Contents contributed and discussions participated by Caroline Bucky-Beaver
World Problem Solvers Agency - 16 views
Speaking of History........: Podcast #184 - Creating "Common Craft" Type Videos about H... - 5 views
DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms - 22 views
“Turbo-Charged Wikis: Technology Embraces Cooperative Learning”
A wiki-based project should not be the first time students work together. Collaborative projects work well, but only if an environment of cooperation already exists.
assignment of the project must possess two qualities. First, it must be an authentic problem or situation which must be solved collaboratively. Second, the final product must be utilized by another audience, preferably classmates to advance the learning of the entire class. In other words, the wiki cannot result in an assignment that is merely "turned in." Also teachers need to remember that the wiki is only the tool to enhance learning; the problem solving is what drives the project.
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100 Awesome, Free Web Tools for Elementary Teachers | Smart Teaching - 37 views
The Internet can be a scary place for elementary teachers. On one hand, you want to share the Internet as a wonderful tool with your students, but on the other, you worry about safety and helping them find the most useful resources without getting lost on the information superhighway. Because of this, we've put together a listing of some of the best sites for elementary teachers and students online, plus a few tools to help you keep everything together.