 - Cached
statpat liked it
    This is the K-3 version of Brain POP. It has tons of short animated videos on almost every topic that should be taught according to many curriculums. I know that every topic I teach in social studies and science has a video on this website. The students LOVE it.
    Provides educational movies for K-3 students. Homework Help, leveled quizzes, games and activities for kids. Exceptional resource for teachers and homeschools.
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