Martin Burrett
Y5/6 Teacher on Mersea Island, Colchester - Sharing ICT & other School resources on twitter & my websites http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com. Twitter @ICTmagic
member since 2011-08-12
member since 2008-03-24
Yuly Asencion
I am a Spanish teacher interested in the use of technology in the class, writing and reading, and assessment.
member since 2009-09-13
Dianne Rees
Dianne Rees is a writer and instructional designer at Atomic Meme (http://www.atomicmeme.com).
member since 2010-06-24
Joao Alves
I am a German (DaF) and English (EFL) teacher at a secondary school in Portugal. I love technology but I'm also keen on literature, photography and everything that is aesthetically interesting and holds in it an aesthetic pleasure.
member since 2008-04-01
member since 2010-01-01
member since 2009-07-17
member since 2008-03-24
member since 2008-06-06
member since 2011-10-24
Maria Perifanou
ICT researcher, lecturer in Italian & PhD in Applied Linguistics at University of Athens, Department of Italian Studies. Research Interests; Web 2.0, Microblogging, MOOCs, MOOLCs, PLEs, CALL,TEL, Mobile learning, WebQuests, Blended learning, Collaborative Learning, VET, Life Long Learning, Adult...
member since 2008-08-20
member since 2008-07-26
Jennifer Garcia
I am a Canadian teacher who has been working in El Salvador since 1994. I currently teach ICT as well as run the new Learning Resources Centre. Our staff and students have taken to web 2.0 in a big way and we hope to continue expanding our digital toolboxes.
member since 2009-10-24
member since 2010-05-30
member since 2008-09-30
member since 2010-04-10
member since 2009-01-05
Glenn Hoyle
I am a distance learning / e-learning professional. I have been working in Higher Education for the past 4 years. Prior to that I workedd with a variety of non-profit and corporate e-learning venues.
member since 2009-03-30
Dennis OConnor
I am the Chief Learning Officer for Precision Healthcare Ecosystem. Vision – a world of people empowered to realize optimal health. Mission – to transform healthcare by amplifying patient and community voices through data-informed processes toward a collaborative care model.
member since 2011-01-09
Group Members
3692 members total, 69 receiving alerts immediately, 2027 receiving alerts daily, and 666 receiving alerts weekly.