I found this on AOL, It's a red talk about this machine they found that like. takes these pictures/videos from conception to birth and they track a baby and it's just really really really amazing. you go science :3
i found this cute little blog spot page that has an entry about logos and interesting thing about them and where they came from and how they were made and little clues in them.
i found a website and it had good tutorials on how to do Ai. You can search ones and they have everything from letters to art to grphic stuff.
It's pretty cool. :D
I know some kids have a had time with photoshop, this is like. a really dumbed down version. It was a lot easier to do. if you have trouble. practice on it :D
I tryed to serch sexualeducation, nothing.. good. Pro choice, Fighting. I ty\ryed to find this really good Comic Books and feminism but i could not refind it. I found the woman who did the Vag. Mono. And she was reallly good, but it was reacy and I was like.. eh. So this I thought was really funny. :3