Our Cool School: "I PICK" - 0 views
Shanahan on Literacy: Do I Teach Fluency to English Language Learners? - 1 views
LendMeYourLiteracy | Inspiring Young Writers -LendMeYourLiteracy | Inspiring Young Writ... - 1 views
And how much of their leisure time to do they spend reading nonfiction? Less than 4 minutes a day.
Even in classrooms, nonfiction appears to be in short supply
just 9.8 percent of texts in classroom libraries. The mean number of informational books per child was just 1.2 in low-income districts and a still relatively paltry 3.3 in high-income districts.
- ...5 more annotations...
Unite for Literacy Library - 0 views
I am so excited to find this site with bilingual spoken books in 18 languages! http://t.co/Wlyo0osuo9 #ELLchat #edchat
Language Magazine » Cutting to the Common Core: Making Vocabulary Number One - 0 views
Cutting to the Common Core: Making Vocabulary Number One. Dr. Kate Kinsella. I am just LOVING @langmag!! http://t.co/FKDpefAf1V #K12EL #ELL
Education Week Teacher: Using Games in the ELL Classroom, Part I - 0 views
R.I.P. Round Robin: 19 Reasons Why It Is Not a Best Practice - Hello Literacy - 1 views
Drama in ELT - 4 views
Here are some articles I found on using drama in the EL classroom: The Educational Potential of Drama for ESL - http://www.european-mediaculture.org/fileadmin/bibliothek/english/dodson_dram...
I Teach Dual Language: The Guided Reading Dilemma - 1 views
Co-Teaching: A Look-Back, a Look-Ahead, and the Look-Fors - 2 views
I Teach Dual Language: My big fat (WRITING) secret! - 2 views
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